KU vs Children of the Corn Game Thread
@globaljaybird as opposed to
Yea and held with no charges???
@Crimsonorblue22 The real Mc Coys !!
@stoptheflop I use ESPN usually
I digress this current KU team has that magical aura of greatness. They play such solid defense and score at will it seems. It is truly pick your poison, because somebody on KU’s team is going off.
@kjayhawks Best site for live stats:
I hate they keep saying this!
@tundrahok Thanks.
Dok’s free throws look better
Dg’s moms in town
@RockChalkinTexas I know very little at all abt Maxwell, but LL is smart & savvy in Self ball & is quick to help the younger guys any way he can. If only LL had a quicker first step, he would end a lot of the negative comments we hear about him.
Great moves by Dok also
Poor doke is so young!
Vick still got some learning to do but hes a young fella
@globaljaybird Lucas does learn. He’s been keeping the ball high, not bringing it down to his waist before shooting, like we were complaining about earlier in the year.
@tundrahok sweet move there!
Our bigs are playing solid - and not fouling!
@Crimsonorblue22 You’re a minute ahead of me. Nice!
Lucaaaaaaaaaas 5/5 in ten minutes of play. He’s back. ( I hope )
Pick up the pace fellas!
@stoptheflop don’t doubt!
@HawkChamp this game is not about the refs! Minus the big ass foul on Mason!
@tundrahok That’s a hard habit to break & lots of the kids have done it for so many years they have confidence that it is a good move when in truth it negates the height advantage & makes a 5’11’ guy as defensively potent as a 6’11" guy. Tough, tough habit to change.
Missing FTs seems to be contagious for the guys - 2 straight by Mason. This will come back to bit us at some point, I’m afraid…
@HawkChamp I agree champ but Neb not an MSU or ISU either.
Wow Mason!
ISU has nothing inside.
Was that a goal tend?
It was called one…
@Crimsonorblue22 Called, but NO
@BShark duh!
Uh oh
Coach Self does not like that…
Teachable moment there
Great focus this half (sarcasm)
Rebound Dangit.
@JayHawkFanToo As well he shouldn’t… Playing very casually. Should be up by 30 at this point.
Rest of this game better be played hard
@JayHawkFanToo Often wondered how many laps a muffed dunk off the backboard costs those guys. Ouch…
Time to clean up the play, fellas.
Yeah. Svi should have just laid that in or dunk himself or passed normally to Josh. Anything but what he did really.
Coaches don’t like it but your teammates love it…
It aint a playground boys pick it up
Announcer just said we’ve had trouble closing games out this year? Really?
There seems to be a natural tendency to relax when up big. Even the '08 team did it.
Late show up. Who’s playing well today? Who sucks? Who soaked up Bragg’s minutes?
@wissox not really been a problem this year