Miami Hurricanes Game Thread
@RockChalkinTexas Let’s shove some wheat up their rear
I’ll take 2-3 at this point
Be a champion!
refs working hard now
@DanR he traveled
@DanR said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
refs working hard now
They’re gonna have to make some adjustments to get back into this game. Really let Kansas get away from there for a bit.
Down 6 - - -to up 13 - -HELL YA
Don’t give them an inch!
Another run will go a long way toward a win!
Aparently the rule is:
If a player steps out of bounds without the ball, he can step back inbounds at any point. However, he cannot touch the ball or impact the game until he has legally returned inbounds by having both feet within the boundary lines.
@jessejayhawk said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
@RockChalkinTexas Let’s shove some wheat up their rear
at least 4-5 strands of wheat stubble up that arse
don’t jinx us guys
If Dave goes back him, hope HCBS tells him that we just has 6-6 guys guarding him, so just go straight up at the rim…
Newell saying the foul was on the pass. Or the shot. So no free throws.
Just finish strong boys
Way too much subjectivity in the officiating during this tourney
We should go back to Dave.
@jayballer67 I’m dissapointed, I was hoping for a 20 point turn around. Maybe it will comme later
@Jethro said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Please, please - not yet. If we get up 15 with 2 to go, then you can start chanting…
Big Dave time
We should keep the pressure up
little guy is having some coordination problems today
Is it triangle and 2 time???
@bskeet No reason to let up
Charlie’s old buddy Mitch.
There’s my 20
We got them hurrird up
Big time
straight from the mean streets of Columbia Missouri, Juando
Atta boy
Love the way this team is playing
We’ve held them to 11 points through almost 15 minutes
We are eatem alive in the paint
Bill I’m sorry for what I said against half time. I knew in my heart you couldn’t lose to chuckie
Burned their last timeout??
@Kcmatt7 said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Bill I’m sorry for what I said against half time. I knew in my heart you couldn’t lose to chuckie
Light that fire! Keep it burning!
Harris with 4 fouls. It’s such a relief to have 100% Remy back
Atta Boy Big Dave - - told you today Big day - - -out scored Miami in the 2nd half 36-11
Keep it up boys. No let up till you cut down the nets
@RockChalkinTexas said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Keep it up boys. No let up till you cut down the nets
i like the way you think!
Give props to Jalen.