Loyola chat here?
@brooksmd what the heck is that?
@globaljaybird He did look strong on some of those drives. Something BG can’t do. Plus he can play D. Another BG can’t do.
We have a lot of guys that can play, not sure what coach will do
@Crimsonorblue22 Hair plugs for men.
@brooksmd not what u said
@VailHawk Not me. I look at it as the more intelligent I get the less room there is for hair.
@VailHawk How the slopes up in yur country?
@Crimsonorblue22 Youngest son enjoying Pelicans game in private suite tonite. Said it was that or go shoot clays with me in the morning. I’d rather shoot clays than go to a NBA game. Even in a private suite.
@brooksmd I’m w/your son. Who’d they play?
@Crimsonorblue22 Who cares?
@brooksmd Could be fun to shoot clays in a private suite.
@Crimsonorblue22 Memphis
@tundrahok Have to be quick on the trigger. And real short barrel.
@brooksmd grouch! Isn’t that Mario’s new team?
@VailHawk Ok, here goes. Damn climate change. lol
I went to game a few years ago…Benson needs to put $ into arena…or maybe he already has?
@VailHawk I may be wrong but believe the arena is owned by the state just like the the dome.
So you’re part owner?!?!
@VailHawk Yeah. That’s why I get free tickets to all events just like the politicians.
@brooksmd I wouldn’t if they played at all if they served Henessy… They could play dominoes or radios for all I care…
@globaljaybird I think you’ve hit the CB a little tonite.
@brooksmd Lookout you old dog, stirring that pot 'll get the teat in the ringer…
@globaljaybird Glad you’re still here. Opinion on Toro products.
@brooksmd Nah, had a couple small nips & a red beer before I cooked supper but not since. Think I will before I retire for da night though. Mama been talkin in her sleep a lot fr the pain meds so I haven’t slept well for about a week now . Broken humorous bone, dislocated elbow, & 2 torn ligaments. 6 weeks in a brace minimum. I gotta step up to the plate & earn my keep now.
@brooksmd What type ?
@globaljaybird Ouch!
@globaljaybird u need brooks to help u out
@globaljaybird how did she do it?
@Crimsonorblue22 Did a header or a bad curb& landed on the elbow.
@globaljaybird eww
@globaljaybird were u there?
@globaljaybird I got tired of different gas mixtures for different equipment so bought a 4 cycle Toro weedeater about 3 yrs ago. Appears of have lost compression. Son had a Toro self propelled mower that has been nothing but a pain in the but. He’s going to a Honda. And I think I’ll join the bandwagon and go with an Echo weedwacker.
@brooksmd I really left after posting, but yes, I hooked the old puter who’s screen doesn’t work anymore to the TV and chatted here on my newer laptop. When the ESPN 3 is working well like tonight it turns the tube into high def looking picture.
Low end Toro is no bueno. Move up to 2nd level (non big box) and they make excellent mowers and weed eaters
@VailHawk They don’t make em like that anymore. Also very unlikely to get parts for it anymore either. Word of the wise: Only use ethanol free gas in it. Also never leave any gas in the tank for more than 2-3 weeks max unless you are using it regularly. Ethanol will gum up a carburetor extremely quickly. All my 2 cycle engines I only buy true fuel ethanol free gas pre mix. Some BP stations still have Efree gas but not very many around the KC vicinity anymore. Ethanol burns too hot & destroys engines in half the time of E free gas. Plus in 2 cycle engines oil ratios are so minimal now there is very little cylinder lubrication left like 40:1 or 50:1. Dome of pistons score or burn through in no time. Planned obsolescence I guess.
@VailHawk That may be true, but at this point and experience, we’re both inclined to change brands.
@Crimsonorblue22 No it happened leaving work day before Thanksgiving… I learned how to make dressing this year.
@globaljaybird We have several stations here that carry non-ethanol and that is all I use. That ethanol crap eats fuel lines for breakfast, lunch, dinner and midnight snack. Thanks EPA for screwing us again.
@globaljaybird impressed!
Let’s see, it’s 0050 here in Louisiana and looking at ESPN NCAAM you’d barely know that KU played tonite and that Cheick made a very big debut. But you would damn well know UNC/Maryland played.
@brooksmd ad nausiem.
@globaljaybird and @brooksmd
I trust you guys!!! So you’re probably right. I’m just brand loyal bc of my upbringing.
I bought a Toro self propelled lawn mower and weed eater in 2006 when we moved into our new home and both have run flawlessly since. Don’t know if I’ve even changed the oil yet…hmmm maybe I should next spring!