Hog Wild Game Thread
@HawkChamp said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
@Jethro correct, assuming that was the extent of the issue. I mean, he can’t even stand at practice, which is kind of the opposite of what you hear about people after stents. Hopefully there is nothing else wrong.
Or, he might be so valuable they are taking extreme precautions. He looked pretty good in his interview.
@Jethro that’s what I am hoping as well
The match-up with Arkansas is interesting. They start 4 guards who are all 6’4’’-6’7’’ and who all average double-digit points on the season. Then their fifth starter is a forward whom is 6’7’’. It’s a bit like our starting roster construction. Makhi Mitchell (6’9’’, 230lbs) and Jordan Walsh (6’7’’, 205lbs) come off the bench. Being able to switch everything defensively today might be helpful because they don’t really have any bigs that can take advantage of a mismatch inside, though I still think Arkansas offensively will try to attack Dick and Wilson. We need Kevin and Juan to stay out of foul trouble.
Dam depressing that hardly no analysts giving us a chance to win today. - Is it gonna be a hard game ? Hell ya it will be.We got to shoot the ball we and rebound , rebound , rebound. - -They don’t shoot the three well, they hardly shoot the three, love to drive it down hill.
I just feel we kinda being dis respected , not giving us any respect , like we have no chance.- Time to shut them up
Develop that chip in the next few hours.
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
@HawkChamp said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
Welp, no Self again today. No reason to think this, but anyone else wonder if he’s done at KU? I know, I know, probably not, just the way things are being handled has me thinking.
That thought occurred to me too. I’m not sure Self knows himself yet. I don’t see any reason to panic yet, though.
Wouldn’t surprise me that this accident would be just enough after the Season is ove if he just didn’t call it quits/retire. - -This job is very challenging/stressful to say the least I mean you figure having to put up with the NCAA’S BS on a daily basis ,He had stated anyways that he doesn’t want to Coach for a long time, wants to be able to enjoy the wife - -the grand kids do other things. - -This might be just enough to seal the deal. - -The stres of being on the road recruiting - -the games themselves. - wouldn’t surprise me
@jayballer67 had the same thought this morning.
Only drawback is he has 2 titles and I’m sure would like to get it about 5. With Wright, K and Roy done and cal on a poor trajectory for once KU is the hot name for recruits.
If he can coach another 10 years he could rack up 2-3 titles if he has the best players for once.
He’s 60 though could easily see him at 65-67 being done
@jayballer67 said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
Dam depressing that hardly no analysts giving us a chance to win today. - Is it gonna be a hard game ? Hell ya it will be.We got to shoot the ball we and rebound , rebound , rebound. - -They don’t shoot the three well, they hardly shoot the three, love to drive it down hill.
I just feel we kinda being dis respected , not giving us any respect , like we have no chance.- Time to shut them up
Sitting down here in NW Arkansas I’ve scoped out the more respected outlets. I haven’t seen any disrespect. But most see a close game with an experienced KU squad winning 74-70. I agree but we have seen both teams reserve the right to get blown out at any time.
The pundits see the rim defenders and strong rebounding as a solid advantage over KU. Also this team has been touted as the most talented since the mid 90’s hogs.
I’m sending/asking my wife to go play slots. She likes KU but not as much as the Hogs and she goes to bed early when they play like “Igits” (see Bugs bunny talking about Elmer Fudd). It’s been January since I set my new WTF’s record but I have changed my meds since then.
I am pumped up and even cleaned the bathrooms today. That means I’ll have a good chance to get lucky tonight either way.
@kuballin10 said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
@jayballer67 had the same thought this morning.
Only drawback is he has 2 titles and I’m sure would like to get it about 5. With Wright, K and Roy done and cal on a poor trajectory for once KU is the hot name for recruits.
If he can coach another 10 years he could rack up 2-3 titles if he has the best players for once.
He’s 60 though could easily see him at 65-67 being done
I was talking to my Nephew this morning and was saying that IF - - again IF - -Coach ere to retire, who would we get as our next Coach ? - He started naming a lot of former KU players , name Roberts I said Nope Ku wouldn’t want any of them like Turgeon - -Collins-- Case - -Roberts - -I said actually we wouldn’t have any problem getting a big name Coach - Coach’s would be knocking at the door. Then I said I know who I would like - I said Jay Wright would be a good replacement if we could coax him out of rtirement - - I said if the Money was right he might come out of retirement -I think Jay Wright would be a sweet replacement. - His background speaks for it’self
Will Arkansas drive the basket a lot today, thus getting a lot of FT opportunities, slowing down the game and creating creating foul problems for KU? I expect that to be the case. Wouldn’t surprise me to see KU use a zone defense a bit.
I’m glad Howard played hard the entire game. It wasn’t one of those blowouts where the other team quit. KU kicked their butts. Seen too many times where KU gets a big head after the other team quits, this isn’t the case. Kansas should be ready to play today. I’d be mildly surprised if it’s as close as the spread suggests.
@dylans said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
I’m glad Howard played hard the entire game. It wasn’t one of those blowouts where the other team quit. KU kicked their butts. Seen too many times where KU gets a big head after the other team quits, this isn’t the case. Kansas should be ready to play today. I’d be mildly surprised if it’s as close as the spread suggests.
I have no doubt KU will be more then ready to play today. All were hearing is Arkansas, Arkansas , Arkansas - like they are the only team playing today. Arkansas themselves may not be saying anything negative publicly about KU-but media acts ike this is over before the ball is thrown up - That in it’self should be some inspiration - Ku has some NBA players themselves - Arkansas doesn’t have the bigger dominat inside player over KJ all guys 6’7 - -6’8 gonna be physical - we have to be physical. - Not saying 100 % we win - But sure the hell not saying 100 % we gonna lose either, - Juan has to come out and play - be that key role we need
Anyone else in Kansas keep getting the hog wild pit barbecue song stuck in their heads lol
Nervous about today. Idk why. On paper we should take care of this. But not feeling good about it. Hoping the guys can calm my fears.
Lil perspective tho. No matter what happens we will still be the Reigning National Champions for a couple more weeks at the minimum
I don’t feel good about coach! Drs released him. Mind over matter. Said he did a lot of sitting at practice, he can do the same at the game. Maybe he’s done coaching, period, that worried. We really need him today. I’m bummed.
@Crimsonorblue22 ya it feels like the kind of game where the guys may need some “Self” motivation
@Crimsonorblue22 the rumor mill is rolling like crazy that he is retiring when this is done. I find it hard to believe he’d just up and retire after not being on the bench. I think if he was done, he’d be there with the team.
Certainly this sucks. Teams like Arkansas give Self difficulties in the tournament with their length and athletic abilities so it’s hard not to think it will be even more difficult for Norm to win this. I know it’s the players that ultimately have to make the plays but we all know the tremendous impact our coach has on a game and without him we are vulnerable.
Hoping our guys are just built different and overcome, adapt and play their hearts out. I can’t imagine Jalen is going to let us down, he’s been the ultimate competitor and I’m putting my faith in him rallying these guys to a big performance.
Pure speculation. But if CS is done. Any. chance its IARP/sanction related? Perhaps unfavorable news in that regard pushing a health retirement prior to an uglier situation. Wouldn’t think so because nobody involved into the corruption deal has gotten the proverbial hammer. But as I said. Speculation
@cragarhawk I would think that probably wouldn’t be case just because they are counting these games towards Selfs records and would want to keep the wins.
@kjayhawks terrible paranoid thoughts while waiting on this seemingly endless block of time till the tip.
Screw all this. We’re gonna a win today. CS back for next week and all is right
Now we get to hear Kellogg - -Barkley-all them idiots gonna talk about how they like Arkansas - really gonna defend Ku get down hill on his kill us on the boards- here we go ready ?
Everybody talk about Arkansas defense - -we can play a little defense ourselves
Might not be on much for this one.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Hog Wild Game Thread:
I don’t feel good about coach! Drs released him. Mind over matter. Said he did a lot of sitting at practice, he can do the same at the game. Maybe he’s done coaching, period, that worried. We really need him today. I’m bummed.
Lots of people overreacting wow.
He is a week removed from invasive surgery. I don’t think he should coach next week if we win today.
Awesome Juan stat here.
I am too nervous but I have to respect Coach’s decision to take his health seriously and do what’s best. I am forever a fan of the team that is up with a real challenge and I am here to support them.
#RockChalk LFG
Tip now 5:25 est
@BeddieKU23 Dookies are losing
Coach Self on pre game talking with Hanni
Coach Self talking about hoping to be back with the team next week - saying decision was made by some Doctors and everyone- -not quite there yet - -but feeling good
This we be a long 20 minutes
Self talking about Council - -Smith - -& Black - - us being able to handle Arkansas prssure
Let’s go boys
We know it will be physical, just like the Duke-Tennessee game. We can’t let that get into our heads and must start fast!
Wow Duke lost both halves, nice!
Coach Self interview clip
Hope the refs dont swallow their whistles if we get mugged
Ya I’d look for a highly physical game. We’re gonna holler at the TV some. Lol
We just gotta hope they have trouble they struggle shooting the ball tody -and got to hit the board
I sure wish Self was coaching, his health be damned. Ater all, it would really help our team to worry about him every time they looked at the sideline.
Sorry, some people are just nucking futs!
Alright let’s get this W no matter what
@mayjay i thought you had cracked for a second.
let’s go, guys!
@approxinfinity I have, we all know. Just not that particularly comment!
This is fun. Little pressure really. Coach is out, we’re the defending champs, lots of picks showing Arkansas or whatever. I won’t be nervous til the last 30 seconds today.
Our offensive rebounding is great! Which also means we missed a bunch of shots already.
20 seconds in and we have a steal I like it