KU vs Duke Game Thread
Kj not the guy we want shooting right now Bill but man he’s played his tail off!!!
Juan shoot it brotha you’ve been balling all game
Wait KJ punched Knueppel in the nuts. Eject him.
Duke $$$$$ Refs
geometry is dead. You can’t tell from those angles
Not conclusive smh these refs don’t want Dook to lose tonight
Shocking call
@approxinfinity Knip’s Knuts?
Another BS call. Not conclusive AT ALL
Here we go
Haven’t seen Scheyer whine at all in the last 10 minutes.
Damn mayo. You had better shots
Darn it Mayo got a good look there
Foul em and get the ball back
Damn. Wish Zeke would’ve just shot the trey instead of that.
I wanted a TO there… Zeke has looked uncomfortable all night to me
Come on D!!!
Down to the last few seconds, we played good regardless of the outcome
ESPN focusing on Duke big time.
Good stuff Jon
Wow, and the refs didn’t even call a bs foul to change the outcome!
Guard Proctor after this I’d advise
Clutch FTs
Regardless of what happens this is KJ Adam’s best game as hawk
Big time. Now finish this
Someone blew up Duke’s play. I can’t imagine that was the plan
The future #1 draft pick had 4 TO’s this game and I don’t mean Time Outs.
Scheyer talking to refs.
@wissox giving them their instructions
Do you foul here?
Foul the big guy
Refs talking to duke players, “c’mon we’re trying to give you the game, help us out”
@tundrahok He learned from the worst
Ho Lee smoke
Zeke- 12 points 3 TOs, Cooper 13 pts 4 TOs
5 vs 8, we still win!! F*** those refs
ESPN is so disappointed.
Never a doubt in my mind
Goodnight boys and girls.
(Should have fouled on the inbounds pass)
Should have fouled. I agree. Bill never will though.
Great effort hawks against 8, big minutes by Flory and several others. Adams and Griffens best games as Jayhawks.
Huge win on the road. Duke has a good team.
KJ and Juan. Huge.
Griffen made up for the half time goof up
Yeah, I’m thrilled that Griffen shook that off and Coach gave him another chance. He basically won the game for us.