KU vs Russia - chat here
Odd lineup
@BeddieKU23 working
I like the pace
I like Vick
Vick that was awesome
@Crimsonorblue22 definitely
@VailHawk faster the better for us!
I’m dead tired
Love the way Vick gets better every game
You need nugenix!
@VailHawk I do?
Mari trying to do too much
Vick the stick!
3’s killing us and water
Well that lead went away in 10 seconds
All started with their pg linebacking mason to th floor
Was just responding to your dead tired comment!
Selden come on
My lovely wife just came down, gave me a WTF look and went back up to bed.
No dedication
@VailHawk what is it?
Wow what a bad call
Ll is to obvious!
Selden needs to work on handles!
Some silly product advertised at every commercial break here!
We get the dry end of the court in the second half.
I’m impressed how well we turned out here! Good jobs Jayhawk fans
@VailHawk I’m realllllly slow!!!
My wife said “what are you doing?”
I said “watching the Jayhawks!”
She said “won’t you be tired?”
I said “probably”
Moore in foul trouble?
Another phantom call to end the half up 42-39
I think his defense was so bad Self just stayed w Vick
@VailHawk I would have just recorded the game, but I don’t trust my wife to not look up the score while I’m watching it later and be all smug about knowing who won.
@VailHawk Ellis cold to start?
@Crimsonorblue22 Ellis had a jam off the opening tip, then missed the next 4 or 5 shots for KUSA.
Looks like they r mainly hitting 3’s??
Luke warm
@Crimsonorblue22 and in the corners. We got to guard better.
My wife graduated from Indiana so there is built in tension/jealousy from her side!
@jaybate-1.0 Sorry chief, but I’m located down in da bayou. Louisiana.
Perry has 14.
Ellis has 14 at the half
@brooksmd is Jaybate here? Or u having a dream?
I’ve decided I really want to win this game!!!
Should have over 20
@VailHawk More than ever to stick it to Putin.
@VailHawk nice decision! I’d b pissed if we lost!!! At this hour
Did Hunter start out good?
@Crimsonorblue22 No, saw where he made me eastern boss or something and was just letting him know I ain’t in the east.