Merry Christmas my friends
Just wanted to wish all my fellow JayHawkers- – - a very Merry Christmas, hope you can enjoy with family and friends-- just the big thing have fun but be safe & we will see you on the other side - - -ROCK CHALK
Merry Christmas! I currently have the flu but hope to rally any minute now:)
@approxinfinity feel better soon!
@approxinfinity oh man! That sucks! Hope you have several days off to have some fun. I know a lot of people don’t go back til the 2nd. Take care!🫶
@approxinfinity Ah well dang buddy hope you get well soon
Thanks, i have a few days off so i will be able to relax. Did you guys know Chris Columbus the director of Home Alone was the original director of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation but quit and told John Hughes, the producer, that he was really sorry but he couldnt work with Chevy Chase. John Hughes called him up 2 weeks later to offer him Home Alone. It all worked out.
@approxinfinity wow, didn’t know that. I’m watching Die Hard now. Hard to believe Bruce is so mentally disabled now,
Wellp its pneumonia. Apparently its very common this year for a particular strand of viral flu to lead to bacterial pneumonia? I dont know how it works, i just take the drugs.
Hope you guys arent getting destroyed this year with stuff but if you are let us know. Misery loves company and all that
@approxinfinity Would you feel better to know that I had the liquid poo disease from Monday night through yesterday morning?
@nuleafjhawk yes very, thanks for sharing! Glad its in the passed… I just took 2 kinds of antibiotics so hopefully will be in the rear view too shortly.
Misery loves company huh? My best friend died 3 weeks ago in his 40s. His brother’s daughter was killed in a wreck a week ago, she’s a teenager. Makes my shoulder surgery 3 weeks ago seem insignificant. Hug those kids!
@dylans rough man. Sorry to hear. Hope your shoulder heals like it should. Its still important even if it seems less important.
I’m sure you are feeling a lot of things right now. Please give yourself time.
@approxinfinity all kinds of pneumonia around here. Head lunch lady has been gone months, ended up in hospital w/blood clots in lungs. Long recovery. Hoping she’ll be back after break. Sooo any shortness of breath, get to ER! Young man! 🫶
@approxinfinity Dang that sucks for sure, hope you get better. These things can hold on and on. When I was still working , I started feeling bad went home early couple days no better so seen the doctor, took tests and said well tests don’t show flu BUT I’m going to treat you like you do anyways, - Well starting feeling better - - Went back to work - -BAD IDEA lol /I worked in a refrigerated warehouse , went back to work to soon back home i went.
Turned into walking Pneumonia, - -mercy got bad buddy- -ended up with walking Pneumonia with Whooping Cough I was so sick , really weak temp peaked at 104- -I was so weak , it was all i could do was to be able to lift my spoon to eat those little containers of Jello. Took everything had to just be able to lift my head long enough just to eat that Jello. Bottom line it knock my butt in the dirt - ended up being out about 2 weeks- --neve want that again lol, I know how you feel just take care and don’t rush
@dylans That’s just awful, I’m so sorry to hear that. These kinds of things should be a reminder to be kinder and more gracious to others. They don’t, but they should. Life’s too short, man.
@SlimShaddy54 ouch. Ive had pneumonia one time before and i think i caught it earlier this time, that sounds about how i remember it last time. Jello sounds good.