Transfer Rumblings
@FarmerJayhawk I would happily accept JCL out of him TBH. Though I’d love an impact guard. Hart + Dickinson and an impact guard. Fudge it let’s go 40-0.
JCL/Moss would be great as a starting point. Gonna eventually need to add some bodies!
@BShark yeah I think 8 MPG and 4 PPG is about right.
KSU is deep in it for Abmas, some believe the leader. @FarmerJayhawk
Adding Timberlake to that roster makes it worse loool.
Gonna watch Och & CB highlights to remember when Coach liked having athletic wings.
Ingram in the portal. Rumor is UNC
Do we think Self is slow playing some guys and swinging for the fences??
@FarmerJayhawk said in Transfer Rumblings:
Ingram in the portal. Rumor is UNC
Stanford guy said he reached out to KU and we said no.
@Woodrow said in Transfer Rumblings:
Do we think Self is slow playing some guys and swinging for the fences??
Well, Hunter is presumably option 1.
Hart has a lot of highlights that remind you of Jalen and Kev’s game. Not a big fan of the set jump shot. Has size, comparable athleticism. Certainly a 3rd or 4th option kind of guy
@BShark said in Transfer Rumblings:
@Woodrow said in Transfer Rumblings:
Do we think Self is slow playing some guys and swinging for the fences??
Well, Hunter is presumably option 1.
Texas Hunter?
@BeddieKU23 Dickinson.
@BeddieKU23 said in Transfer Rumblings:
Hart has a lot of highlights that remind you of Jalen and Kev’s game. Not a big fan of the set jump shot. Has size, comparable athleticism. Certainly a 3rd or 4th option kind of guy
Yeah he would start for us.
Last two days have been…whew…
“dead period” looool
Man…are we sure on Dickinson? He’s a statue on defense. A tall one…but he just cannot move. I know that he’s more polished than Udeh/Zuby, but that doesn’t sound awesome to me. That combined with his off the charts level of douche-baggery make it a tough sell on my end
@focojayhawk said in Transfer Rumblings:
Man…are we sure on Dickinson? He’s a statue on defense. A tall one…but he just cannot move. I know that he’s more polished than Udeh/Zuby, but that doesn’t sound awesome to me. That combined with his off the charts level of douche-baggery make it a tough sell on my end
Will certainly be some interesting discussions if he ends up here.
@focojayhawk he’s definitely not the world’s best defender and we’ll have to really change what we’ve done on defense the last year. But I think he’s a guy you take and figure out the rest later.
Primo Spears. Get familiar
@FarmerJayhawk said in Transfer Rumblings:
Primo Spears. Get familiar
He’s got that dog in him. I like him more than Timberlake, a lot more.
@BShark said in Transfer Rumblings:
@FarmerJayhawk said in Transfer Rumblings:
Primo Spears. Get familiar
He’s got that dog in him. I like him more than Timberlake, a lot more.
Juan Spears (some dude) Ingram Dickinson would slap
@FarmerJayhawk said in Transfer Rumblings:
Juan Spears (some dude) Ingram Dickinson would slap
With Elmarko as the main rotation guy for the 1-2 yes please. I would also accept Hart at the 4.
@BShark Hart fo sho. Let’s go full sicko and get Tramon Mark at the 3. We’ll allow 55 a game lol
@BShark said in Transfer Rumblings:
KSU is deep in it for Abmas, some believe the leader. @FarmerJayhawk
Are they trying to play bad boy - they thinking they gonna become relevant now with having one good year? - - possibly. we shall see, they might become a pain in our side
@BShark said in Transfer Rumblings:
@FarmerJayhawk said in Transfer Rumblings:
Ingram in the portal. Rumor is UNC
Stanford guy said he reached out to KU and we said no.
Of course the rest of that sentence is “for now.”
I watched a ton of maryland games the last two years, went to 3 games ( daughter is student there and a b-ball fan) Hakim hart was really streaky- great in spurts, then would disappear in other games… he didn’t impress me that much honestly
@Bosthawk Yeah he’s a good defender and decent athlete but shooter/scorer not really
Wish Bill would get the 4 best scorers and pair them with a big
@kuballin10 you really want to finish Bill off don’t you
@FarmerJayhawk huh? Not following you there
I want the 4 best basketball players
Ace Baldwin Bamba Dickinson
Not sure on the 4th but need Cuffe to leave first
@kuballin10 if we got the 4 best scorers in the portal Billy Eugene Self’s aorta would pop like a balloon around July 15
@FarmerJayhawk nah take a scorer and teach him D
Bill would have a title doing it that way
@kuballin10 you can say that all you want but Max Abmas will always be a sieve. Ditto Knecht, Denver Jones, Timberlake. At some point the physical tools are so limiting all the scheme and technique in the world won’t do it. Short dudes without any length who can’t move at an elite level won’t be good on defense.
Ace, Bamba and Dickinson are none of the names you listed above
You are creating a straw argument that I want some low d1 guys to make a leap which isn’t what I’m asking
I want DUDES - you win with legit DUDES
@kuballin10 no you literally said scorers. The guys I mentioned are the best pure scorers in the portal. If you mean best players just say so and don’t change your words on the fly then accuse someone of misreading you. Pro tip
@FarmerJayhawk fair enough best players who can score my bad
I don’t want defensive McCullar types - give me an athletic scorer who you can teach to defend (much easier than teaching a defender to score).
Best players is who those guys end up being. I want of those best players offensive guys who can score not Hart types (MD dude)
Not always easy to convert scorers to defenders. Guys like MJ scoring a bunch in HS, and not good accepting being a 6 min or less guy until they follow the D script.
@FarmerJayhawk I’d add my assumption is that best scorers translated to best players available because while some guys are legit scorers like Timberlake they don’t have the physical tools like you mentioned
Scorers in my mind means best players and that’s my fault for not differing the two
Yeah abmas can score but do I think he’s a good fit - not defensively. He isn’t built like a Kendric Davis type or Frank mason and thicker
@mayjay that’s a really poor example considering clearly didn’t care to be here
Would you want a remy or a Juan I think is a good argument
Do you want Brandon rush or releford Chalmers or Russ rob
Scorers who can flip a switch and defend vs guys who are known as “defense is the strong suit of their game” but can’t score
In the tourney you gotta make shots and that’s something we struggled to do
Give me a scorer like Och or Braun over Mccullar
Feel free to throw out other examples I’m Sure mine ain’t perfect
Antoine Davis vs Kevin McCullar Darius McGhee vs Juan Max Abmas vs Marcus Garrett
@FarmerJayhawk lol they don’t even play the same position
Pull a 6-5 - 6-7 scorer who’s a 3 like Kev
But if you are asking having a 20 ppg guy next to Juan to pair with Jalen and Gradey would have been salty
@FarmerJayhawk you pulling all low level d1 guys
Care to throw any power 5 guys out as comparisons?
@kuballin10 you listed G5 guys so I figured they were game. Give me Garrett over Vick any day of the week and twice on Sundays
@FarmerJayhawk Frank or Devonte vs Garrett more accurate
Hinrich vs Aaron miles Russ rob vs a sherron type
Even a serious question……Bill builds a roster defensively first and he would have a way better final 4 record if he flipped that on its head and used his stubbornness to say he can make any guy play good d. Or he can take 5 best players who are known more for scoring and can mold them into a defensive group
Heck look at Wright’s nova teams those guys could all shoot it and made Self’s wet dream with Garrett and Dok get ran out of the building
Offense wins in college bball. D can carry you to a lot of W’s but more often than not it’s the O in this 4 out style
Think nfl as well….best and consistent teams like chiefs are offensive juggernauts
@kuballin10 2018 Nova vs KU is a horrible example lol. That team was a juggernaut on offense that didn’t guard nearly as well as Bill wanted and Doke was on one leg. Garrett didn’t even start.
@FarmerJayhawk straw argument for sure but man those names read well if you didn’t bother to look it up lol
Svi shutting down Bagley was the coolest thing that entire tourney and oh Malik’s hot hand wasn’t too bad
Point is Self’s philosophy of prioritizing defenders over the best player who can score but maybe not play as good or D of a guy like Hart is why he falls short.
He values things that win plenty but don’t get you over the hump as often.
If he needs a consultant let him know first hour session is free and I’d make him question his roster building philosophy in just 1 meeting
@FarmerJayhawk fyi Bill didn’t run them off the line go back and watch the tape he was still worried about giving up layups like a goob meanwhile Nova just kept playing as if a wide open shot whether from 10 feet or 25 didn’t matter cause they all were confident in their stroke
@kuballin10 yeah it’s a horrible example exactly because it makes the opposite point you’re trying to make. That team was top 5 on offense, barely top 50 in defense. Seems like better defenders would’ve really helped our cause.
The teams that win it all do both at a very high level. Shoot, the 2020 team who allegedly didn’t have any offense was top 10 in offensive efficiency. Top 20 in both last year, top in the country in 08. Nobody here is saying just go get the best defensive players you can. That straw man died a long time ago from repeated blows to the dome. You’ve gotta have a team that can guard and make shots. UConn could do both.
Just quickly I looked at the offensive and defensive numbers for national champs over the last 10 years. Average on defense: 10.1, offense: 7.6. No defense below 21, but offense had higher variance. Have to do both.
Which, not bad for having the highest win% and the most titles of anyone going right now. I’m sure message board geniuses would beat him heads up 7/10 times.
Harrison Ingram was 88th percentile in spot up jumpers
Also he’s an incredible locker room guy and has a phenomenal work ethic. Checks a lot of boxes for me as a 4.