Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis
@mayjay LOL, I did the same thing.
My take on Juan:
He is not most gifted aesthetically.
He doesn’t shoot trey great.
But, somehow, KU look so much better when he is at PG.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I don’t think Badger fans viewed him as a selfish ball hog.
@AsadZ said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
My take on Juan:
He is not most gifted aesthetically.
He doesn’t shoot trey great.
But, somehow, KU look so much better when he is at PG.
He just makes the whole thing run infinitely better. It’s fascinating.
@wissox he has bad body language. It takes him awhile to switch to D from O. I think Self is doing a good job with him. He’s a great reaper of good D. He has all the tools, just needs the want to. I think Griffen is close, his D is good, shot choice is better! Team guy! I like their chances.
@BShark being smart is by nature difficult to quantify because adaptability is polymorphic
@Crimsonorblue22 I agree. Seen it. Just thought Texashawk’s assessment was a little harsh because I have a lot of good memories of him from last year, but playing at KU is an entirely different setting and I think he’s adjusting to not being ‘the man’ like last year.
@wissox They didn’t and it’s a reason he was the prized recruit of the transfer class
Bill wanted a guy who could hunt his shot and was athletic. He got him and then does the ole Bill Self get him so in his head that he’s thinking instead of playing……tale as old as time
Instead of bringing the guy here and working to elevate what he’s already good at he tries to fix the 20% (defense and rebounding) that sucks and in turn brings down the 80% (scoring) positive parts for why we wanted him in the first place
Guys always play better when they are thinking versus just reacting. Guys always play freer when they think they won’t get yanked quick for one mistake.
@FarmerJayhawk Wth are you even making up now???
Juan will hold records because of the cov yr - that’s true
Me watching practice??? When?
I do talk to some coaches but not anyone on staff
You and @BShark are the guys/gals that act like you have all the connections
I was in on Ingram for why he wouldn’t come here (cough cough kj)
@Crimsonorblue22 When is his body language bad?
Juan missed him on an oop but they looked happy when he was shooting free throws
His body language is bad when he makes a mistake because he knows that directly correlates to how long he even has a chance to play ymca school in November
I’d be frustrated if I came in as a stud only to have the “dog” coached right out of me and instead of playing free I’m afraid to eff up for fear I get benched
All the while I watch guys bounced bad in the round for 32 multiple times get to make mistake after mistake and keep their minutes
Team chemistry is tough when coaches play favorites for who’s allowed to mess up and continue playing versus who can’t
@kuballin10 please tell me where I said you watched practice. This sort of proves my point.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@kuballin10 sure thing. Juan played 6 full years at KU so his stats will all have an asterisk, approx banned you for having an opinion, I talk to the coaches/watch practice, that’s just off the top of my head. I could keep going if I thought harder.
@kuballin10 sigh. This isn’t hard. I meaning me, myself, and I. Not you. This is basic English.
@FarmerJayhawk Reread what you wrote because in that long run on sentence it was all the stuff I claimed so how I was supposed to know you switched to speaking about yourself is impossible
You don’t talk to the coaches or watch practice but sure big guy whatever makes you feel important!
par for the course. Enjoy your night
Alright can we move on please?
@kuballin10 Storr came here to be built into an NBA caliber player. Self knows how to turn marginal NBA talent into draftable players. Storr has many bad habits and tendencies that need to be broken in order for Storr to reach his full potential to benefit himself and KU and reach the NBA. KU didn’t need someone who only shot 43% from the field, 32% from 3, and had over 30% usage rate, and played no defense like Storr did last season. We are seeing Self in the process of breaking down Storr to rebuild him into his full potential and if successful, will pay big dividends in March. This a repeat of what we saw Self do with Remy when he came he with a similar reputation as Storr.
@approxinfinity said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
Alright can we move on please?
Easily one of the funniest threads to not get locked at this point
Did anyone watch Zona vs Duke? Duke’s defense won this one plus Bilas and the refs. They forced Zona into marginal to bad shots on every possession. Zona played their ass off but Duke was just better although Zona had enough stops they couldn’t finish at the rim at all. Flagg was good but not great and got away with some things. He has confident that borders on arrogance. In the end Zona could not handle the full on pressure and could not run their offense. I didn’t see any transition at all. Plus a lot of air balls on every kind of shot.
We will see how well we can handle the ball and who can go one on one and score or kick out. I dislike Duke but they have a ton of good players and if we can go Passmore deep into our bench it may be necessary.
@Kcmatt7 gold mine. I’m not sorry for fanning the flames tbh
@mayjay said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
My confusion over the comments in this thread was so puzzling that I unblocked a certain someone to see what was going on. My mistake… Same ol’ shit being spewed by the same ol’ asshole for years now. Block Command, you are my hero yet again.
I was tempted to unblock as well, thank you for saving me from doing that!
@BShark said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@rockchalkjayhawk said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@BShark said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
If he needs a team full of guys he has had for 3+ years to do anything in March that is an issue.
This is the best way to analyze it and you didn’t fan any flames but exposed the truth. He doesn’t quickly develop players well because of how he coaches them. This isn’t an era to tear a guy down like Russ rob and spend 2 years building him back up.
I don’t get the hate or actually lack of general understanding that if on a job you had a boss looking over your shoulder ready to pounce for the slightest of mistakes how it would be impossible to play with a free mind
@approxinfinity I can for sure but if you look at my posts it’s actual analyzation of his coaching tactics with specific players
@FarmerJayhawk doesn’t care to discuss but just drop his snarky comments cause he hates me
@jayballer67 doesn’t even respond with any actual discussion but goes on rants to anything anti KU I ever say
Should be noted neither ever comment on anything positive I say…like the Juan comment in the other thread about him attacking and being D1
But boy the second I question something that Coach Self HIMSELF is EVEN questioning……geez you’d think all heck has broken loose
@wissox @StLJhawk Ironically, one of the upvotes I got for my blocking post was from the person about whom I was referring. Makes me think he’s a troll bot after all.
When things go poorly fans look for someone to blame. Fans who do not understand basketball default to blaming the lowest-scorer. This is why DaJuan got a lot of hate last season. Since things have gone well so-far this year, fans have been able to just appreciate how good DaJuan is. But if things take a turn south fans who lack solid basketball analysis skills will blame DaJuan again.
@Jhawk69 nailed it!!! Clutch analysis
@mayjay said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@wissox @StLJhawk Ironically, one of the upvotes I got for my blocking post was from the person about whom I was referring. Makes me think he’s a troll bot after all.
A “troll bot” got it….best to block like a snowflake when you can’t even face reading alternative views
I upvoted it and was going to make a smart arse comment about if you can’t hang with the bulls in a real convo best to stay on the sideline bub….but I honestly hate empty garbage message board crap
Let’s discuss the team, how they are being coached, lineups, minutes ect. Not the minutiae like @jayballer67 who falls asleep on his CAPS LOCK BUTTON GOING CRAAAZYYYY RAMBLING ABOUT WHO KNOWS WHAT ONLY HIM
@Texas-Hawk-10 yeah that sums it up well for Storr, he has the measurables to be in the NBA so if he was already a plus player that can positively contribute to a championship level roster in college, he would have been a 1st rd pick last year. Just letting him play free has been done before and it didn’t get him there. There can be things to knock Self on with his coaching, but his treatment of Storr/Remy is not it.
@kuballin10 your truly a trooper , have a great day.- - look no Caps yippee
@SlimShaddy54 this @jayballer67
Geez how many handles do you have? I can’t KEEP UP!
@kuballin10 Cool, that makes me happy. - -No seriously my compute crashed, had to do all my sites over again, it’s ok, this computer is much better I won’t even say anything in caps-- – just for you lol
@SlimShaddy54 agh that sucks to hear sorry man
I miss your all caps
@kuballin10 said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@SlimShaddy54 agh that sucks to hear sorry man
I miss your all caps
ya it does, like i got spare change just laying around to go throw on another computer. Luckily was able to get a black Fridy deal.- yippee for me lol
“D2” is making him look silly.
@BShark This year - heck yes!!!
Last 4….not exactly
Juando is playing his best ball and it’s not even close - keep it up d1 all American
@kuballin10 He was excellent two years ago. Last year he had a lingering foot injury and the overall roster wasn’t very good. Last year was objectively his worst year.
@BShark while I agree, I think Juando is playing as a much more complete player this year. I have yet to see him pass up a shot he should take. I cant say the same was true last year. his shot has improved, and he seems to be able to freeze time this year as he drives and makes the magic happen.
If he keeps playing at this level we will be hard to beat. I hope and think Mayo will start shooting a bit better.
@BShark A little concerned about Mayo. He was amazing early on but his games against elite competition have been a little concerning. Hoping he’s really not just a very good midmajor player.
@wissox his first half was great against Duke, second was forced and discombobulated
@wissox he at least plays well and contributes when his shot isn’t falling. Rebounding, passing, playing within the offense as well as creating unscripted. Self seems to love him which is interesting to me. One minute less than Juan and three less than KJ so far.
He still was 3rd leading scorer i think against Duke. Hard to do that with one good half if you arent legit imo
I don’t think we have had anyone since maybe Devonte Graham who is hitting that late in the clock (and game, very clutch) middy off script against Duke.
@wissox your concern is warranted, its early still. Could take a step back for sure
@approxinfinity he has also gained 10 lbs
Side note it’s fun to be able to have good convos about the team again. Last year was rough
Biggest concern for Mayo is his defense. In the Duke game, he was the one consistently leaving Proctor open in the corner when he was scorching the net.
@Texas-Hawk-10 yep very true. Hopefully thats just understanding his role and trusting his teammates.
@Texas-Hawk-10 Leaving people open in the corner is a KU tradition. Almost as if there is no institutional memory of how Svi scored 90% of his points.