KU vs Texas chat here....
Tech wishing it had more time outs…
ISU desperation shots keeping them in the game…
Refs hand ISU a gift…
Free throws
Flop by the girl
Never throw the ball there!
Niang, what did u say about winning the big 12?
Rushing the court!!!
@Crimsonorblue22 McKay totally flopped. He almost had a smirk or a grin on his face afterward. I hate that rule.
@JayHawkFanToo someone tweeted kenpom probably had TT picked to win big 12 now!
@Hawk8086 you mean she?
You know he thinks that losing a close game is more valuable than winning close one; Al Gore of course disagrees…and George “Dubya” is ROTFLHAO
You might need to fix this. It’s the hustle play of mari
Ask and you shall receive…or better yet…
@JayHawkFanToo as alway, helping me out! Thx!
No prob, sis…
@JayHawkFanToo someone said Texas would have to be buffing out the Mari dents in the floor.
Rock Chalk Bucketeers!!! Appreciate the concern but son showed up at half so we all had lunch and chatted for awhile. I could hear the little beeps on the puter and really wanted to slip off to see what was going on. So after he left I fired up the TIVO and what an effort for the second half. I hope this one is the one that shows these kids what it takes to get #11. Fantastic double digit win on the road against a big Texas team. Now excuse me while I sip on the first of two shots of Crown 75th.
Bottoms up?..or maybe better just sip it slowly and savor it. much like the game earlier.
@JayHawkFanToo Rock Chalk that. What an effort. An effort I’d put money on that would’ve been a W at ISU.
@Crimsonorblue22 @JayHawkFanToo If that block by JamTray doesn’t make ESPN Top 10 tonite I’ll be po’d. Should be in the top 5. Great hustle.
@brooksmd out of here for awhile, keep me posted!
I’m still in awe over the Jamari hustle play. The block alone should make every top 10 list there is!
@wissoxfan83 that’s what he does! Need I say more?
Hey where did everyone go?
@Crimsonorblue22 yer slot if crown eve beeter then furst won… hic…
@brooksmd Y’all right ole fella? Don’t forget church in the mornin’.
@globaljaybird Yeah. I told Crimson if the Hawks pulled this one off I’d have one for her too. lol Man what a game and performance by the Hawks. How was the movie?
@brooksmd Excellent brooks, just excellent. Ya gotta see it. Eastwood directed one helluva flick. I liked the hell outta Gran Torino & this one even more. Oscar time in my book, maybe for he & Cooper both. War scenes are super intense & home scenes are just as great with a little timely humor & good one liners filling in blanks in quite dramatic & personal interactions between Kyle, his wife, & others. Don’t want to give up too much but the end is sad, as you may assume. Let’s just say I’d give it a +1000 HOOYAHS !! But you know I’m a SEAL guy anyway…
@globaljaybird I may have to sneak off and see it this week. Normally I hate spending the outlandish prices of theaters and wait on dvd. But some like Lone Survivor and Sniper I pay money for. Well did you at least record the rest of the game and watch it after you got home?
@brooksmd Lone Survivor with Mark Walberg. That was a really really good movie. Stayed fairly close to the book too. Man, what those guys go through. Its literally insane. Havent seen Sniper yet but I plan on it.
You 4 guests lurking in the background should sign in and join us.
@Lulufulu Yeah you’re right. I read the book too before seeing the movie. Thank God we have guys like that on our side.
@brooksmd Is a bullfrog waterproof? Hell yeah !! Jake & I watched it during bean time & I had it on fox gametrax while in the flick. 3 flippin TO’s? Are you kiddin me? These guys were hustling their a$$$es off today. Don’t know if they’ve got the firepower to take UK, but they sure have the balls. JMO
@globaljaybird lol bullfrog. They left no doubt that the road to the psuedo-Big 12 Championship still runs through Lawrence. I guess I have to eat crow for my second post about JamTray starting over Cliff. What hustle he showed late in the first half. Guarantee a rematch with UK would have a different outcome. Not saying a win but UK would know they’d been in a fight.
@brooksmd I ordered 2 books from amazon just last week & one arrived yesterday but Sniper is not here yet. Have also read SEAL of Honor also & there will be a movie made of Murphy’s story as well. In fact I’ve read 7-8 of the SEAL series books in the past half dozen years., & enjoy that a lot during the winter months.
lol Bellichick got his dancing shoes on and blaming everybody but the Pats for pressure gate. Solution is NFL providing balls.
Figures. Looks like ESPN gonna show everybody including NAIA game ending before Hawks.
@brooksmd have so crow w/that crown, making light of the guy that lived in a car in Chicago! Today has been a great day!! I could not be an happier w/game, then I go to a movie this evening and the guy said my ticket was free! Should have bought a lotto ticket. Watching my other man, TRob play now. Global, did you watch the game? Everyone contributed!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Yuck. Crow and Crown. Hawks keep this up I’m gonna have to break into the piggy bank and get another bottle. Wonder if HCBS will reimburse me. Global said he recorded it and watched when he got home from the movie. How you get a free movie ticket?
@brooksmd guy at ticket booth just said he had it. Lucky day!!
Here’s that guy that made himself look really silly!!! Too bad for him it didn’t work out!
@brooksmd brooks did you have my shot?
Hawks keep it up I’ll have to buy a new bottle soon. And it’s expensive that’s why I only have it for special circumtances.
@brooksmd I think it’s the first of many special occasions! Save your money!
Frickin’ ESPN only showed about half of that JamTray sequence. Spent more time on NHL skills competition.
@brooksmd I know! They also called him Taylor.
@Crimsonorblue22 If you think I’m gonna have 11 shots when they win #11 the answer is NO.
@brooksmd ha ha, you would be dead, and a little costly. You could spread it out!
@Crimsonorblue22 That’s a possibility if they clinch it with 4-5 games left.