Championship game, Rock Chalk day! ❤️🏀💙
In order not to mix up the Bad Ball topic, I am switching the seeding discussion here.
I think today is crucial to win to secure our 2 Seed as Maryland and Notre Dame can displace us if we lose and they win.
Today is the day to get Lucas battle ready. I think we need to protect Ellis and we are going to need extra bodies to bang in the big dance.
And, I would like to see the same D from Team again. Bad Ball and Good D are good Blood Pressure medication.
You are my all-time fav!
All we need to do is show our guys the B12 championship game from last year.
Anyone want the same result?
Landen AND Hunter!
Landen has offense… but Hunter has defense!
@drgnslayr Ellis, Seldon, Mason, Oubre, Lucas, Greene, Jamari, Devonte, and Hunter (total of 9, I think UK also has 9 currently) will be enough for us to make a deep run!
I think Lucas and Hunter need 4 to 5 more games before they are as ready as the UK 9.
@Crimsonorblue22 KU has a 2 seed in the NCAA’s regardless of what happens today, it just might give them a higher 2 seed with a win. Today’s game is a bit of revenge with some icing on top if KU wins it.
UK 9 = 2x Harrison, Booker, Towns, Cauley-Stein, Lyles, Johnson, Ulis and Lee.
When Hunter can average 10-12 minutes a game for the next 4 to 5 games, he would be playing Marcus Lee type of minutes.
@Shanghai_RCJH Svi!
@Crimsonorblue22 I would love to have him, but minutes wise, he can’t be included for the Battle Ready Project yet.
another good illustration… we get to the FF hawks merchandise could get hot!
and just for the record… looking back at the seasons… I like Oubre’s performance as a Jayhawk over Wiggins
@FarSideHawk simply awesome!!
I’d like to see Kelly really burn the clowns today.
Similar to what he did to TCU. Drive, drive, drive… foul, foul, foul… free throw… free throw… free throw…
@Jyhwk_InTigrtwn I’m still a wiggins fan over oubre. But, close. I think oubre depends on his long arms and doesn’t move his feet as well on ball. He does that and he can be as good of defender as wiggs. Wigs is guarding the greats of the nba and has earned their respect. I do love them both. I think oubre can get better w/another year, work on strength and rt hand. Wonder if his dad is still standing by his wanting him to get an education? Doubt it.
I luv’em both. But I now prefer Kelly because he has done his thing while keeping us a team. Wigs (even though not all his fault) made it about him.
@drgnslayr I’m not arguing about that w/you! For example, Kelly’s game against TCU, take it to the hole, exactly what we needed! But when wigs did it, he was a ball hog. Check out the assists. I’m done.
Just what I was going to say. Love them both, but it sometimes seemed wigs was holding something back as a hawk. He’s probably the better baller, and holding his own with the big boys, but as a jayhawk, I like oubre better.
Espn guys picked us, all of them! Jay said if Self wins this they should put 2 statues up of him. Finally getting respect!
I tell you what. ISU is here because:
Texas choked away a 10 point lead with less than three minutes left.
Texas decided not to call a TO and instead hoisted up an awful 3 with about 9 seconds left setting up ISU’s game winner.
OU can’t make the highest percentage shot in basketball, an unguarded layin, to tie them at the buzzer and forcing OT.
ISU is out of miracles We won’t up late game winners anymore.
@wissoxfan83 you are exactly right!
@drgnslayr Agree. I wondered if Wigs was instructed to get through the year without injury. Seeing what I see Wigs do now, believe he didn’t give 100% playing at KU - was he was listening to his dad or Self? Wish him do well as a Jayhawk, nevertheless.
That’s why I said “even though not all his fault”… I don’t know if it was how Self treated Wigs… or the media. But we were not a team last year. We were Wigs, Embiid and company.
I think the guys should have called their own team meeting and straightened that part out, because when Wigs had the ball, the others just stood there and watched.
I think Wigs is a great guy, and he doesn’t desire to be a ball hog. It’s just the way it turned out that it fragmented the team concept. If I was going to point fingers, I guess it would be at Self for not correcting that.
Maybe I should have said… “though not his fault!”
Don’t forget… I was the Head Wig of Wiggymania!
Your post illustrated why we’ve won 11 straight conference championships. Most teams in our conference don’t know how to win. They stumble in to them sometimes.
ISU is the closest team that understands the concept of winning. The Mayor is legit. Just a matter of time before he is nailing 5-star recruits.
Barnes and Drew could choke on a feather.
Kruger is close to figuring it out but just needs to recruit some depth. Good coach.
Huggy… well… Huggy is Huggy. He brings toughness and a bit of redneck to our conference. I hope he never leaves the B12 because we need the toughness.
Weber. He should hire a recruiter. Not a bad game coach, but he can’t recruit to save his life.
Coach has said Landen’s body is beat up. Not counting on him for today but anything he gives is gravy. Yesterday it was Wayne’s World. Is today for Mason and his marauders? Now that we have gotten to the championship, Coach is going to go “balls to the walls” and whip out some schemes he has been holding back on.
Well I think we have to be happy we made the finals without Ellis the first game and him getting the rust off yesterday.
It’s going to take a superior shooting performance to beat Iowa St. its that simple. We will have to continue to work out of that 3 ball shooting slump.
Bad ball won’t do it today, we won’t be able to muddy the game up like we have because we don’t matchup well with them. Niang always seems to have his career game, Hogue always finds himself open for 3’s.
I hope these guys remember transition defense was the key to beating them in Lawrence and will be just as importance today. So I don’t expect we will get many offensive boards if we miss a lot of shots.
Mason, Oubre, Selden are all going to have to hit double figure points. Ellis will need his 14-16 points as well.
I’m going to believe we can win this game because yesterday showed me that they have the toughness. We owe the crap clones from last year so hopefully Self gets these guys up on the revenge factor
We should definitely give Hunter some more minutes. I really like his ability to block and alter shots in the lane. Lucas needs some rest…
@drgnslayr so… If you are a coach of the #1 and 3 nba draft pics, you don’t ride those studs? Kinda like Self is riding our stud oubre, when he’s on. And, has oubre always given us his best, from game one? But yet, you would take oubre over wigs? Rubio said wigs, w/all his talent is so humble and unselfish. Seems the wolves appreciate our KU star and exemplary kid!
@Crimsonorblue22 Today will known as the day of the Red Fury, where Hunter plays a large role in our championship.
@BeddieKU23 And he sripped that ball away from Rico.
I think he’s done plenty to solidify playing time from now on. I can’t believe it took injuries to give him a real chance, Hunter seems to have a confidence in himselves
@BeddieKU23 he just handles himself so much better in the post. He blocks shots, he makes steals, he defends, when he gets a rebound, it’s with an authority we don’t get with Landen. Love the kid. He has somewhat of a pissed off look when he hits the court that I absolutely love.
So who starts today? Ellis usually takes Niang, who is on the floppy hair dude? Who can keep up w/him?
**Karma is a beotch…**OU scored in an improbable play to avoid OT and beat KU and missed an easy play to avoid OT and lose to ISU. What goes around, comes around. Hopefully KU has had its share of misfortunes for the season and it is good luck from here on.
Don’t you think the clowns have played 2 harder games than us, having to come back in both? I tend to think we haven’t had to exert as much energy as they have and fatigue could be a problem for them. Whoever has to guard Monte needs to stay on him like flies on sh#@.
@Crimsonorblue22 Get him in foul trouble right off the bat.
KU’s defense is working on all cylinder now and if they can hold ISU 3 point shooting to a low level, the key will be containing McKay. He might not be the best player or the star of the team but, much like Mason at KU, he is the team’s MVP…he is the Conference Defensive Player of the Year for a reason. If McKay is neutralized, the inside advantage shifts to KU. I would say drive inside and get him in foul trouble early.
@RockChalkinTexas agree!
@JayHawkFanToo who do you put on him? I don’t think he likes being pushed around, don’t think Lucas can keep up. Do you? Hope I’m wrong!
@JayHawkFanToo espn said not to switch channels on our game, 'cause of ISU coming back their last 4 games, same thing could be said of us.
that doesn’t happen though!!!
Are you talking about McKay? I would start with Traylor who has the speed to keep up with him, but neutralize him by drawing fouls on him. Oubre definitely has the athleticism to go against him and either score or draw the foul…or both.
@Crimsonorblue22 If they play small to counter ISU, I wonder how Oubre would do on floppy hair…
@JayHawkFanToo Great minds.
I love your sign? Is this just a picture or something you have at home? I will see if I can Photoshop just the sign, print it and hang it on the front door for my game time guest to see.
@ajvan so who is your starting 5? Ellis, oubre(on McKay) Selden, frank and ?
We do need to watch fouls on oubre, need a lot of minutes from him!
@JayHawkFanToo Speaking of luck, MR. POM POM has had a sudden epiphany about KU’s defense. Mr. bookcooker has now changed his tune…
MR. POM POM…I like that. Of course he still ranks KU and other conference teams lower than most.
@JayHawkFanToo Don’t get the trashing of Pomeroy. He doesn’t “rank” teams - he just plugs data after every game into an algorithm. You may not like his formula, but I would encourage anyone to look at the tempo “rankings” over the past decade. It strikes me that offensive and defensive efficiency as calculated by him have been remarkably well correlated with the best teams during that period - both season long and tournament results. A couple of exceptions, but for the most part, defensive efficiency - and KU has been in the top ten almost every year (NOT last year, and just sneaked in this year due to the Baylor results) - have been highly indicative of the best teams, more so than offensive efficiency.
I loved Wigs… even though Self didn’t properly utilize him. He should have been instructed WHEN to take it to the rack and WHEN to pull up for the easy mid range J.
I just like Kelly and the impact he has on the rest of the guys. He’s not counted on as our closer, so everyone else has to continue to hustle.
The problem we had last year was not Wigs… it was everyone else! They played super soft (and usually became spectators) because they expected Wigs to carry the load.
Very different chemistry with Kelly. He flows right in with the rest of our guys.
None of this was Wigs fault. Most of it was the media hype. It started with the SI cover. Put the spot light on HIM and not Kansas! The spot light should have been on Kansas having both Wigs and Embiid.
“Are you talking about McKay? I would start with Traylor who has the speed to keep up with him, but neutralize him by drawing fouls on him. Oubre definitely has the athleticism to go against him and either score or draw the foul…or both”