KU vs Russia - chat here
Bragg not there yet.
@Crimsonorblue22 I try to get to a game or two a year at AFH.
the russian coach…wasn’t he a villian in a james bond movie?
@brooksmd do u have peddle pusher pants like them?
@DanR I have an extra ticket once in awhile. Top row though
Moore’s shooting is killing us
Nic Moore is allegedly a good shooter
Please, no moore.
@VailHawk again
Way to go, Wayne~
Ellis needs to not take the big dude all the way in
You guys ahead of me on broadcast
Light here too
Love the to’s
Big 3
Wayne looks like he could just go get a bucket whenever he wants.
Moore all is forgiven!
Thank god, Moore finally hit one.
Perry smooth
Then he got beat on D
Perry saved that move for just the right time
These refs are kids of 72 Olympic refs
I’ll give the announcers some credit for pronouncing the russian players’ names with confidence. Have no idea how accurate they are though.
I hate that call
Missed throws
so, who has been the star for us?
Perry Perry
Oh my!!!
Sweet drive and beating the big guy by Selden.
Worth getting up early just to see that jam by Selden
I like these Memphis free throws
I see defeat in the Russian player’s eyes.
@RockChalkinTexas You find another computer to chat on?
Five posts in a row nbd
wayne is limping…geez…
@KUSTEVE I think he caught a knee
Get a bucket!
Lucas is gonna get a moving screen call soon
@brooksmd yes, the one my boss bought me I cranked up and trying not to wake the hubby
Thank u!