COVID Roll Call
Had a big family Christmas with my wife’s family last Thursday. 35 people. Everyone vaxed down to the 5 year old nephew. Hopefully no breakthroughs. Planning to meet some friends at a cabin (5 people total) in the Smokies for new years this weekend. It’s been an annual event since 2009, but we skipped last year and got together in July. I’ve been hoarding a stack of home tests… and we’ll start taking those Tuesday… to be continued…
@DanR glad to hear a success story, fingers crossed!
This mom is not very happy! I’m scheduled for a major surgery wed, have a 8 cm hiatal hernia I’ve been battling for a few yrs. so my boys were going to help me out. One coming from Lawrence wed the other coming after work wed. from wichita that could stay a few days. Suppose to be hospitalized for 2 days. Wichita kid just got back from his in-laws in Florida, and guess what? Yep, him and his wife. Her family is non vaxxed! Kids are vaxxed and baby had covid from daycare. Son from Lawrence was going to get tested before he came cause they just got home from Hawaii. They are vaxxed too. So s$it! Hope he’s ok. He can’t stay long though
dont mess around with hanging out in the same room. I made that mistake with my boys and now I’m pretty sure I’m positive, though they ran out out of tests at KidMed and couldn’t give me one. Middle son tested positive now, littlest didnt (yet)
I hope you can get through this ok without too much help. Rescheduling I take it is not an option.
@approxinfinity I’ve been scared to death anyway, so this just makes it worse. I won’t be able to eat, just fluids, for awhile, have to learn how to swallow, can’t burp or puke. It’s a tough recovery. I have to meet and give their dog back. I’ll get far away from car. Sorry to whine, just found out. Just upsets me how selfish people are!
@Crimsonorblue22 said in COVID Roll Call:
won’t be able to eat, just fluids, for awhile, have to learn how to swallow, can’t burp or puke. It’s a tough recovery. I have to meet and give their dog back. I’ll get far away from car. Sorry
All good.
Hoping the best for you.
I’m hoping all those unvaxxed people feel a lil crappy, not deathly ill, but regretful. They all left on a trip this am too, huge family. I hope my son doesn’t get very sick! I hope everyone on here is getting better.
@Crimsonorblue22 The best thing about the game Wednesday being cancelled is knowing that you won’t be cheering and yelling and tearing your stitches…
I hope everything goes well and that you will be back to your irrepressible and optimistic self as soon as possible!
Got my results today and as expected I am also positive. Actually feeling better today than I have the last couple so hopefully I’m on the back end of it.
@Crimsonorblue22 Hey crimson, my younger sis had a similar surgery a couple years ago. Power through the unpleasantness. You’ll do great!
@DanR that’s encouraging! Thx!
Symptom free, out of quarantine. Feel free to disagree and you all know that I am pro-vaccine, but I’m thinking - and we’re all going to get it - that once you get your vaccines and the booster, ride it out…
I for one will not get - not until this time again next year, if even then - another booster. Our bodies need time to adapt in order to fight it off.
@Marco let me challenge you here. What does pro or anti vaccine even mean here? Those terms don’t hold water, because this disease is not static. There is no point where one should say “yep. It’s never gonna hurt us again!” You need to be prepared for anything. Hope for the best of course. We got lucky if this variant is less fatal. That doesn’t account for the next variant to mutate in this Petri dish full of hundreds of millions of infections. I get that we want this to be over, but assuming that it’s going to be over because we want it to be over is just setting ourselves up for further failure like the last two times we convinced ourselves that masks were in the past.
That being said, if I find out the tinnitus I’m suffering from is from the booster, I will weigh that in with the deadliness of the next variant.
@approxinfinity I agree with both of your posts.
Went home to the farm for about 5 days to see family. Got boosted but other than that didn’t take any precautions. Went to Christmas Eve service without a mask, visited my grandparents like normal, and didn’t do anything out of the ordinary unless I had to. It was soooo nice to live like it was 2019 again for awhile.
Man. I wonder if we just got punished here. Feels like omicron is everywhere and inescapable here. Sounds really nice @FarmerJayhawk
@approxinfinity said in COVID Roll Call:
Man. I wonder if we just got punished here. Feels like omicron is everywhere and inescapable here. Sounds really nice @FarmerJayhawk
Probably. That’s the nice thing about living 90 miles from a Walmart or real airport. It takes a very long time for plagues to get there. My home county didn’t have their first Covid case until early summer 2020
Got boosted yesterday along with Wife. I had no symptoms other then sore at jab spot. Didn’t react to the first two shots either. Went Moderna for all 3. Wife did Moderna for first two and was sick both times, especially the 2nd shot. She went for Phizer booster and has had symptoms after about 3 hrs and still going with fever, chills, aches. Oh and its my fault I’m not feeling sick! that’s all i got for now
I think i wrote this elsewhere, but may as well move to this thread: Pfizer booster kicked my butt. Got it last Thursday night, woke up 12 hours later with the shakes, chills, fever, aches, pains, etc. Hit the couch after i dragged myself out of bed. dizzy, dehydrated, nauseated, 102 fever, sweating like crazy. didn’t wanna eat or drink for two days. Totally weak. Fever and sweats on and off for almost three days. weird!!! It’s almost a week later and i’m still not quite back to normal. Slight cough too! To be sure, i took a test Saturday. negative. sucks to be me!
Oh, the second dose knocked me out for most of a day. couldn’t even get off the couch. But felt better the next day. was hoping for the same, or less with the booster… sigh
I’ll reiterate, am pro-vaccine, but - that but not due to my already having Covid - I am also fluid. Is shutting down games or life, or going back to remote learning going to help us. The people who want the vaccine have but all already received it. So what, keep shutting everything down indefinitely? Yet another year of remote learning - alot of lazy teachers out there, just saying - will do massive damage to our student’s education. And what would it gain? Not much. Punish the unvaccinated.
@Marco said in COVID Roll Call:
I’ll reiterate, am pro-vaccine, but - that but not due to my already having Covid - I am also fluid. Is shutting down games or life, or going back to remote learning going to help us. The people who want the vaccine have but all already received it. So what, keep shutting everything down indefinitely? Yet another year of remote learning - alot of lazy teachers out there, just saying - will do massive damage to our student’s education. And what would it gain? Not much. Punish the unvaccinated.
This is where I’m at more or less. Remote learning and the uncertainty about going back and forth is doing incredible damage to the most vulnerable kids. I’m also opposed to masking most kids in schools but that’s a different conversation. I think masks in exchange for vaccines is a really great carrot in this situation.
I’m finding it more and more difficult to feel sorry for the unvaccinated too. One family member told me over the last week he wasn’t vaccinated because “we don’t know which shots work.” Which… we do. Like really, really, really well. Moderna > Pfizer >>>>>>> J&J. And obviously get whichever you can ASAP.
With enough data, the sane people are converging on normalized, accepted standards of COVID science. The fringe people are starting to universally seem a little weird.
@Marco lazy teachers! You need to walk in their shoes for a day! Unless you are at school you have NO idea!
@FarmerJayhawk I had a nurse come in my room with her nose hanging out, I put on my kn95 mask, she said that I didn’t have to wear it in my room. I asked her if she was vaxxed and she said, no, I told her I’d wear my mask then! Her whole frickening honker was out.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in COVID Roll Call:
@FarmerJayhawk I had a nurse come in my room with her nose hanging out, I put on my kn95 mask, she said that I didn’t have to wear it in my room. I asked her if she was vaxxed and she said, no, I told her I’d wear my mask then! Her whole frickening honker was out.
Ugh that’s awful, I’m sorry to hear that CB. My great uncle passed when I was home (not Covid related) and I absolutely masked up in the hospital. Thankfully the staff was as well. We’re lucky to have a very good County health officer. Probably TMI but he was the doc who delivered me!
All health care workers should be fully vaccinated or fired. There’s too much at stake to leave things to chance.
Latest Fox News insanity: One of their hosts who interviewed Trump tried to discount Trump’s pro-vax comments as due to him being old and thus, like many seniors, not being able to use the internet. That kept him from being able to do his own personal research, and left him stuck with relying on the pro-vax biased mass media.
You just could not be twisted enough to make this shit up.
@approxinfinity The block user function is slightly broken. I’m trying to block anyone that brings up covid as I feel the opinions expressed here are mostly dumb and should stick to basketball. Is there any way to block a global moderator so I can enjoy the basketball talk?
You can’t block staff members.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in COVID Roll Call:
@Marco lazy teachers! You need to walk in their shoes for a day! Unless you are at school you have NO idea!
I’m not saying the majority of them, but we have all had bad teachers. Which means that there are alot of bad teachers out there.
@mayjay said in COVID Roll Call:
Latest Fox News insanity: One of their hosts who interviewed Trump tried to discount Trump’s pro-vax comments as due to him being old and thus, like many seniors, not being able to use the internet. That kept him from being able to do his own personal research, and left him stuck with relying on the pro-vax biased mass media.
You just could not be twisted enough to make this shit up.
@dylans That doesn’t appear to be a feature on the nodebb platform. Probably not a lot of demand for that sort of thing.
Didn’t see this thread, but Covid struck me. The Thursday before Christmas. Lost taste, small fever, some cold like symptoms. Been feeling well, exercising all week now, taste coming back. Vaxxed, but not boosted, was trying to be noble and wait til Xmas break so I wouldn’t have to miss school if I got ill from the booster. Hoping for a negative home test this weekend so I can go back to work Monday.
But lots of drama from a brother who reads the far right pages way too much and not much else. So he goes to mom and dads for xmas unvaxxed of course, and gets sick when he’s there, then follows no protocols, my 89 father now fighting it, doing ok it looks like. Brother kind of feels bad, but I saw him today and he refused to mask even as I requested it. We were outside for disc golf so I just made sure to stay away.
@wissox pretty sad! I won’t say more!
@wissox Really glad your dad looks like he’s ok.
@Crimsonorblue22 No it needs to be said. It’s mind blowing. Average life expectancy in the US has gone down 2 years this year. This thing is real and we could/should be in much better shape than we are.
@approxinfinity Thanks!
@wissox Sucks to have a right wing parrot for a brother, as I well know. Trade off for mine: he is pro-vax but has more guns than the Belgian army and I think he spends all his time reading about how the guv-mint gonna take 'em all away–or try.
So sorry about you and your dad being sick! Good luck with everything.
All the best to your dad.
@mayjay I don’t think mine has the guns!
@wissox Hope your dad gets well.
Hope your Dad is going to be okay.
@BeddieKU23 Thanks and thanks to everyone else. He seems to be ok.
@wissox, thanks for the update on your whole ordeal. It’s weird… I hear people test positive (e.g., Coach Self last summer), and never hear about a followup about what the experience was like. Especially with vaxxed people. I’ve joked that my two main concerns were 1: infecting someone else and 2: losing my sense of taste and smell. Glad to hear the senses came back for you!
To follow up on my own post toward the top, our New Year’s cabin gathering went great. My wife and I weren’t particularly concerned because we were only going to be hanging out with three other people, but we all took Abbot Lab home tests the two days leading up to meeting with our (slightly older, very cautious, one very asthmatic) friends. Only suffering was from drinking and laughing too much, and sore fingertips from playing guitars for hours.
@DanR Losing one’s sense of taste would be the worst.
Wearing stripes with plaid, orange curtains with gaudy emojis in the dining room… geez, where would it end? Or making jokes during a pandemic–the ultimate tasteless act.
I should have added losing taste during Christmas was adding small insult to small injury!
My father just tested positive again. 2nd time getting it. Both times he was recently vaccinated or boosted. This time he is asymptomatic. Went to get tested today as I had contact but testing was closed due to it being negative degree weather here. Can’t get a test until tomorrow hopefully. If any of us have it we are also asymptomatic at this point. What a mess
@BeddieKU23 said in COVID Roll Call:
My father just tested positive again. 2nd time getting it. Both times he was recently vaccinated or boosted. This time he is asymptomatic. Went to get tested today as I had contact but testing was closed due to it being negative degree weather here. Can’t get a test until tomorrow hopefully. If any of us have it we are also asymptomatic at this point. What a mess
oh man, mercy. Sure hope all turns out ok for all of you. - -Just goes to show there are SOME people not you I’m not saying that but some seem to think - - -well I’ve been vaccinated so I’m good can’t touch me - -that’s such a mis conception. My next door neighbor has gotten the Covid twice also. so to think just because you got vaccinated or bostered that you above the Covid - umm wrong. - -take care my friend and hoping the best for all
Here in Topeka in Shawnee Co we have 5 Walmart’s. - -all FIVE Walmart’s have reported they have employees with COVID. One of the five has 51 employees that tested positive, I’m just being a hermit/homebody - not really out a lot on top of that I’m down again anyways . another pending surgery, gonna be awhile though because all of the Hospitals postponing surgeries unless life threating because of ICU beds and other being full and COVID cases and shortages of personnel.
I’m almost in mobile.- -I have 2 bulging discs and pinching cyatic nerve, cause huge problems. This is going to be my FORTH back surgery previous have been on my lower L-4 - - L-5 , they have inserted a spacer on my left side and have titanium screws in my back and fused . - -now they are going to put a spacer on my right side and more fusion & more screws- -this time on my L-1 L-2 - -awaiting approval of insurance on my MRI on spine , they wanting to do another MRI on upper spine to make sure they not missing anything and checking nerves - then have to wait approval from insurance on Surgery it’self - - lots of hurt at present hard to move. Got to steer clear of groups incase on Contact tracing.
Gonna see how serious the fans are in the mandate of mask wearing at the KU game at the phog. - -If not then like they said were headed to limiting capicity - -AGAIN --let’s not go there, don’t have that I don’t give a dam I’m NOT WEARING a mask. just wear the dam thing – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@BeddieKU23 was it past the 2 weeks?
Yep about a month since he got his booster. Happened to him about 1 month after he got his first two shots last year. Weird