Lets go 3-0 on the new season
Both bigs for them with 4. Foul them out
LOL, just a break from basketball. Travis Hunter said playing O and D in football is tougher than Ohtani pitching and batting in baseball.
@jay4ever said in Lets go 3-0 on the new season:
How hard is it to throw lobs inside to Flo
We haven’t ran that middle ball screen to big lob yet.
@BeddieKU23 said in Lets go 3-0 on the new season:
Both bigs for them with 4. Foul them out
Wow, I’m on radio feed, not sure if they mentioned that, but Toppin with 4 who was putting on a legendary performance today is pretty big.
Oh flory come on
Teams just foul us hard in the paint - It’s a strategy. They feel that’s a good trade.
But most games, officials haven’t been willing to call the fouls consistently. So that’s even better because they foul us hard and disrupt the shot and then we might or might not get to the line. Even if we do get to the line, not likely we get 2 points.
Put Hunt back in
Can’t make fts or layups
Hunters size making some difference today
Hunts hand is hurt
funny bone maybe…
oh shiii
Looks like Hunter legit got fouled huh? They should review it. Flagrant?
@BeddieKU23 Flory hurting us today horrible ft
There is no such thing as a flagrant foul against Hunter.
two blown 1 and 1’s is the difference
@wissox said in Lets go 3-0 on the new season:
Looks like Hunter legit got fouled huh? They should review it. Flagrant?
Hunter gets fouled a lot with no calls, penalty of being 7’2
that’s a foul - pushing while the player getting up - surprised the refs didn’t call that
That video was really bad. He was getting mauled.
Dam Mayo
Kid can’t dribble
Wake the fuck up Zeke
Getting pissed off again.
An absolute must to have Hunter today
The missed opportunities really hurts
Nice drive Rylo!
Defend the f 3s!!!
Dammit , getting to late in the game for them to start throwing that crap in again- -just can’t get that break
Crappy officiating again. They just pummeled Hunter and KJ under the basket no call. Then two guys going for the ball and its a foul on KJ
We need clutch performers.
The guy has 4 fouls! Go at him Hunt.
Time to be the grittier team.
Watch after that BS call they come down and hit another three – Watch
Zeke is a no show again
What are we doing?
How to lose a game. Exhibit A
Not today. The 2nd season is ova
Oh man a bad time to go brain dead
We can NOT have Dickinson shooting ill advised three at this point of the game.- - bye , bye momentum
6 free pts under 5 min to go
Wow not a stretch here silly shot by hunt early in the clock.
I don’t think these guys are mentally strong.
Holy crap – is he trying to throw the game ?
We have a big out there with 4 fouls and you shoot outside shots.