Zach SZN Game Thread
Was wide open for three seconds. JCL’s sweet spot seems to be wide open for no more than 2 seconds
@tis4tim Has he shot it yet
OK. When do we put the subs in? No need for Dave to be out there or any starter for that matter. Under 4?
Harris man that was FILTHY
Coach even getting much needed rest!!
@BeddieKU23 Love thar dude. Don’t think he gets as much credir as he deserves
I didn’t know Harris wasn’t going to class in h.s. I knew his life was rough and his young brother was shot while he was at KU accidentally. Thank God for good people like the Brauns!
Hustle Dave
I will never see someone miss more layups
Get Big Mac out, Bill. No need to take a chance on hurting the foot any more at this point. We’re up 25.
@tis4tim AMEN
DAVE is a stud off the court
@Crimsonorblue22 Not aware of that. Would really like To know more
@BeddieKU23 said in Zach SZN Game Thread:
I will never see someone miss more layups
The dude is an enigma.
Nobody gets fouled more than big dave either! And thankfully he’s a good thrower!
If Dave is on track for his masters then it’s a no Brainer he’s coming back another yr
Yes, Dave has been back to his Freshman self at the line the second half of the season.
@BeddieKU23 even after giving Sr. Speech?
Unofficially KU is outrebounding WV by 46 to 26.
@RockChalkinTexas said in Zach SZN Game Thread:
@BeddieKU23 even after giving Sr. Speech?
Yupp. Personally I’m conflicted but with him its always been about his academics. It makes a lot of sense now
Double double for CB…
@stoptheflop Damn, I was hoping for more…LOL
@jessejayhawk me too! I know his brother was with a friend and they were messing with a gun and his friend accidentally shot him. That’s what I heard. Nothing was said when it happened. I think he lived with the Brauns at some point.
Why are Wilson and DMac still playing?
Pat Dave on the back and get him out please
Sweet pass by KJ
@tis4tim very!
KJ should have shot that but good assist
@Crimsonorblue22 Thankc for the info
Even put Remy back in
Bill getting a look at the 2022-2023 lineup
Stache is coming back for Teahan
OU have a chance?
Cryer playing?
Pretty remarkable to put up 80+ points shooting just 5-17 from 3 and turning it over 16 times…
He’s dead serious too
Would love, to see KJ and Marcus Garrett stand side by sid and compare legs
We have to keep KJ. He’s going to be so good
KJ’s got the tools. Just needs to learn how to harness them.
Please! Teahan much better!
Great gane. See you tomarow
Great enthusiasm amongst all here (except @DanR
) and grateful to spend time with all of you. Glad to have @BeddieKU23 back
That was enjoyable!! Rock Chalk