The Genius Forges an Inside Out/Outside In Team/Yes, KU Barring Injury, Will Win Conference with One Loss
Inside out has threes, too.
The threes come on kickouts.
But they only come AFTER the ball goes inside…after the high low set is established on the low blocks and back to the basket is tried.
The key was that Self was determined to play the inside out game the second half.
Making some of those treys early would have made the whole second half sooooooo much easier, but it would not have changed Self’s will to see the team learn to play inside out.
One way or another he was going to will the team through its inferiority complex about playing inside out.
About damned time they started picking up on what JNew has been doing in real time, not just his QA. It is the multi-modal interactivity that he is doing that is new that I have been harping for persons inside and outside the media to recognize.
We are in the interactive age whether others like it or not.
We are no longer in the Guttenberg one way printing press era anymore.
The key is NOT that we can all post our thoughts and broadcast them; that misses the point entirely.
The key is the interactivity of ALL our thoughts; this is what is new–the synergy a nonlinear increase in connected thinking.
Trust me, Self will kill off nothing. He is developing a fitting approach to use all his weapons.
He is a hunter collecting the various kinds of arrows he needs for various kinds of game he will run into over the course of a season.
@jaybate-1.0 is there a shot chart out for this game? Be interesting to see it broke down in halves.
Yep, still mighty congested. I only have the strength left to read about the role of agents, agent runners and summer leaguers in the greatest game ever invented. What have you got for me on them? Any thing that will draw what they are up to into the light of day?
@jaybate-1.0 I did read a sad article on Korleone Young, from Wichita. What a waste of talent!!
Great question. Very interesting. Ask JNew. He is the king of QA interactivity right now. I asked him previously. Maybe you ask him this time. He needs clicks on his sight to keep doing the good stuff that he is doing. Don’t hesitiate to support him with clicks and questions.
Yes, I recall things did not break well for him way back. Haven’t heard about him lately. Every player needs good people on his side giving good advice, and good luck.
Thx. Cough, cough.
@jaybate-1.0 don’t be spitting that crud up on me! Let me know what you think of the article. Rest, fluids, my mom always tells me to get the mucinex to help get that crud up. Rub some Vicks on your chest! You have a few days off til sat.
Thx, will do.
@jaybate-1.0 forgot, chicken noodle soup, lots of pepper.
@Crimsonorblue22 Assuming you just want KU, right? Here’s half 1 and 2:
That was an exaggeration, Coach Self did not break the LCD screen. the pounding simply made a small bottle siting on top of the table fall down. Those LCD screens have a super hard cover on them that will survive players crashing at full speed, a fist pounding by Coach Self is nothing.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
That was an exaggeration, Coach Self did not break the LCD screen. the pounding simply made a small bottle siting on top of the table fall down. Those LCD screens have a super hard cover on them that will survive players crashing at full speed, a fist pounding by Coach Self is nothing.
Clearly you underestimate the power of the fist of Self.
It is pure silliness the way it was reported…looked like a love tap to me.
@jaybate-1.0 ??? What game were you watching? Or maybe I just don’t get what point you’re trying to make…?
Perhaps you really do not understand which game I was watching. That is most unfortunate, since the post was written in the hope that anyone that made a good faith effort to understand it would be able to. I am stricken with a sense of having failed you. Hmm. What to do for you?
Ah, I’ve got it. You require a bit more specificity. To wit…
The alias @jaybate 1.0, witnessed virtually the KU-OU B12 conference game of Division I NCAA basketball that tipped off at 8:00PM EST, 19 January 2015 CE (that would be Common Era) on James Naismith Court (that’s the wood basketball floor KU plays on) in Allen Field House (that’s the building KU plays games inside) in Lawrence (that’s the town KU is apparently circumscribed by), Douglas County (that’s the county Lawrence is in), Kansas (that’s the state that Douglas County is in), 66044 (that’s the U.S. Postal Service zip code that Allen Field House is within), USA (that’s the constitutional republic that the state of Kansas also with a constitution and a bicameral legislature is in) at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 38.9553221 Longitude: -95.2529378
These coordinates are on the planet Earth, @KUinLA.
Earth is the third planet out from the Sun (the sun is the star at the center of our, well, at least, my solar system).
The Sun is a G2 main-sequence star that contains 99.86% of the solar system’s known mass and dominates it gravitationally. It is a massive object in a state of hydrogen fusion reaction that emits light (among other emissions) which have characteristics of both waves and particles. Note: never look directly at the sun, @KUinLA, but trust me it is always somewhere over your head in the day time.
This graphic may help you with visualization of which game I was watching by locating it within the inner and outer solar system.
(Reference: I got this from a wikipedia page at
Don’t worry about the Oort Cloud, or the orbit of Sedna. These are not essential points of reference to grasp which game I was watching.
Of course, the solar system is located in Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky Way Galaxy; and that would be in the known, reputedly expanding universe.
The known, reputedly expanding universe appears to cosmologists to be a subset of what is theorized (dissenters might argue hypothesized) to be an entire universe.
There is some debate about whether the entire universe is a one off deal, or one of several universes. Things get pretty speculative at this point, but that’s okay, because this ought to give a pretty unambiguous understanding of which game I was watching.
Regardless, this is the best I can do for you, @KUinLA.
If you still just can’t understand which game I was watching, I just don’t think I can help you see it.
Now, what game were you watching @KUinLA? Some interactive online game called: HOW AGENTS, AGENT RUNNERS AND SUMMER GAME COACHES SHAPE RECRUITING IN D1?
Just joking.
So: were we watching the same game?
@jaybate-1.0 Ahh, Brevity – the very soul of wit!
@jaybate-1.0 said:
Perhaps you really do not understand which game I was watching.
Is this Basketball ?? Ugh !! Ugh !! Maybe so … as the three images are ROUND and perhaps look a little bit like a round basketball … !
Come on, were we watching the same game or what?
I am pretty sure we were.
Also, Agents, agent runners, summer game coaches and juco cocaches–what do you think? What’s their role in recruiting? Are they anything for the NCAA and KU basketball to worry about?
Absolutely this was entirely about basketball.
@KUinLA wasn’t sure we watched the same game.
That HAD to be established beyond a reasonable doubt, before further discourse could be possible about the KU-OU game.
How about you @RedRooster? Do you think the NCAA and KU Basketball should be concerned about the role of agents, agent runners, summer game coaches and juco coaches with regard to what Rick Pitino reputedly remarked upon? And with regards to what reputedly happened to Norm Roberts at St. Johns possibly recurring at other places in college basketball?
S H O E S !
The tread that keeps the world in motion. It’s all about S H O E S !
We can live on little food, and sips of polluted waters. But we can’t live without our tread!
N I K E !
Imagine aliens landing on this planet in a million years. By then even our bones will turn to ash. So what will remain? Tread! That’s what will remain and that’s what they will find.
Perhaps they recreate our past, but we are no longer a player. They have determined that our tread remains were actually the living organism, and the remaining tread was our “bone structure” that survived a million years. They make some mock-ups and we are basically viewed as being only 4 inches tall, unless our lineage was from hightops!
Political party? Yeah… N I K E !
Give or take 6+ feet, my assessment is pretty accurate!
Imagine these aliens uncover AFH? What then? What’s this bird? He’s stomping all over the people. He must have his tread inside those clawed feet!
TO: Zeldar, research project director, paleo-humanology
FROM: Beldar, field researcher
EARTH DATA MINING SUMMARY: voice recording found in subterranean salt mine data storage installation under once inhabited paleo human city called Salina, KS. voice transmission sourced to paleo human life form from extinct subspecies–hom0 basketballis coacherator. Subject name: Rick Pitino. Subject assertion: paleo recruiting pool for ancient game of paleo basketball was shrunk for a time by some unexplained lower life forms called agents/agent runners/summer game coaches.
End of transmission.
You have just given a kind of concerning thought.
The Big Jayhawk at center court does have large SHOES!!!
Would Zenger, or anyone else dare sell the rights to the Jayhawks shoes to be repainted as a shoe brand!!!
I mean, what if KU were offered $10 Million for the Jayhawk’s shoes to be painted some shoe brand?
No other school really has a mascot with SHOES so prominently displayed and the mascot so prominently displayed at center court.
Having a shoe brand on the Jayhawk’s shoes would be like non stop advertising for 40 minutes of game time and probably another half hour or so of breaks.
Imagine what the might be worth?
Maybe it takes a bit of massaging to get the big wigs to grasp this.
May I suggest we start with pink shoes to promote cancer month. We can even give the old bird a new necklace. Kind of a subliminal message…
@jaybate-1.0 Im still worried about WVU at their place, Texas at their place, OU will want some pay back and Kstate is no pushover.
“Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” –Oedipus, after putting his eyes out
But howling!!!
You are right to be very concerned about all those you mention.
For some reason, WVU concerns me the most, even though I know they were recently blown out and have suspect shooters.
Every one of the teams you mention could tattoo us in their own places, if Kelly’s FT% and FG% keep trending down, or if when Frank hits his slump, which he really hasn’t had, or if Cliff gets handcuffed by opposing coaches before he can really get untracked.
But what I have been trying to point out is that KU’s real Achilles Heel–its lack of height inside, may not really be exposed in conference play the way it was in pre conference play. The Big 12, except for Texas, is about as short this year as KU, luckily for KU. And bottom line we probably do have more good players than other teams, and so we have to start thinking about this in terms of Texas and 8 other teams our size.
And if we get Perry, Cliff and Kelly playing well together, that means we can probably handle the 8 other teams home, or away, if our young players keep playing smarter on the road.
What I like so much about having played ISU early is that our freshmen and sophomores that have never been in D1 rotation combat before got to see road conditions as bad as they get in Ames. This means our young players no longer have to go through the shock of the new. They just have to learn to deal with the known.
Also, we have reason to think Cliff becoming a force inside will have a ripple effect with Perry and Kelly and Wayne. If Cliff were a threat inside, then the guys guard Perry, Kelly and Wayne would have to honor the pass fake inside, which would make it a lot easier for all three to take and make treys BEFORE the ball goes inside. This would allow us to play outside in more reliably.
I realize you are right; that it is very tough even for a seasoned KU team to go into the Octagon of Rheum and get a W. But if Cliff were to suddenly be able to bank with KSU’s big man, plus run him end to end, then I think the rest of our players are good enough to go in their and steal one.
But here is the thing: what I am saying hinges on Cliff having the wheels stay on. It hinges on Kelly putting his wheels BACK on. It hinges on Wayne breaking out of his slump. It hinges on Frank NOT going into his slump BEFORE Kelly and Cliff get it going. It hinges on Branden continuing to guard a little better each game and continuing to be a reliable shootist.
A month ago I was predicting a 9-10 loss season with probably five conference losses, a loss in the B12 tourney, and a loss in the Madness fairly early.
What I am really saying here is that for the first time this season, I have begun to see a way to getter done.
It is fraught with peril.
It would take incredibly effort by these guys based on having finally found themselves and strongly resenting how much sand they have had kicked in their faces.
But I can see the path.
And walking it has more now to do with becoming better at what we now are, rather than still searching for what we are.
Rock Chalk!!!
@jaybate-1.0 OMG…you didn’t…BUT…you did…a picture of the SOLAR SYSTEM… you’re killing me…I am busting a nut laughing…
Glad you could make it. @drgnslayr and I have been having a thoroughly irreverent late afternoon and early evening!!!
Also, don’t forget to take in “Still Life with Longhorn”!!!
It really made me feel good composing it.
@jaybate-1.0 will do…lol.
You guys are killing me!!!
SZ has already faxed (ksu grad) Nike, Adidas and Under Armour asking for their best and final bids for the branding of our countries most iconic mascot!!!
awesome thread! Hilarious!
@jaybate-1.0 ALL your points are very valid. I see the path too and it is nearing a legendary status. 11 in a row? Thats Coach Wooden type stuff there man. Even if KU does get bounced early in the tournament this year and it gets # 11. I say that is something to be extremely proud of. I think they can do it, even with a couple more eggs laid.
@drgnslayr Are you guys making a mascot for all 3 “petroshoeco” Nike, Adidas and UnderArmor? LOL! Thats funny Sh!!