Miami Hurricanes Game Thread
Nice little story about Ochai on cbs. Only took all day for anyone to talk about KU
Live from the nosebleeds representing the bucketeerz.
Congrats on getting tickets! We good now
@BeddieKU23 if you could go to my go fund me I’d appreciate any contributions!
@BeddieKU23 said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Nice little story about Ochai on cbs. Only took all day for anyone to talk about KU
Great Story on our boy - LET’S DO THIS – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@wissox yeah!
@approxinfinity said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
This is our game. We are the better team. Nobody on miami scares me. We execute, bring the toughness, and dictate the terms of this game, and we advance.
LEET’S DO THIS - -really tired of hearing Miami and upset
@BShark we good!
I’m feeling it. Jayhawks win by DD!!!
KU leading the tournament in fg defense so far but don’t let that ruin your narrative CBS
we got to take care of the ball. All this about Miami turning you over -control the ball - - control the game
CBS=can’t broadcast shit
Public is all over Miami, im gonna break my own cardinal rule of betting on my own team.
Barkley LOL
If we pass up open looks and try for something better we will have more turnovers and shows we are tight. And you can figure what the reverse is. Have fun Hawks let it go.
@Eric-san smart money has pushed like towards KU though
We need Ochai as the difference maker. Yo Remy!
The first few minutes will be key to see if Dave can be a positive factor - or will be a liability - against their line-up. I think we all expect HCBS to feed the post early. If Dave can score - or even better - draw a couple of fouls on Waardenburg - we can continue to play big. But if he misses bunnies, turns it over, or Waardenburg hits a couple of 3s, then we should go small and stay small. Frankly, I like Juan, Remy, Och, CB and Jalen on the floor most of the time. Our guards are equal to or better than theirs, our two wings are better than theirs, and Jalen is better than their big. Guard the perimeter hard and make them try to beat us making 2 pt shots…
Let’s GET IT
Yeah. Dave is all about hitting the first shot for confidence. Need to penetrate and get him an El Kabong moment. Hope to post R3MY and J3L.
OMG. It’s here. Time to put on the big boy pants. LET’S GO #JAYHAWKS
Apparently the plan is to flop??
@benshawks08 said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Apparently the plan is to flop??
Pretty weak flop by Coach L there…
Jump stop, shoot or pass
come on guys. let’s do this…
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Jump stop, shoot or pass
Alas, I don’t think any of our guys quite understand the concept of a jump stop…
Everyone good!!
Should be some more blocks in this game!
Good luck unis?
Value the ball guys…
Och - you have to make that shot…
Good Dave here?
Good dave!
Good lord……
Yep - flop city…
flopping…touch foul…
What a faker
Wow - kind of a jump stop and pump fake by Cb!
Make shots
@DCHawker think he traveled
No Chuck for layups!
could call it a little tighter on the canes too, refs
There ya go Och.
lane violation…seriously?
That’s the CB we know and love
Stupid pass