The Boys Are Back vs OU
that gave me a good laugh buddy thanks
Hunter, Kevin, and DeJuan are all slow players. It is what it is.
KJ, Juan, McC are 4/15. Hunter is 5/9. The 1st 3 with 6 rebounds, Hunter 8. He is the better player today, so far.
@kjayhawks said in The Boys Are Back vs OU:
I just get frustrated at the lack of basketball not only knowledge but common sense on here at times. Hunter does get trigger happy at times but finished this half with 10 points and 8 rebounds while shooting over 50%. Juan missed 3 wide open 3s and a layup. Kevin missed multiple wide open 3s and 2 layups. Both guys shooting below 30% from the floor as they have much of conference season. Then we get the Hunter sucks he’s why we are losing. It absolutely asinine and laughable.
You sure the hell do not need a guy that is 7’1 continue to shoot 3 point shots when he is 1-24 in his laast attempts instead of posting up down low with a player his size should be and out of those 8 rebounds he has got tell me how many of those are offensive rebounds ?
@patoh3 said in The Boys Are Back vs OU:
KJ, Juan, McC are 4/15. Hunter is 5/9. The 1st 3 with 6 rebounds, Hunter 8. He is the better player today, so far.
Furphy is the best player for Ku at this point
Hunter got his first O board on that last possession that he slapped out to the top. Saved the possession
@dylans ya I talked to a head high school coach this morning, also a KU grad. He goes up to Selfs coaching clinic and gets to watch some of KUs drills. He told me Juan is the slowest and least athletic player he has seen since he’s been going (over 15 years). Doesn’t mean he can’t be effective just very little room for error.
Furphy actually has the worst +/- in today’s game so far at -8.
We get the ball first.
Hunter and Kevin are the best players. Furphy has the most upside.
Kevin when he’s knocking down shots is the best player.
@patoh3 where do you guys see the +/-
@DanR said in The Boys Are Back vs OU:
Hunter got his first O board on that last possession that he slapped out to the top. Saved the possession
Woo - Hoo
@kjayhawks Bleacher Report stats.
Kevin Sucks
(/s kidding of course)
Great job kev
KJ scoreless and 1 RB. Just can’t have that from a 4 who plays 35 MPG…
Yeah kj. Great finish
22 minutes in before 1st FTA… And then miss both…
Another awesome finish
Another awesome ft attempt
2 great awesome attempts
Just go up KJ
Refs decided to go the opposite way in the fouls the 2nd half - -now we have to make them
14-2 on free throw attempts. Need to be more aggressive. OU is dictating pace
Nice FTs guys
Another awesome ft shot
I was just thinking even I could steal the ball from mr high dribbler
Bout time somebody tried
Amazing what effort can do
I cringe when kev has the ball
Alright hustle
Nice dunk johnny
took 4 minutes to cut it to three!
Defense starting to show-- -as bad as it’s been we are 100 % in this only down 3
Nice block
Jesus Christ Kevin couldn’t hit the water on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean right now.
Jump bear is lame. Stop it Fran.
@DanR said in The Boys Are Back vs OU:
took 4 minutes to cut it to three!
We should win by 5 at this rate then so it’s fine
Juando looked around hoping someone other than Kev was running the break. Good job Furph!
If we start making some shoots we are in good shape, like the defensive intensity thus far
@kjayhawks Juan and KJ making some plays. No doubt they have their limitations but I love watching when they start impacting a game.
@kjayhawks said in The Boys Are Back vs OU:
If we start making some shoots we are in good shape, like the defensive intensity thus far
Defense has turned it up, and have been able to gt out and run
@kjayhawks making shots is what this team struggles with in long stretches. Defense is good to excellent, but the o is horrendous to amazing. Jenkel and Hyde
We just need them to keep up the intensity.
One point game, much better then 11
Nice play and good finish, Kev
Late foul call in our favor?
lame call. things even out
Hanni just said KJ fighting a head cold all this week