ROYALS vs Mets Game 5 for the CROWN
Off base
@Crimsonorblue22 It’s called vicinity.
@brooksmd from Newell
Nice dble p
Tailor made dp.
Eddy getting sexy!! Hit the dang ball!
Read that royals were working on a deal for zobrist and Gordo. Gordo needs to get on his stick!
One slight off pitch, but money since.
Go Royals Go
MLB stats says Eddie’s last pitch was a knuckle curve. Hard enough to hit a knuckle ball, but make it curve too.
Alright Esky make Eddie run.
Textbook hit!!
Not what I had in mind.
I like that post you wrote the other day.
@wissoxfan83 Thanks man.
Just need to keep swinging away royals. That’s what took Harvey out of game one.
They are making contact. It’s just time befor they start falling.
Hoz let the best one go!
Might as well blind fold us!
Harvey got dogging that one run lead best be more cautious…
@Crimsonorblue22 be patient girl, good things take time…
Volquez has at least 4 K’s himself…
@globaljaybird Last night a prime example. And game 1.
@globaljaybird ok!
@brooksmd always w/us!
@globaljaybird If I was Harvey with all those Butterfingers behind him I’d be worried with just a 1 run lead.
Hot dang!
There ya go. Keep it down and let’em hit into dp’s. Got the best damn infield behind you.
Now can we hit?
@Eric I did
Hey Joe Buck!! Matt Harvey is not Madison Bumgsrdner. You can let your man crush go.
@JRyman annoying!
3rd time thru the order for Harv will be much more different…
@globaljaybird counting on that!
Come on ump. Strike zone is standing up not in a crouch.
2 months ago my pretty crappy Sox swept these about to win the World Series Royals. How did that happen?
Get the DP
@wissoxfan83 Same way Cubs who swept 7 straight from the Mets in reg season lost 4 straight to them in post season.
@brooksmd I think that’s why baseball is my favorite. There are no upsets. If the Bears played the Patriots we’d have less than zero percent chance to beat them!
Come on Eddie, show him the heat and put him away.
@wissoxfan83 It’s too bad free agency screwed up baseball. Just my opinion @JRyman
@brooksmd that and inter league play
Zomer time!
Come on big hitters!!
Maybe Zo can teach some bat discipline during the off season.
Ball 3 Cain.