Flu Etc Roll Call
@FarmerJayhawk said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
Got a weird one a month-ish ago. All the signs of strep. Went to the doc, she prescribed an antibiotic like normal. Before it was even available to pick up, it cleared on its own. I’m also still not quite normal after Covid. The fatigue is real.
just take care of yourself buddy - -so many things out there trying to get us down
@jayballer67 thanks my man. Getting better slowly. I’m just not patient enough with it
@FarmerJayhawk said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
@jayballer67 thanks my man. Getting better slowly. I’m just not patient enough with it
I think there is probably a lot of others just like you in the same way, including myself — patience has never been one of my attributes - -when I want to do something or want something I want it now. - -patience is a virtue my friend especially in times like these - -you gonna be fine
I am ok except for having to stay up so late to see the game after UK/MSU double overtime. It will start at 10:25 here.
Problem is I go in for hernia surgery tomorrow, reporting for slice and dice at 6. Should be easy to put me to sleep!
Never had a surgery before except for a few oral surgeries. Wish me luck!
@mayjay said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
I am ok except for having to stay up so late to see the game after UK/MSU double overtime. It will start at 10:25 here.
Problem is I go in for hernia surgery tomorrow, reporting for slice and dice at 6. Should be easy to put me to sleep!
Never had a surgery before except for a few oral surgeries. Wish me luck!
your gonna be fine bud , I’ve been there. Double hernia-- then hernia again- - you got this piece of cake. You go to sleep take a little nap then you be up and out rooting for the NEXT KU game. - - Good Luck – see ya on the other side - - ROCK CHALK
I have to leave at about 6:00 to get my 79-year-old mother to her cateract surgery tomorrow. Figure I’ll sleep in my car in the parking lot after I drop her off.
@jayballer67 Thx! I have definitely learned a lot from so many people who seem to have had hernias. Mostly, pay attention to the recovery restrictions!
My dad had double hernia surgery due to having set a situps record in the Army Air Force base he was in during WW2. 2600 situps. Always regretted it!
@mayjay Good luck!
Thx, everyone. Home now. Not too much pain (they do a local while you are under the general, to enable the discomfort to come back only slowly; just like a dentist). Just don’t like the moving slow and having to get up so awkwardly. But my wife is the best of the bunch…and is repaying me, she says, for the hours I have been in hospital waiting room during procedures!
Best part was going to bed at halftime and waking up before surgery to the news that we won! RCJH!!! I will watch it later.
@DanR Hope your mom is okay!
@mayjay All went well, and she’s good. Pretty amazing procedure, that cataract surgery. Super clear distant vision, but will need to use reading glasses.
Glad to hear it guys @mayjay @DanR i need to rewatch the game with the wife and kids. I was the only one who didnt pass out
My family has been slammed by it for 6 weeks+. My son got something in late september (maybe RSV – lots of coughing, never tested positive for covid) that evolved into walking pneumonia in october. He got antibiotics and was better for almost a week. Played in another football game and immediately went down again… We took him in on Sat Oct 29 and he tested positive for the flu, so he got Tamaflu.
I was starting to feel bad, so I figured I caught what he had. I went in the next day and tested positive for Covid (my first time – i have been very careful as I have multiple risk factors). They sent me to the hospital to get the monoclonal antibody infusion and I started feeling better daily over the next 4 days… By then my wife was feeling bad. She had tested negative, but then went back the following weekend and, of course she was positive.
I tested positive for 14 days. She finally is negative as of today. I still have a cough and residual asthma which was agitated by the virus, and I feel a bit drained at times, but I think there is very gradual improvement.
Through all of this, my son never tested positive for Covid, but I’m convinced of two things: 1) it’s everywhere now (but fortunately not as lethal as earlier variants) and 2) the tests are not as accurate (more false negatives) for these strains as they were for the earlier ones.
@bskeet your assessment sounds about right. Sorry you’re going through this. I tell myself the silver lining is maybe we will have some strong immunity through the holidays.
My wife hasn’t smelled or tasted anything for 2 years. Weird cold.
I lose the gallbladder tomorrow. Hopefully I get to keep the rest of me for a while. First thing I’ve ever had removed.
@approxinfinity Helluva way to lose weight. Good luck, we’ll all be cheering for you! One of my friends had it done a year ago and is doing great. (You kept your wisdom teeth??)
@mayjay thanks! i didnt have any wisdom teeth. My brother had 2 sets, got mine.
@approxinfinity ewwwww, caused me a lot of problems, but mine was still good. Took it out while they were in there.
@approxinfinity if you know anyone losing a good gallbladder I’m looking to be the first recipient of a gall bladder transplant.
@approxinfinity said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
I lose the gallbladder tomorrow. Hopefully I get to keep the rest of me for a while. First thing I’ve ever had removed.
Just had a friend go through this. He had a longer recovery time than expected. Hope it goes better for you!
@approxinfinity odds are definitely in your favor it will be a piece of cake! Will be waiting to hear
️ scope or robotically?
Speedy recovery!
My youngest has some stomach bug. Got it from his cousins over the Thanksgiving holiday. - also got my car crunched fairly bad while parked - need two doors is all I think. Then my sister got t-boned in her new (to her) vehicle, when some dude ran a red. Ugg. Everyone is fine. Just waiting our turn for the stomach bug.
@mayjay said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
Thx, everyone. Home now. Not too much pain (they do a local while you are under the general, to enable the discomfort to come back only slowly; just like a dentist). Just don’t like the moving slow and having to get up so awkwardly. But my wife is the best of the bunch…and is repaying me, she says, for the hours I have been in hospital waiting room during procedures!
Best part was going to bed at halftime and waking up before surgery to the news that we won! RCJH!!! I will watch it later.
just don’t overdue my friend - don’t try and push it take that time to recover - -again been there & know it’s no fun but thank goodness you’ll be better. - -just be careful cause they can only go in so many times and re tie those things you know lol- stay safe buddy
@approxinfinity said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
I lose the gallbladder tomorrow. Hopefully I get to keep the rest of me for a while. First thing I’ve ever had removed.
Ouch , hang tough hope you get a speedy recovery. - Did you have gall stones or they catch before they developed? - -No Matter just take care and rest - - be careful - -ROCK CHALK
@jayballer67 ejection fraction was 11%, 35% is normal, 10% and below is broken, and I’ve been having some problems, which is why they looked.
Get well soon! It’s been a fall for sure. Covid in October, some hellish other infection a couple weeks later (negative for flu and strep), and now have viral bronchitis.
@jayballer67 Thanks, but my post you replied to was from last year! approx just reopened this thread. (I did recover ok, but it took a lot longer than expected, and I am now having some gastro issues. Might be related to mesh being put on top of my innards, might not.
@approxinfinity Hope everything goes well with your surgery. Take it easy with high-fat foods for awhile after the surgery or be close to a bathroom if you do.
@mayjay triple A?
@patoh3 can vouch for that!
@Crimsonorblue22 Fortunately, no. Had to look that one up. Let’s just say part of me gets more “irritable” when I eat certain things. (Like food. But trying to narrow it down from there!) I don’t remember this happening before my hernia repair.
@approxinfinity said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
@jayballer67 ejection fraction was 11%, 35% is normal, 10% and below is broken, and I’ve been having some problems, which is why they looked.
Oh mercy my friends. Well lots of prayers sent your way, you just re-coup and don’t rush anything.
@mayjay said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
@jayballer67 Thanks, but my post you replied to was from last year! approx just reopened this thread. (I did recover ok, but it took a lot longer than expected, and I am now having some gastro issues. Might be related to mesh being put on top of my innards, might not.
sorry, getting old lol I get things mied up, but anyways hope you don’t have any more issues and hoping the same for approx. - any surgeries the older w get - - the harder they are on the body - -lot’s of re coup time
@FarmerJayhawk last yr before 🦃 day my son in wichita got rsv. He thought he just had a virus for a couple of weeks and finally he got so sick he could barely make it to dr. I was busy and couldn’t get over there and his pg wife was at a checkup. He made it but dr said if his O2 sats dropped 1 more and it did, they needed to get him to a hospital. He spent the night in ER on full ox. He was in the hospital 6 nights and the pulmonologist said it was the worst case he’s ever seen w/dble pneumonia. He’s in his 30’s. First I ever heard of an adult, healthy young male w/rsv! My sister and I took turns staying with their 1 yr old, she’s a nurse and she saw his X-ray of his lungs and said he was lucky they didn’t intubate him. So moral of the story, don’t think you don’t need to go to the dr!
@Crimsonorblue22 Sometimes it is the bug (virus, bacteria, prion) that causes the severity of the infection, but in an otherwise healthy individual it is most likely their own immune system that is causing the severity of the response to the bug. Our own immune system sometimes does not know when to stop. Whenever someone feels rotten after getting a vaccine, it is typically own our immune system that causes the symptoms that may be experienced reacting to usually the tiny amount of inactive parts of the bug.
In other news a new jayhawk will be joining the club in 48-72 hours! My partner and my first. Wish us luck.
@Crimsonorblue22 that’s awful!! Glad he’s ok! I’m fine, just have a lingering cough.
@benshawks08 Early congratulations on your new lil Jayhawk!
@approxinfinity said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
I lose the gallbladder tomorrow. Hopefully I get to keep the rest of me for a while. First thing I’ve ever had removed.
Ugh, sorry @approxinfinity. Been there though, many moons ago. I Sympathize. But, don’t sweat it. The surgery is No biggie. You’ll have to chill for a week or so while the wound heals. After that, everybody reacts differently to life without a gallbladder.
Happy to share any vital recovery and beyond details. DM me if you wanna know the dirt!
P.S.: In keeping with the thread title, I got my flu shot today!
Other side of it now. Free bellyshave, sterile pre op body soap, saltine crackers, drugs? What delightful day spa did i stumble into???
@benshawks08 hey congrats! Very excited for you! Please give us updates as much as you feel comfortable. Thats really wonderful!
@Crimsonorblue22 oh man i dont think i knew the full details of his bout with the double pneumonia. Thats awful. Have his lungs recovered mostly?
@FarmerJayhawk brutal. My family got rocked as well. Had the viral bronchitus and also since thanksgiving we have all taken our respective day vomiting. Some stomach bug going around.
I’ll bet if they did a qualitative study after people discussed their common ailments, theyd find people in less pain. Thanks for all your sharing.
And also, new kid @benshawks08 not a pain obviously, really great.
Assuming kiddo doesnt lose a piece to every puzzle, draw on most of your walls sometimes in permanent marker, and slam doors at 3am repeatedly to get your attention when they can’t sleep, like mine. But hey, they grow out of it and act appalled 6 months later like “i don’t know that guy, im a different man now” ;).
@approxinfinity said in Flu Etc Roll Call:
And also, new kid @benshawks08 not a pain obviously, really great.
A truism my wife makes sure we men do not forget: No new (meant literally at least) kids without pain.
@approxinfinity yes! Thx, he was a weak pup!
@approxinfinity lol!