Colorado game Canceled game thread
@approxinfinity said in Colorado game Canceled game thread:
@jayballer67 AFAICT the jury is still out. Hope it’s milder.
Some qualified good news
Omicron has killed exactly the same number of people as Alec Baldwin.
Also, I have searched and searched for any legitimate study that shows real evidence that masks and masks alone limit the spread of coronaviruses and can’t find a single one.
@RockkChalkk said in Colorado game Canceled game thread:
any legitimate study that shows real evidence that masks and masks alone limit the spread of coronaviruses
I cannot recall anyone who has even made that claim, only that they can help – in combination with good ventilation, less crowding, vaccines, good general health habits, etc etc etc.
None of these will do it alone.
Think of it like washing your hands during a flu or norovirus outbreak. Washing your hands alone will not stop you from catching something, but it can reduce the risk. Isn’t that a worthy goal?
@RockkChalkk gross! I think there was a study done at KU for covid cases in kansas. Not to hard to find studies.
@approxinfinity This is the last I’ll comment on the matter, because it’s obvious we’re on opposite sides, and neither anything you or I say, is going to move either of us off our position… Our pediatrician, who shared that she herself and her husband are vaccinated and also won’t be vaxxing they’re kids, said to us that there is no long term data on how the vaccine will react with our bodies. And since young children will recover at a 99.9% clip, if they do catch Covid, why would we subject our young children to something that we don’t know or not, if there are long term effects. My 5 year old is still growing and developing, who’s to say that the vaccine might not stunt that growth and/or development? Only time will tell, but I’m not using my 2 young kids as guinea pigs, just cause Fauci and Biden say it’s my moral obligation. Fauci has changed his position so many times, he could field a whole baseball team. Who knows where or what he’ll prance out as truth in a few weeks. No thank you.
@P-H-C thanks for the insight on the conversation with pediatrician. I appreciate your stance on this and omicron possibly may prove that it is a logical approach to young kid vax very shortly.
I do think there is room for debate about not having long term data for non vaxed children who get new variants as well. And of course I do think we have a moral obligation not to spread the disease , but omicron is quickly changing the landscape.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Colorado game Canceled game thread:
@RockkChalkk gross! I think there was a study done at KU for covid cases in kansas. Not to hard to find studies.
Conducted by my former econometrics professor, Dr. Ginther! She’s lovely, and a good teacher.
My son turns 5 in a few weeks. We’ve spoken to our pediatrician and we’ve done the research. The CDC reported in October at least 8300 kids aged 5-11 had been hospitalized with near 100 deaths due to Covid-19. As a parent that has a choice to make that can possibly prevent my son from becoming one of those statistics it weighs heavy on our hearts, it really does. We cannot imagine living with the decision not to vaccinate him if he was ever to get the virus and end up in the hospital etc. Everyone has the choice to make for their children and we feel its best at this time to get him his shot. Covid has hit too close to home recently (Aunt hospitalized, friend in ICU, another friend we know spent 2 months in ICU before recovery).
The long-term effects (if any) are certainly a concern. We just don’t feel we can wait that long to find out. I do think we are doing the right thing.
@BeddieKU23 that’s our stance as well right now with the 3 year old. Wondering how quickly we will have meaningful data regarding young children hospitalizations and deaths specifically with omicron.
It’s something we’ve been talking about for a year now. Covid basically skipped Vermont for the longest time so our initial talks were kind of a wait and see approach but Covid isn’t avoiding where we live anymore with record cases and things hitting a little too close to home for comfort these days. Agree we’ll be looking for data regarding children with this new variant.
I’ve seen a lot of people on twitter mad that Colorado made us fly all the way out there. But I sort of thought it was at least partially Bill saying “wait to call the game until we get there. That way our kids can fly home for free.” But maybe I’m crazy, and I’m also not 100% sure of the rules on travel.
Half of the experience of bringing a team together is to travel together. We still got something out of that trip.
My son is 8 and had his first shot with dad when I received my booster.
It always feels scary making a medical decision concerning your kids, but the current science points to vaxing. You have to analyze the risks in both directions… for most people, they should see the need. Helpful to inquire with your pediatrician.
@Kcmatt7 the only one that flew out from there was mitch.
There was a quote from Self afterwards that said he and Tad Boyle decided to wait until 5:45 to make a final decision. Both coaches wanted to play. Tad said they would have played if they only had 7 players. It just didn’t work out. Not sure why KU fans would care.
Ironically with all of this talk on this day, when I was going to get boosted instead I got Covid. Not too worried, the worst effect will be spending Christmas in this small room up in the isolated part of MY HOUSE! I should tell everyone else if you don’t want to get COVID you go up to this room in MY HOUSE. But since I want to have a good marriage for the rest of my life, I’m confined, like the Apostle Paul to one room in MY HOUSE.
@wissox Lol! The things we sacrifice for a healthy marriage, eh?…. Here’s to hoping you ride it out with not too much discomfort. You’ll be back to your fighting weight in no time. Merry Christmas!
@P-H-C Thanks. You too.
@wissox Good luck, and hope they slide some goodies through the bars to lighten your confinement!
We are in Hawaii with the gkids, halfway through our 2 weeks. Fingers crossed for the flight back next Tuesday/Wednesday. Will wear N95 masks this time. 16 hrs should make us really grumpy by the time we crash at home…uh, let me rephrase that…“arrive home” is better!
@mayjay my oldest son and fam have been there, should be about on there way home. Pics looked so fun!
@mayjay I wish I’d gone to Hawaii right now and then got covid. I’d isolate on a beach somewhere with my wife 6 feet away and take a long time to recover!
@wissox bummer, I feel like an asshole enforcing my eldests confinement because we probably all had it or have it, but have to be sure for the youngest. Eldest developed a bit of a cough and I kicked him off electronics and made him take a walk with me yesterday. Don’t just play Minecraft Fortnite and rocket league on your bed all day @wissox !
Merry Christmas buddy.
@approxinfinity Thanks, I’ll be alright! I should have tried to avoid missing out the deliciousness of Christmas a little better though. I can’t really taste much. Most of the year that’s ok, but not now!
@wissox Perhaps you could suggest, in a pathetically weak voice, that everyone celebrate a month late? Many people did that last year. Or at least ask them to freeze some of the cookies!
We are all quarantining here too. My partner got a positive COVID test two days ago and while my at home COVID test came back negative I’m pretty sure I have it too. Nothing too serious thankfully but still feel pretty crappy. Waving at family on the porch will be our Christmas this year…
You guys are dropping like flies!
please! Nothing serious! Don’t forget you can get those monoclonal antibodies injection.
@benshawks08 how 'bout an update? You didn’t sound great. Hope you both are doing better! Merry Christmas!
@Crimsonorblue22 doing alright. Definitely tired, still have a runny nose and lots of coughing and sneezing. Being vaccinated and boosted is hopefully helping.