Revenge Game Thread
@FarmerJayhawk and better
Good start
juando, the scoring machine! that was a really, really nice move…me likey.
How can there be only 3 rebounds combined nearly 5 minutes into the game?
@tundrahok no misses
lamkin is fouling everytime he touches the ball…
Wonder what lampkin looked like before wt loss
Prison Mitch
Hate that pass underneath
Oh Mitchell
@Crimsonorblue22 just like he looks now, a " fat ass"
Keep the foot down
@jessejayhawk oh my! Hey big Dave lost a lot too. Can’t imagine playing that heavy
Remy time
@Crimsonorblue22 How bout keeping the foot “up”. Up their ass.
Lunardi said if we win we stay 1 seed
Hey hey Remy’s +/- is still not negative!
@FarmerJayhawk Keep your fingers crossed
Let’s keep shooting 80%. That would be fun.
cumon Och remy is not 7 ft tall
Not a bad shot but you’d like to see at least one pass
Not that fake
I’ve seen enough Remy
0 fouls
@BShark I agree
@BShark So has Bill.
Other side
All ball
Just now able to watch. The good is that we’re up by 8. The concerning part is that they are again beating us on the boards and they are 0-5 from 3 but still are just down 7 …
Oh ffs Dave
Oh my, Juan.
F Me
missing if found return to AFH
Glad to see Higgins call one of three fouls on Mitch
lol go Mitch!!
Ref can piss off
Where was the T
@FarmerJayhawk 44 said something
Soft T but Mitch has to watch it. Refs always call the second guy.
Prison Mitch makes an appearance…lol