New Mexico St vs Kansas Chat
@Bwag Svi!
Is he worried we might blow this lead?
There was our never pass under their basket moment
@Crimsonorblue22 Like to see Hunter come in and disrupt the flow (in a positive way).
@Bwag yeah hm
@Bwag Was a little weak on the loose ball but a block there. Like it.
Love Frank, but he picks up his dribble in bad spots on the court way too often…
Mick Gits er done !!
@globaljaybird dang wanted to see him dunk it there!
Put in Svii! Rest FM and WS the last few ticks!
@Crimsonorblue22 Mick has hops-I think he can ball
(heart) this team. You know that was to be a real heart
Use :
Well dang!
Like the substitutions to close out the game. Manage the tournament. Build confidence in the whole team.
I hate the wsu
Nice pass
I was wanting Christian to put that up
I’m happy!!!
Back to work!
Rock Chalk!!!
@Kip_McSmithers Jayhawk!
that was fun
@Crimsonorblue22 That WSU hat was dorky as the cheese head
Come on Big12 brethren. Keep it going!
2 seed playing like a 2 seed, B12 champ playing like a B12 champ. Next.
@RockChalkinTexas u got it!
I prefer KU wins
@Statmachine yes!
@Crimsonorblue22 Good If Mama ain’t happy then nobody’s happy !!
@Bwag you or team?
Okay. That makes the pressure for today and tomorrow off. Now relax and enjoy til Sunday. :). Rock Chalk!
We needed a solid W today and we got it! Thank the Lort
Brooks where r u!!
@cragarhawk do u have 2 kids? I know ones a girl. They love KU as much as u?
Calling his cable provider. Cussing them.
@Crimsonorblue22 having a shot?
@Kip_McSmithers I have mine listed as a naughty word in my phone. Cox is my carrier, can u guess?
Assholes… jk
No, like a lolipop
I know, I was being facetious