New Mexico St vs Kansas Chat
Jesse’s blog is off to a slow start…you all are rockin!!!
told ya damnit
@BeddieKU23 first cussing
Going at Greene there. They know our weakness
Let’s go Hawks.
How deep does NMSt go? If we keep pushing we can put the big guys on the bench.
a bad call and a 3 within 5 seconds great
Free throws guys!!
And 3’s
HUGE kelly
My boyfriend!
and 1
@RockChalkinTexas that I love to
Was a terrible call
Big shot Oubre!
@Crimsonorblue22 okay today.
Oubre, let’s do this!
they are not deep at all
@cragarhawk good crowd? Looks like you r pulling our wt! Is Conner there?
Kelly totally made up for letting that 3 fly. Good thing it was a miss.
NMSU is a fellow Adidas stack
Idk if conner is or not. Crowd could be better honestly. But not awful
At least we have our old unis back.
Keep driving. Keep dumping it down low. Foul up there bigs.
@cragarhawk they can overturn that, but not that goal tend
You know, if we could get more than 2 of our guys to bring their A game in any one game, we could be pretty dangerous…
am i wrong to like that Laettner commercial?
@cragarhawk keep yelling!
Mostly Jayhawks in Omaha though. I’ll say tha . By a lot
@VailHawk yes
BG’s defense is so BAD
Read where Mich or Mich St is Addidas and they’re tournament uni’s like other Addidas schools are catching hell from fans.
Marv calling everyone Oubre I guess
They look tired nms
nice pass to the ghost mari
@brooksmd said:
Read where Mich or Mich St is Addidas and they’re tournament uni’s like other Addidas schools are catching hell from fans.
UM is Adidas.
One of the problems with those Adidas uniforms was that they make our players’ positioning too visible. Too many colors and patterns that are distinct -> people can easily compute your positioning and movement.
Traylor. Bad body languag . What’s wrong with the big guy
Come on devonte
Come on Lucas pay attention.
That’s what Mari was trying!
Mari to Ellis.+++
jsshhh selden
@Kip_McSmithers He’s spastic going to the rim
man that defense on the deflection i mean foul by baker is unacceptable a big gets the ball within 3 feet of hoop
@DCHawker like a damn third grader!
Every game, Wayne. Your streak is alive.
THREE EASY BUCKETS NOW WEVE MISSED! Come on! Stop being cute Selden and go up strong!