All Politicked Out? Election 2020
Well here we are. No biggie. Nothing riding on this one!
With 50+ % of projected votes cast and counted, it’s expected a large initial lead for the Democrats that slowly declines over the night.
102million already cast early voting or absentee. We’ll see.
Pennsylvania and Ohio. If Biden wins there it gets hard for Trump.
I think Biden is going to lose.
Ok. Only 15% of the vote counted thus far in Michigan and 35% of the vote counted thus far is early vote. Those %s will end up closer to 60% of the total. So it’s not as doomsday as I thought
This country man. Virginia going red. Breaking my heart.
@approxinfinity isn’t only like 30% reported? I’ve seen several places calling Virginia for Biden
I hope so. It was 300k lead, but what’s confusing is that Fairfax isn’t fully in, which is a populous County that goes blue and what’s more confusing, it seems the early votes are being counted late, which is opposite of what my impression of how it would happen was.
Patience. Right now we’re at 233-232 Biden. We have AZ, GA, MI, PA, WI out. As of now, I can’t say Trump is any kind of favorite to get to 270.
I do think R’s keep the Senate at 51-52.
Should add. My lord Trump’s speech was disgraceful. We will count the ballots.
@FarmerJayhawk he’s always disgraceful!
Guess we found the missing ballots?
️🥺 corruption! Oh JOY
Did Michigan and Wisconsin save America?
@FarmerJayhawk what site are you using to see 233-232? I have a few up and none are calling that many yet.
Biden can get to 270 with Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada (and Maine). They are all way too close for comfort. He might have a chance at Pennsylvania. Longshot at Georgia.
Legal battles to follow all of this. I will be aging many years in the next few months.
Michigan should be a comfortable margin of victory given the demographics yet to be counted…
He’s been hovering around a margin of +32k in Michigan for a while. Hopefully that widens today.
Wisconsin is looking pretty good.
Fingers crossed, but this is pretty optimistic:
What Votes Are Left in the 7 States That Will Decide the Election
There’s not 270 out there for Trump. Enjoy your day, folks. This one is ovaaaaaaa
Yay, drawn out legal battles, Washington gridlock with Mitch and Lindsey still doing their thing, and QAnon supporters, D-bag trolls and covid casualties posthumously winning office for the GOP.
It could be worse. But the two party system is failing us, social media and search algorithms are creating echo chambers of opinions and thought, and the Democrats are losing a culture war they don’t understand.
Trump is suing to stop ballot counts in Michigan? Gtfo of here with this bs.
If the current AP tracker holds, it would end up 270-268 in favor of Biden and that’s with Pennsylvania and Georgia going to Trump.
I would also expect Trump to call for a recall in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia if those results end up in the legal range to be able to call for a recall.
If all goes as it should, it’ll end up 279-259 or 290-248. Talked to one of my friends in the RNC orbit and PA looks like it’ll go Biden by 70-100k. Wisconsin already called. Michigan will only get bigger for Biden (though hopefully not big enough to beat John James), and I don’t have a great feel for AZ.
@FarmerJayhawk The AP has already called Arizona for Biden. They currently have Biden leading by about 100k votes with 84% reporting.
The only states the AP hasn’t called yet are Alaska, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
The current totals as of about 2:30pm Central Time have Trump leading Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania and Biden leading Michigan and Nevada.
Only chance Trump has is to hold all 4 of those states, he’ll win Alaska and probably North Carolina, and flip Nevada, but Pennsylvania will almost for sure flip to Biden once the votes are in.
I think it’s going to end up at 290-248 Biden with Joe taking Michigan, Nevada, and flipping Pennsylvania and Trump winning Alaska, Georgia, and North Carolina.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@FarmerJayhawk The AP has already called Arizona for Biden. They currently have Biden leading by about 100k votes with 84% reporting.
The only states the AP hasn’t called yet are Alaska, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
The current totals as of about 2:30pm Central Time have Trump leading Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania and Biden leading Michigan and Nevada.
Only chance Trump has is to hold all 4 of those states, he’ll win Alaska and probably North Carolina, and flip Nevada, but Pennsylvania will almost for sure flip to Biden once the votes are in.
I think it’s going to end up at 290-248 Biden with Joe taking Michigan, Nevada, and flipping Pennsylvania and Trump winning Alaska, Georgia, and North Carolina.
Arizona has come to play with Trump - -something more on the votes - this whole thing is jsut crazy/ugly lawsuits - -recounts - - people saying ballots shouldn’t be counted that was post marked to late just insane.
Knew this was coming
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Trump is suing to stop ballot counts in Michigan? Gtfo of here with this bs.
it’s happening
@approxinfinity In Pennsylvania too. Which probably bodes well for Biden’s chances of taking PA.
@jayballer67 unless I’m not understanding precedent here, which is entirely possible, I assume you can file suit for a REcount, but filing suit to stop the actual counting is an attempt to subvert democracy. There is no indication of wrong doing here, this is just more Trump bullshit exceptionalism.
The AP call of Arizona looks premature to me. There are still over 600k ballots outstanding there, and Trump needs about 58% to win the state. He was running a little over 60% in late ballots last night, so it’s doable. Though not super likely.
@FarmerJayhawk 400k in Maricopa country which is blue
@approxinfinity they won’t be as Democratic given what we know about how many were mailed, dropped off, and come from the rural parts of the state and county. I think it was smart to hold off, like most other news organizations and aggregators like DDHQ have.
Wish CNN would get a token Republican that had a little more integrity than Rick Santorum for their panel.
I don’t think you can call Arizona yet. But Trump trying to claim MI right now is ridiculous and insane. Even more insane than calling PA and GA for himself
@Kcmatt7 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
I don’t think you can call Arizona yet. But Trump trying to claim MI right now is ridiculous and insane. Even more insane than calling PA and GA for himself
That tweet was gold!
Really looking like Georgia is going to be insanely close.
Biden down 46k votes.
Looks like Biden could pick up another 30k votes in Atlanta. Another 10k out of Columbus. And another 6k from Augusta.
Talk about a photo finish.
But there are small counties left that Trump could pick up votes in too right?
Also, theres this…
Trump and crew strategy: F with USPS, then sue when delayed unprocessed absentee ballots are allegedly processed after 7PM.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@jayballer67 unless I’m not understanding precedent here, which is entirely possible, I assume you can file suit for a REcount, but filing suit to stop the actual counting is an attempt to subvert democracy. There is no indication of wrong doing here, this is just more Trump bullshit exceptionalism.
I’m just ready to get past this bullshit , it’s like twiddle dee - -& twiddle dum, If it was turned around it would be exactly the same song 2nd verse.
I just wonder now how long it will be after Biden is elected before you see the insane shit - - Kim Chun - raise up and test Biden , He probably has his Nation worshipping him big time tonight cause the guy that didn’t take no shit from him is no longer in office.
You can take it to the Bank he will challenge Biden - -I’m still waiting for a DECENT PICK for president again - -been to long
@approxinfinity Correct.
The fact that Trump’s support was so deeply underestimated speaks to the fact that this is the blueprint we can expect for the future. Douche it up, cheat, scratch, claw, lie, defame, encourage crazies, refuse to denounce reprehensible activity, weaponize everything and anything. Nothing is sacred. Nothing is out of bounds.
And this is ok, right? Republicans are good with this. I mean not publicly, when asked for polls. But when they’re standing there looking at the ballot… well that’s between them and their God, right?
Character is what you do when nobody is watching.
Under 40k now in GA. Most recent batch came in at 72% Biden. If he keeps that pace he wins GA.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
The fact that Trump’s support was so deeply underestimated speaks to the fact that this is the blueprint we can expect for the future. Douche it up, cheat, scratch, claw, lie, defame, encourage crazies, refuse to denounce reprehensible activity, weaponize everything and anything. Nothing is sacred. Nothing is out of bounds.
And this is ok, right? Republicans are good with this. I mean not publicly, when asked for polls. But when they’re standing there looking at the ballot… well that’s between them and their God, right?
Character is what you do when nobody is watching.
I think you have to wait for the mid-terms to see where the Republican party is going to go. I don’t think continually nominating a douche is going to be a good long-term strategy though.
Related observations. I’m always amazed how awful Democrats are at non-Presidential politics. They spent $200 million to lose by 35 points combined to Cocaine Mitch and Lindsey Graham. Well done folks!
Cocaine Mitch is the all time greatest. Keeping the Senate majority is massive. And I firmly believe if you shot Biden up with truth serum, he’d rather have ML McConnell than Schumer. They can make deals and Biden can blame McConnell for anything. And he’d be happy to take the barbs.
The GOP picked up state legislative seats nationwide, which has big redistricting implications.
There was an EPIC polling failure in JoCo and Kansas broadly this year. Someone in the party showed me a poll that had D’s picking up 10-15 House seats and 5 Senate seats. The GOP expanded their supermajority in the state legislature, including a big upset in knocking off Sen. Hensley, who’s been Minority Leader longer than I’ve been alive. Can’t blame anyone but themselves. The GOP just outhustled D’s.
I think Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer should step down from leadership, especially if Senate R’s keep 52-53 seats. They flat blew it.
@Kcmatt7 I think we are going to see an explosion of douches running at all levels of government.
@FarmerJayhawk you don’t think having Trump at the top of the ticket had the most to do with the turnout? what makes Mitch the greatest?
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@FarmerJayhawk you don’t think having Trump at the top of the ticket had the most to do with the turnout?
Also, what makes Mitch the greatest? Winning?
I do not. Down ballot candidates ran pretty far ahead of Trump in a ton of districts D’s thought they had in the bag. Like in JoCo, Marshall and Adkins ran a couple points ahead. Legislative candidates ran WAY ahead of Trump. A similar pattern emerges around the country. Biggest example is Collins in Maine. If anything, down ballot candidates had coattails for Trump.
Cocaine Mitch, the grim reaper, Midnight Mitch, whatever totally badass nickname you prefer, is the most consequential Senator since LBJ, and he may end up surpassing LBJ in accomplishments. He’s incredible at keeping his slim majority together and playing the long game. He runs circles around Schumer and previously Harry Reid. He kind of used Trump as a useful idiot in his ultimate goal of remaking the federal judiciary. Really a masterclass in parliamentary leadership.
@FarmerJayhawk consequential, I agree, but to be great you first have to be good, and the man is evil.
I prefer “Senor Turtlehead” or “Yertle The Turtle”
@approxinfinity hard disagree on the evilness of Cocaine Mitch.
Anyways, we got a nice AZ vote dump from Maricopa. Trump +18. Wouldn’t surprise me to see the AP retract its call.