so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already
@Marco said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
A little bird just told me about an hour ago that we’ll have the vaccine approved by January 1st.
I think I’d change birdies lol. - - Another little birdy at Coach Self’s conference today said there had been mention by a Biden Advisor that he could see the possibility of a 4-6 week shut down - -think this Birdy must of been a Buzzard. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I’m extremely doubtful this season is going to happen.
COVID is just going to be a part of life, another nasty virus out of many.
@BShark said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
COVID is just going to be a part of life, another nasty virus out of many.
Yup. Europe looks REAL bad now. I’ll be first in line for the shot when it comes.
Europe is locking down again right? I’m betting on that happening here as well after Trump.
@BShark said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
Europe is locking down again right? I’m betting on that happening here as well after Trump.
Yeah, a friend teaches English in France and they’ve got a curfew and the whole 9. Some states will move fairly quickly, others will drag arse
@BShark said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
Europe is locking down again right? I’m betting on that happening here as well after Trump.
I posted this before the other day but or Coach Self was talking and said he had heard a Biden advisor saying that he could see a 4-6 week lockdown coming. So I don’t know if he is hinting that THIS IS what is coming or what
Somebody on his task force said today they don’t see a lockdown happening. Gotta get the community to buy in. Need republican leaders to lead. That will help!
@jayballer67 said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
@BShark said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
Europe is locking down again right? I’m betting on that happening here as well after Trump.
I posted this before the other day but or Coach Self was talking and said he had heard a Biden advisor saying that he could see a 4-6 week lockdown coming. So I don’t know if he is hinting that THIS IS what is coming or what
Yeah, idk. I don’t think lockdowns are politically acceptable at this point. And from looking at the research, I don’t think lockdowns are that effective anyway.
@FarmerJayhawk said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
@jayballer67 said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
@BShark said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
Europe is locking down again right? I’m betting on that happening here as well after Trump.
I posted this before the other day but or Coach Self was talking and said he had heard a Biden advisor saying that he could see a 4-6 week lockdown coming. So I don’t know if he is hinting that THIS IS what is coming or what
Yeah, idk. I don’t think lockdowns are politically acceptable at this point. And from looking at the research, I don’t think lockdowns are that effective anyway.
Gov Kelly our good ol Gov here in Kansas says she has no plans on a lockdown for the State ,however things can change - just never know
@jayballer67 her hands are tied!
@Crimsonorblue22 said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
@jayballer67 her hands are tied!
ya pretty much
KU basketball is in a pretty good spot for minimizing their exposure because of McCarthy Hall. The players have their meals delivered so they don’t have to go to the dining hall. They pretty much only have online classes to minimize interaction with the student body and the players pretty much only go between McCarthy and Allen Fieldhouse right now. Even within McCarthy, each player has their own room this year to minimize interaction further.
KU is set up as well as anyone in the country to have their own bubble type environment on campus. Obviously not 100% able to protect everything because of the coaches, trainers, and support staff not being isolated, but nobody else has anything definitively better than what KU has to minimize exposure and risk.
Lockdowns are coming. A lockdown could come on a national level with Biden, but I doubt we make it that long and it will happen on local levels.
We are reaching a cap of both critical care space, medical personnel and certain medical supplies. Just letting bodies stack up at home and in cooler trucks will force lockdowns regardless what the public wants.
Everything will elevate as the temps drop and holidays approach as families come together inside.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
KU basketball is in a pretty good spot for minimizing their exposure because of McCarthy Hall. The players have their meals delivered so they don’t have to go to the dining hall. They pretty much only have online classes to minimize interaction with the student body and the players pretty much only go between McCarthy and Allen Fieldhouse right now. Even within McCarthy, each player has their own room this year to minimize interaction further.
KU is set up as well as anyone in the country to have their own bubble type environment on campus. Obviously not 100% able to protect everything because of the coaches, trainers, and support staff not being isolated, but nobody else has anything definitively better than what KU has to minimize exposure and risk.
Also just saying here but to go on top of the isolation they already have , when the students go on home for the Thanksgiving break or whatever Thanksgiving or Fall break students that go won’t be coming back until after the 1st of the year. - -Sure there will probably still be students on campus but like you said classes will be on line on top of the players being in thei own rooms
@jayballer67 Having the vaccine by January 1st doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t have a shutdown, the thing would still need to be widely distributed.
@FarmerJayhawk Thank you, voice of sanity. One thing for sure that they are very effective at is that they destroy lives and certain segments of the economy, even while allowing mass gathering places to stay open.
If we had manditory mask ordinances everywhere, had ramped up manifacturing and distribution of n95s to every American and had a unified public voice condemning abuse of the mask ordinance I’d be inclined to discuss avoiding lockdown policy. You can’t really discuss one without the other.
@approxinfinity 330 million independently oriented individuals in this nation, not enough courtrooms or even jails to mandate such a thing.
@Marco its already here. The best we can do is try.
How hard do you think it was to convince people that jaywalking was bad and cars were good?
Literally, we could’ve/would’ve/still could snuff it out in 6-8 weeks if we all wanted to. Not going to happen though because FreeDUMB. Try to avoid needing an emergency room for the next 3 months.
@approxinfinity A very long time, and people still Jaywalk and many who have a driver’s license do not know how to drive. The vaccine needs to be approved - now.
@DanR yeah, forcing people to give up the core fundamental for why this country was founded because of a cold that 99% of people recover from is such a brilliant idea. All those covid free dictatorships out there are such a shining beacon of hope for what we should aspire to be.
@RockkChalkk said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
@DanR yeah, forcing people to give up the core fundamental for why this country was founded because of a cold that 99% of people recover from is such a brilliant idea. All those covid free dictatorships out there are such a shining beacon of hope for what we should aspire to be.
My 50-something year old mom is in rough shape with this “cold” and another friend (college baseball player, so not some diabetic boomer) has lost his taste and smell for months (and has lost a ton of weight because eating makes him nauseous) so with all due respect, this is a bad take. People really should take the necessary precarious, and if they choose not to and put others at risk, government should step in.
On the hoops side, I kind of like Slick Rick’s idea to delay everything to after the first of the year when hopefully a vaccine is available (for at least some part of the population) and we have the tournament in May after even more people can get inoculated. Might be our best shot at an uninterrupted season.
This post is deleted!
It will be hard to get through the full season without at least a few hiccups. Not every school is positioned like KU to isolate their basketball teams in a single dorm. That means more exposure. You would also need to essentially “bubble” everyone (managers, coaches, training staff, etc.) that would otherwise come into contact with the team to avoid exposure. With cases going up so fast in so many places, chances of avoiding exposure for 15 different people is pretty tough if they are having contact with outside individuals.
Someone I know that works in the medical community told me that they are not expecting a vaccine to be available to first responders until early Spring at best, which means it probably won’t be available generally until mid to late summer at the earliest. The other thing we don’t know is how long immunity lasts post vaccine. Flu shots last 10-12 weeks. If this is at all similar, that means we need a shot roughly every two months to protect the population. That’s six doses a year. Multiply by the population (350M in U.S. alone) and that’s over 2B shots needed in a year.
Every plan I have seen is to distribute about 100M shots. If those go to first responders, that’s probably only a year’s worth of doses for that group. Suffice it to say, a vaccine is not coming to save us, or at least isn’t going to save us next Spring.
I think Moderna will have theirs out sooner, and can be stored easier. If this is just the sniffles to anyone, no need to take the vaccine from others or take a bed from over crowded hospitals.
@FarmerJayhawk praying for your mom!
it’s really bad here!
I’m currently dealing with 7 friends who are positive for Covid. Only two had heavy symptoms. One had to be hospitalized but is now released.
It’s a mistake to view this as harmless because only 1 or 2% are fatal especially because of the level of contagiousness.
I carefully watch the positivity rate. That gives us an indication of how widespread the virus is and if we are doing enough testing. This rate is growing rapidly in most places throughout America. Meanwhile, hospital beds, personnel and supplies are running extremely low. If you just look at known confirmed test positives then add in a couple lag time weeks… we are headed for a disaster in ERs and ICUs.
Because we have fatigue and we did take earlier measures to setup field locations, we are now not moving to prepare for what is coming within the next 30 days. I hope I’m wrong, but I see a major catastrophe coming and I don’t expect any schools anywhere to remain open.
I don’t expect our season to happen. I’m not even sure we get started.
The vaccine potential looks promising, but not having an impact until spring or later, maybe end of next year.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
@FarmerJayhawk praying for your mom!
it’s really bad here!
Thank you! It looks like a lot of the rural part of the state is really getting hammered. I heard Children’s Mercy took all of KU Med’s pediatric patients to free up beds for covid. Be safe out there, folks.
@FarmerJayhawk hope your mom is OK. Scary.
@approxinfinity thank you, sir. I talked to her over lunch and she’s in good spirits. More than anything she’s mad she can’t taste her coffee.
@justanotherfan said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
It will be hard to get through the full season without at least a few hiccups. Not every school is positioned like KU to isolate their basketball teams in a single dorm. That means more exposure. You would also need to essentially “bubble” everyone (managers, coaches, training staff, etc.) that would otherwise come into contact with the team to avoid exposure. With cases going up so fast in so many places, chances of avoiding exposure for 15 different people is pretty tough if they are having contact with outside individuals.
Someone I know that works in the medical community told me that they are not expecting a vaccine to be available to first responders until early Spring at best, which means it probably won’t be available generally until mid to late summer at the earliest. The other thing we don’t know is how long immunity lasts post vaccine. Flu shots last 10-12 weeks. If this is at all similar, that means we need a shot roughly every two months to protect the population. That’s six doses a year. Multiply by the population (350M in U.S. alone) and that’s over 2B shots needed in a year.
Every plan I have seen is to distribute about 100M shots. If those go to first responders, that’s probably only a year’s worth of doses for that group. Suffice it to say, a vaccine is not coming to save us, or at least isn’t going to save us next Spring.
ya they wee talking about here in Shawnee Co that the 1st vaccine will go to our front line health workers, have heard ANY Vaccine is many months away
Well HELL just since I got on this site like 15 minutes ago my daughter called and told us her ex son-in-law tested positive for the COVID. Which means my little 3 year old Grandson has been exposed and is going to have to quarintine - that’s just great - - keeping my fingers crossed, just means my daughter , her boyfriend , and all his kids also have been exposed
Can’t taste or smell? Oh the humanity! The obvious answer is that government must step in and shut down all schools and stunt our kids’ growth, force people to lose their businesses/livelihoods/jobs by closing restaurants, businesses, etc. that they have worked their lives to build because some people temporarily can’t taste their coffee. I hope that comes off as insensitive to many of you because its meant to be a bit of a wake up call. This is a politically exaggerated virus and a lot of people have fallen into the trap. Of course there are very real concerns about people’s heath that need to be taken seriously (the elderly, high risk people) just like every year with the flu, and i genuinely hope anyone that is struggling with the virus fully recovers. However i just don’t think the rest of the world should be forced to grind to a halt over such a small percent of people that have serious issues.
Our family circle has had about a dozen people we know get C19, most had mild to no symptoms. Others said it was worse than a common cold but not as bad as the flu. Another actually had C19 and the flu at the same time and just said it was a little rough, a few days of bad headaches, but was back to work in a few weeks. On the other hand, i have a friend that owns a very popular daycare franchise, multiple locations, that has gone from very successful and thinking about early retirement to now be on the verge of bankruptcy. I’ve spoken to owners of many local businesses we love that say if round 2 of shutdowns was to hit our state (which it appears to be happening) that they definitely won’t survive.
Ironically, allergies force me to lose my taste and smell every year. I guess it never occurred to me to just stay inside my house, stop living my life, and hide until allergy season is over because of the horror of losing my taste and smell. No offense to anyone but if the worst thing you have is temporarily losing your taste and smell, you’re doing pretty good. Enjoy your life and don’t let minor setbacks stop you from doing it.
Its a good time to come back Jaybate so i can maybe get at least one upvote!
There is no good solution.
Either you let thousands die and put more people out of work or you save thousands and hurt the quality of life of hundreds of thousands.
It is, however, disingenuous to say you only lose your taste and smell. But you knew that when you wrote this. Diminishing the disease to make it sound less than it is to justify your reasoning for choosing thousands dead instead of a short term economic hit. It is to make yourself feel better when you look in the mirror. But the “other side” is doing the same thing to justify putting people out of work. There is no clear and correct choice.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to close businesses just to close businesses. The choice is basically saying if you could only save your child or your wife which one would you choose?
Below is an excerpt from the show “Blacklist” which was written before Covid, but I think of it all the time now.
Red: You know, many ancient cultures shares a common figure, a god or demon who brought disease to humanity. The Finns called her Loviatar, the Yoruba people knew her as Shapona. The Greeks of course immortalized Pandora. Odd that they’re always women. Have you ever heard of Mary Mallon? Liz: Should I have? Red: She was a cook for the New York elite in the late 19th Century. When an alarming number of high society swells came down with typhoid fever, a research scientist traced the outbreak to a woman with the rare ability to carry the disease without suffering its effects or exhibiting any outward symptoms. Earning her the name– Liz: Typhoid Mary. Red: Correct. You’re looking for an asymptomatic carrier of Luschen’s Disease. To find your suspect, you need to know when and where was the outbreak that she survived. And, hurry. There’s a reason the plague-bringers were the most feared among the ancient deities.
This just reminds me that diseases have to be taken seriously as they have literally wiped out entire civilizations. While we know covid isn’t going to do that, we do understand it will infect millions, put hospitals at capacity, and is lethal to a certain faction of society. Boris Johnson and Donald Trump literally had to go to the hospital because of this. What if Trump or Johnson had died? This virus was thiiiis close to causing a potential shift in world power. I’m sure DT and BJ went to the hospital just because they couldn’t smell or taste.
On the bright side, we are probably 200 days away from a mass produced vaccine. And we will have the agility to reduce the impact of the next pandemic due to major advances in RNA vaccine technology which is going to be proven to be both extremely effective, but also more agile and easier to scale than previous vaccine technology. While the storage and logistics challenges it presents right now are certainly an issue, RNA technology is going to be an arms race here over the next five years and we will see drastic improvements.
For what its worth, this is also an opportunity to find new interests and hobbies, if we are encouraging people to do things. I went from not knowing hardly anything about tools to now having completely renovated a 1950s house.
@RockkChalkk said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
Can’t taste or smell? Oh the humanity! The obvious answer is that government must step in and shut down all schools and stunt our kids’ growth, force people to lose their businesses/livelihoods/jobs by closing restaurants, businesses, etc. that they have worked their lives to build because some people temporarily can’t taste their coffee. I hope that comes off as insensitive to many of you because its meant to be a bit of a wake up call. This is a politically exaggerated virus and a lot of people have fallen into the trap. Of course there are very real concerns about people’s heath that need to be taken seriously (the elderly, high risk people) just like every year with the flu, and i genuinely hope anyone that is struggling with the virus fully recovers. However i just don’t think the rest of the world should be forced to grind to a halt over such a small percent of people that have serious issues.
Our family circle has had about a dozen people we know get C19, most had mild to no symptoms. Others said it was worse than a common cold but not as bad as the flu. Another actually had C19 and the flu at the same time and just said it was a little rough, a few days of bad headaches, but was back to work in a few weeks. On the other hand, i have a friend that owns a very popular daycare franchise, multiple locations, that has gone from very successful and thinking about early retirement to now be on the verge of bankruptcy. I’ve spoken to owners of many local businesses we love that say if round 2 of shutdowns was to hit our state (which it appears to be happening) that they definitely won’t survive.
Ironically, allergies force me to lose my taste and smell every year. I guess it never occurred to me to just stay inside my house, stop living my life, and hide until allergy season is over because of the horror of losing my taste and smell. No offense to anyone but if the worst thing you have is temporarily losing your taste and smell, you’re doing pretty good. Enjoy your life and don’t let minor setbacks stop you from doing it.
Its a good time to come back Jaybate so i can maybe get at least one upvote!
Yawn. Sorry. Didn’t wake up. Like the now well over 300,000 people who died from this “cold.”
how would you like this ? - -Was on Good Morning America this Morning. A Lady out of El Paso Texas has lost 6 family members to the COVID. - Her Mother , Her farther , 2 Cousins & her Nephew. - - - She said it’s pure hell to live through when they come out and say how sorry that her Farther had passed away from the COVID - - then less then an hour later they come back out and say your Mother has passed away from the COVID - - -same dam day.
Then we have People who wanna just brush this off as a nuisance a incovience - that’s just sad.
Like the nurse said until people want to start to follow guidelines then it’s only getting worse, - - she says it’s now a matter where it has come down to an issue of respect
@RockkChalkk you are right that there is a debate to be had about whether destroying the economy and the livelihood of many is worth the lives lost to stay open. But by falsely representing the mortality of the disease while belittling it, you are framing the debate in a way that is ugly. If you ease up a little on trying to frame the argument for lock down as being people who don’t want to lose their sense of taste, I think the conversation will be more fruitful. You have to recognize that your opposition comes from a place they think is valid if you want to change their mind.
Lock downs saves lives and numbers of infections. When lockdowns happen, some people say, see, why are we locking down, not that many people are getting sick or dying. They’re like the person taking medication for whatever ailment it is, let’s say high blood pressure. The meds keeps it lower, person says, see, I don’t need these meds so I’ll stop taking them. Weeks later person suffers heart attack. It’s really the same.
Good morning Bucketeers, thanks for not beating me up too bad. I’ve been following this site for a loooong time and its part of my daily ritual to check in and read about our beloved Jayhawks. Even though the responses have been mostly civil i really don’t enjoy having any disagreements with posters on here that have become some of my favorites to read each day.
At the end of the day, this whole C-19 debate comes down to each individual’s perspective and whats most important to their family. Mine is from a middle ageish person with young kids and a family circle focused in the medical field. While i could continue the back and forth about why coronaviruses are a classification of viruses considered one of the causes of the common cold, its not worth going down this hole. I hold a lot of people on this site in high regard and don’t want my perspective on the issue to be taken as though I am diminishing the significance of the pandemic.
There is always a second side of the coin. Lockdowns save lives (C19; flu; fewer car accidents) but also destroy lives (Jobs; Businesses Lost; Stunted Education, Divorces; Drugs). America being the land of the free has always let you choose what side of the coin you want to be on until recently. NFL and MLB let the players decide, several decided to opt out and keep themselves away from greater exposure potential. That was their choice and nobody should fault them for it. But now government decides for you which can be a slippery slope. You may like what side the government chose for you this time but you might not like it the next time. Once we relinquish our decision making power its tough to get it back. I mean, haven’t we all seen what happened with Skynet in The Terminator?
@RockkChalkk said in so looks like Covid starting to cause problems with basketball already:
Good morning Bucketeers, thanks for not beating me up too bad. I’ve been following this site for a loooong time and its part of my daily ritual to check in and read about our beloved Jayhawks. Even though the responses have been mostly civil i really don’t enjoy having any disagreements with posters on here that have become some of my favorites to read each day.
At the end of the day, this whole C-19 debate comes down to each individual’s perspective and whats most important to their family. Mine is from a middle ageish person with young kids and a family circle focused in the medical field. While i could continue the back and forth about why coronaviruses are a classification of viruses considered one of the causes of the common cold, its not worth going down this hole. I hold a lot of people on this site in high regard and don’t want my perspective on the issue to be taken as though I am diminishing the significance of the pandemic.
There is always a second side of the coin. Lockdowns save lives (C19; flu; fewer car accidents) but also destroy lives (Jobs; Businesses Lost; Stunted Education, Divorces; Drugs). America being the land of the free has always let you choose what side of the coin you want to be on until recently. NFL and MLB let the players decide, several decided to opt out and keep themselves away from greater exposure potential. That was their choice and nobody should fault them for it. But now government decides for you which can be a slippery slope. You may like what side the government chose for you this time but you might not like it the next time. Once we relinquish our decision making power its tough to get it back. I mean, haven’t we all seen what happened with Skynet in The Terminator?
Great post! It’s funny that your perspective is as a middle aged person with young kids and relatives in the medical field. Thats where I’m coming from as well! And while our perspectives differ I think we are probably feeling a lot of the same things. I sent my youngest back to daycare last week and he promptly got me sick bringing a crusty nose home from daycare. Sending him back was a relief that he was getting the attention he needs (it’s a nice day care with lots of outside time and attention) and dread that I was putting the whole family at much greater risk. And I realize that I’m lucky to even have this choice, as hard as it may seem. With infections back on the rise we are going to pull him back out. For just a couple weeks he got a chance to experience normal.
As for the compromise of personal choice during a pandemic, I think we can agree that that many countries are dealing with a second surge. One conclusion I draw is that since we value our freedoms as individuals in a capitalist country, we need leaders that act with a conscience and are willing to work together with the country’s best interest at heart. If you look at the countries in the EU, they’ve been actively looking at what works for their neighbors and they have pretty uniformly adopted lockdowns to combat the new surge. As far as I see it, we have a choice. Either lock down again or let the virus rage out of control well before a vaccine is available. Unfortunately when your people aren’t equipped with adequate ppe and also believe it’s a personal choice whether they want to use it or not, there aren’t any good choices, but there is a least bad option.
While liberals typically find themselves on the side of explaining more complicated solutions to more complicated problems, here they find themselves aligned with a “simple” problem and a simple solution (lock down and don’t die) and simple usually has an easier time capturing the hearts and minds. However, I do think there is merit to all of the problems you enumerate that come from the lockdown. They are just much harder to quantify than a higher death toll.
just posted that this is getting beyond bad. They have brought in Mobile Morgue here in Topeka at the local hospital - -not good
I thought this was a good look at how deadly COVID-19 really is with some good comparisons. Helps give some perspective to what 250,000 deaths really means.
Some might look at this and say, “See, heart disease and cancer kill more per year than coronavirus but we don’t shut down the economy for that…” but heart disease and cancer aren’t contagious.
And @RockkChalkk I’m not trying to be rude but this “At the end of the day, this whole C-19 debate comes down to each individual’s perspective and whats most important to their family.” comes off to me as selfish. This whole thing continues to spread because individuals are making decisions based on what is best for them rather than what is best for everyone. As a healthy, white, fully employed, fairly healthy 35(??) year old, my risk of death or even serious complications if I get the virus are fairly low. I could take risks knowing my well being would not be greatly affected by even a few weeks of some significant illness. The problem is because of how insanely contagious this virus is, those risks I might feel comfortable taking knowing my situation can have deadly impacts on people I don’t even know. There are examples over and over and over again of family gatherings, weddings, funerals, parties, etc, leading to hundreds of cases and deaths of people who never even attended the event.
I’m incredibly lucky to work at a school where 90% of the students have elected to attend remotely. I have between 0-4 kids in my in person classes every day. Even in this nearly IDEAL scenario for controlling the spread of the virus, the level of anxiety and vigilance I have to maintain is exhausting.
A kid needs help? All my training and experience says, go kneel next to them and figure out what they need. Problems with your computer? Let me show you which buttons to push to get to where you need to go.
Instead I have to keep my distance and explain from afar. Doesn’t seem like a big deal but try cooking an omelet from six feet away from the stove without touching the pan.
And those are the easy ones.
But if I don’t keep that vigilance, if I take risks I can be pretty sure won’t kill me, I could pass the virus to my student who lives with grandma who has diabetes but has to come to school in person because the internet at their house can’t handle he and his 3 siblings on a zoom call at the same time.
I’ve honestly come around since starting school that schools do need to be open as long as the spread at schools can be prevented (not sure how you do that when positivity rate starts skyrocketing like it is now). There are kids who need a school building to learn in, a teacher to interact with, and a safe place to get the support they need. But in order to do that we need to prioritize keeping schools open by shutting down non-essential business, operating remotely and utilizing curbside as much as possible, and WEARING A DAMN MASK, KEEPING DISTANCE, AND WASHING HANDS REGULARLY!
It really comes down to some simple questions.
Schools or bars? Schools or gyms? Schools or large gatherings bringing together multiple households?
We CAN keep schools safe, but we need everyone’s help and not just if it’s what’s best for your family.
@benshawks08 that’s where the European countries that are locked down stand as well. They are prioritizing keeping schools open over businesses.
@approxinfinity Yeah, and here it is really my school community more than any policy keeping people safe. Anyone who wanted to could come back to school right now. I have no idea how I would handle a full class of 30 students. Another school in our district had to shut down for a week after evidence of spread in the school. It is wholly NOT surprising considering from July-October, a group of parents from that school were at all the school board meetings arguing against remote learning, mask mandates at school, and any other restrictions on their “freedom.”
Just curious . Here in Shawnee Co they have just put in force new health orders. All restaurants and bars have to close at 9:00 - ALL sports have been cancelled other then School , not sure what other one’s there would be other then School . Restaurants must run at 50 %
Reduced gatherings public or private - limiting to no more then 10 People , so like the one Comissoner said he didn’t want to punish people on private gatherings like for Thanksgiving.
So here is my question probably pretty crazy question BUT with this new order - - how in the hell are they planning on enforcing private gatherings such as Thanksgiving? - what are they going to do go door to door to EVERY HOUSE in the County and ask - - HEY how many people do you have in here? I don’t see any way in hell they going to be able to enforce this - - -pretty much the same if they decide a curfew or mask man date - how you going to enforce these things. - -You can’t stop every car to see if they have their mask - -crazy. - not saying I disagree just saying how you gonna enforce ?
@jayballer67 basically people narcing on each other.
@jayballer67 They also can’t monitor every highway to make sure people aren’t speeding. Than can notice when folks are recklessly endangering others say if one house has 15 cars in front of it or a person is reported by a business owner as refusing to wear a mask. As with any law, in my opinion, the goal should not be to catch and punish but to prevent, educate and redirect. Most people don’t get a ticket every time they get pulled over. Most noise complaints don’t end in arrests. But it is nice for say a police officer or health official to be able to say, “sorry sir, that is the law” and for that to be true.