@FarmerJayhawk you can get them laminated free at staples and ? I forgot. Don’t post them, everybody!
@Crimsonorblue22 Office Depot I think? I’m getting mine framed after I get the second shot
@FarmerJayhawk don’t forget to report side effects.
Is spelling a side effect? I need to know before I go out in pubic.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Vaccine:
@FarmerJayhawk don’t forget to report side effects.
Will do! I’m anticipating it’s not gonna be fun
@DanR you report too!
I sometimes carry a bag of dog poop around in my sweatshirt pocket for a couple miles on a morning walk with my dog, so I’m not sure if I will be the right person to report side effects from anything
@DanR I’m assuming you don’t start out with the bag full?
@Crimsonorblue22 for a minute I thought you were asking if the bag was half full, like if he was an optimist.
@approxinfinity I thought she was asking if he had any wool!
I’m guess it’s time for their report.
Forgot to report back! Got Moderna #2 last Friday. Saturday felt like I got hit by a bus. Woke up in the middle of the night with chills, was pretty achy and ran a 101 fever Saturday. But! Was totally fine and resumed my regular running schedule Sunday.
@FarmerJayhawk Well that’s something to look forward to in a couple weeks.
@FarmerJayhawk exactly like mine. My fever wasn’t that high.
I got my 2nd moderna shot three weeks ago. Was a little tired for a few days, otherwise fine.
Got my 2nd shot on Friday and feel perfectly fine. Other than, and this is weird, my arm pit hurts. I looked it up and apparently it’s pretty common to have swollen lymph nodes as a side effect. Just thought I’d share.
@rockchalkwyo they tell women not to get mammograms for awhile because of that. Such a wide variety of side effects. Glad you didn’t have the chills, fever and aches!
My “friend” that has totally different views on everything than me, decided not to get the vaccine. She’s in the gma age zone. This past mon she got sick, fever, chills aches, vomiting, constant fatigue. Tested positive. Her husband neg. although he tested at the same time. They had been at her daughters, family of 5, 3 lil kids. She had gone to church sun, no mask, went to an unmarried pg group at church, unmasked, sun. Told me she hugged one gal. Makes me furious! Prolife huh? I say selfish and stupid! They all had to get tested. Haven’t heard about that. She hated to tell me. I couldn’t live with myself if I gave it to somebody. I’m done griping.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Vaccine:
I’m done griping.
I will happily continue griping loud and long for you about such dolts!
@mayjay today she sent me a pic of her husband w/a new pup. I asked by text if qt was over. She called and said he had picked him up outside and told the guy he was qt’d, he was fine w/it. She’s so dumb to tell me.
@Crimsonorblue22 It has been nice realizing I have distanced myself from most of the nitwits I used to come across daily. Moving gives you a chance to select a new group of friends!
@Crimsonorblue22 It has been nice realizing I have distanced myself from most of the nitwits I used to come across daily. Moving gives you a chance to select a new group of friends!
Not only avoiding nitwits. Moving can often give you an entirely new life perspective.
@Marco Seeing alligators every day certainly helps with that, too.
@mayjay and they even taste good, if done in a good place.
@rockchalkwyo I didnt feel bad until 24 hours later.
@Crimsonorblue22 Its unbelievable. When I think about this it reminds me of the people who planned a Hurricane Camille party in a seaside house and got swept away.
@mayjay and they even taste good, if done in a good place.
They feel the same about us, interestingly enough.
Got my second Pfizer shot last Thursday morning at CVS. No side effects at all. Now this pollen on the other hand…
My forehead temperature was 94.6 when I checked in at CVS. The volunteer gal giggled and said, “if that’s your liver temp, you’ve been dead for about 6 hours.”
And we all had a good hard laugh while I checked for my pulse.
@DanR Any chance you are in the vanguard of the Zombie Apocalypse and don’t know it?
Maybe you can recruit for us from the other side. See if you can talk Wilt into returning…
I’ve had my second vaccination shot now and happy to report no aperent siide efveks.
@drgnslayr nothing strong coffee can’t fix.
@drgnslayr said in Vaccine:
I’ve had my second vaccination shot now and happy to report no aperent siide efveks.
Got my second Moderna shot yesterday at 11:30. by bedtime it kicked my ass. Been sleeping all day today.
Have my second on Saturday.
Soon you both will be able to go outside without masks. Of course, 99% of Americans have done so all along when not in crowds, but now you don’t have to worry about pissing off some rabid antimasker or some proselytizing masker!
Soon you both will be able to go outside without masks. Of course, 99% of Americans have done so all along when not in crowds, but now you don’t have to worry about pissing off some rabid antimasker or some proselytizing masker!
Ohhh man. I still get “eat shit and die” looks from people when going outside without one. There are definitely folks out there who treat it as more performative than anything. At some point I’m going to stop my run, whip out my card, and yell “I CANT GIVE YOU COVID IM VACCINATED AND WERE VERY FAR APART RIGHT NOW”
The anti-mask people are just as annoying, but this is my experience in a very wealthy, very covid-cautious place.
@FarmerJayhawk I save my looks for people refusing to wear masks indoors at places that post signs at the entrance. They come in with an “I dare you!” look, and I just gaze on in wide-eyed puzzlement at the refusal to just get along with people.
@mayjay oh yeah, they deserve it for sure. It’s like taking off your shoes at someone’s house who really loves cleanliness. Like, just do it. Be polite and not a performative a-hole. It’s really not that big a deal.
Soon you both will be able to go outside without masks. Of course, 99% of Americans have done so all along when not in crowds, but now you don’t have to worry about pissing off some rabid antimasker or some proselytizing masker!
. Right! Just whip out your vax card, baby!
If someone isnt doing it, there might be a dollar to be made on snappy t-shirts to announce your vaccination status, as a more practical means of virtue signaling than wearing a mask.
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ in ┃╱╱╲╲ this ╱╱╭╮╲╲house ▔▏┗┛▕▔ we ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Got the vax f y’all ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
As in just about every part of life in America now… it’s the extremists on both sides making life miserable for those in the middle. Why don’t we make an “extremist law” and say anyone fitting in this specific group must pay massive fines. (joke, but not really) I’m so sick of conspiracy theories and nutty ideas from the fringes.
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