Wounded Jayhawks game thread
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Will take our best game of the year to win imo. Don’t see it happening but in the case they do, I’ll be even happier. Still will root with the hope the guys took Tuesday personally and we all know Self hates losing to Drew…
Kev is probably playing, in some capacity today it sounds.
@BeddieKU23 The road has been strangely tough for teams all across the land this year, seemingly more so than others. That’s the factor that tilts this one against us I think. But it made no difference to BYU of course.
@wissox said in Wounded Jayhawks game thread:
Is anyone predicting a KU victory today? We certainly are in a cool spell that we haven’t really seen in quite some time.
Kevin iffy again it sounds like? As others have said sacrificing wins now may be our best bet for success in March.
I’m looking forward to seeing the new arena at Baylor today. Kind of surprised but kind of not to see the low seating capacity. It reminds me of our plans to build a low capacity football stadium.
Anyways, enjoy the game bucketeers! It’s only sports, don’t let another tough one ruin your Saturday!
The new lower capacity of Baylor’s arena and UT’s are frustrating because I haven’t been able to make it to a KU game in person in a couple of years now. UT’s new arena dropped capacity by over 6,000 seats and Baylor’s dropped capacity by about 2,500 seats. That means tickets for KU last year in Austin were sold out before the made it to public on sale, same with Baylor this year. Tickets for today have significantly dropped in price, but it’s too late for me drive to Waco and make it to the game. Leading up to the last couple of days, tickets were going for about $175 on aftermarket sites. Tickets to the UH game at Fertitta Center next week are still north of $250 apiece so won’t be making it to that one either.
We haven’t made shots on the road and defending the 3 has been a huge issue. Completely different team on the road. Agree it’s harder then ever to win away from home. Officiating is the leading cause there
Kev is a game time decision
@BeddieKU23 said in Wounded Jayhawks game thread:
We haven’t made shots on the road and defending the 3 has been a huge issue. Completely different team on the road. Agree it’s harder then ever to win away from home. Officiating is the leading cause there
This team hasn’t defended the three well at home either.
My neighbors and their friends are there. They didn’t get tickets til late, they were expensive.
Kev to give it a go
Pregame had problems didn’t start til 11:45. Sick of espn+
I’m nervous
#LFG #RockChalk
Here’s another super bowl for the home team
Wow on the Badgers pregame they honored Howard Moore. He was a very good assistant coach for Bo and Gard and nearly died in a car accident, but was severely hurt. He lost his wife I believe and a child. He is severely disabled. Startling to see him in this condition. For the 2nd time in a week the Badgers play at the same time as the Jayhawks grrrr…
Let’s get this!
Finally was able to take off all the covers from the palm trees
Nice layup kev
Fran says you’ve got to shoot the ball.
Juan got lucky
Zero answer for missi
Air Dickinson
Camera view sucks
Nice job kj
Hunt came to play
Playing well out the gate here. Some here really thought we’d be better with Kevin coming off the bench.
Being patient on O, helps!
Sharing well boys
Hunter catching the ball and positioning himself well!
Fran likes the word plethora
Can’t make fts again
Moving screen
Back at u!
@Crimsonorblue22 Yes, I saw that screen too. So far refs letting a lot go.
I get to yell in my she shed
Foul? since when is a travel a foul on us?
Nice plays there
Really weak foul
Elmarko is so bad
Ball was out
Not in baylor
Another strange foul call.
Lil late
Such a bad pass