All Politicked Out? Election 2020
Meanwhile, we get news about the Trump administration failing to lock in 200 million more doses from pfizer (ie the 95% effective vaccine) when they initially offered them with no cost if the trials proved to not be effective. They offered them again in October and November, and were turned down by the administration. And now the EU has locked in 300 million doses and we will have to wait until after that to get more, probably July. So if we get to July and Europe is all clear and we are still piling up bodies in the US, remember this.
And @Marco again, this is why Europe doesn’t have the infections and deaths that the US has. Because they have more competent leaders who put the well being of their citizens first.
Wherever you are, it’s pretty depressing. Wtf is going on in Belgium??®ion=World&deathsMetric=true&interval=total&perCapita=true&smoothing=0&pickerMetric=location&pickerSort=asc
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Wherever you are, it’s pretty depressing. Wtf is going on in Belgium??®ion=World&deathsMetric=true&interval=total&perCapita=true&smoothing=0&pickerMetric=location&pickerSort=asc
It appears to be a country divided, much like ours:
According to several Belgian officials, it was the government of the northern region of Flanders that insisted on keeping a balance between economic interests and the public health situation, and thus blocking the shutdown of leisure activities such as sports and cultural events.
The federal restrictions didn’t go far enough for French-speaking politicians, as cases and hospital admissions were quickly rising in the south. Only hours after De Croo’s press conference last Friday, Wallonia and the French community adopted stricter rules, including an extended curfew and universities again going completely virtual. On Saturday, the Brussels government announced another set of measures for the capital region, adding to the confusion.
The Texas case is officially dead. SCOTUS kicked it 9-0, and the only remotely interesting part was Thomas and Alito saying the case had no merit but still had to hear it based on original jurisdiction (the idea that under Article III the Court has to hear all disputes between states).
@approxinfinity I never said that we weren’t divided, but some feel that Trump did put our citizens first - not only domestically, but internationally as well. Oh well, he lost, guess that we need to lube up and get ready to start bending over for China and the rest of the world once again.
@Marco said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity I never said that we weren’t divided, but some feel that Trump did put our citizens first - not only domestically, but internationally as well. Oh well, he lost, guess that we need to lube up and get ready to start bending over for China and the rest of the world once again.
woh man, whatever you do in your free time is your business
oh, believe me, my free time is spent being much more constructive than that. Others can spend their own deconstructing themselves and or this nation, if that is what they think floats, for a time, a sinking boat.
Today is potentially (knocking on wood) a very good day. Still a lot of bad happening, but hopefully some good news.
I stayed up very late last pm!
And then this afternoon happened…
If anyone still confused about privilege, 13 people have been arrested so far. Just 13. The benefit of the doubt folks get for being white is extreme in this country.
Edit: the benefit of the doubt is as strong for white people as the presumption of guilt is for non whites.
Impeach and remove him. Tonight.
And then convict him.
He should honestly stand trial for treason.
Yeah, its not going to happen. All Trump’s enablers still suckle at the racist, ignorant teat of Trump’s constituents.
Shame on the Republicans.
The folks at Twitter have more courage and honor than congressional Republicans.
Some of the cops just let them thru the gates, took pics w/them. I have a lot a words, to many to write. I’m still a reg. Repub. always vote country over party. Have friends that have run on both sides, so pretty moderate. I couldn’t vote for trump, could see right thru him, never felt safe, and he was a sexist!
I at least felt safe w/Hilary. Not a huge fan, but later proved she was right on about everything. So happy about the Georgia runoff! Decent guys instead of rich insider trade criminals. And then Cruz, Hawley Marshall, the rest of the enablers of trump
4 yrs of this crap. My hope is he finally has to pay for all the crime he’s gotten away with! I like joe, he’s decent and has picked great people. Has trouble speaking, but decent goes far with me! What happened today needs to be dealt with NOW!
I found this interesting.
Alberta is always a must read. I think he’s the best sourced reporter in GOP circles in DC. His book American Carnage is fantastic.
I’m curious at what point the sane Republicans realized that Trump was inciting violence and had no plans to just go away. And when they did realize it, did they think that those enabling the President were morally in the wrong? Or did they think “well that’s just politics”?
Let me throw out two statements and tell me which one resonates more with you:
every circumstance in life is an opportunity to maximize one’s outcome
every circumstance in life is an experience that one might learn from
@approxinfinity some did leave. I’ve heard some are staying on just to keep the transition smooth
️ The seditious 6 or 7? are really hearing about it. Josh Hawley is losing a book deal and backing.
I have not seen this anywhere else, but I fully expect Trump to pardon the Capitol rioters on his way out the door.
@mayjay your thoughts on this? Not the pardon, what happened.
@Crimsonorblue22 Every anti-Trump newspaper in the country should have run a banner headline yesterday morning reading: Told You So
@Crimsonorblue22 As to impeachment, waste of time. Ignore him and don’t give the Repubs something to rally around.
@Crimsonorblue22 I forgot to mention that I am surprised the Repubs aren’t pushing to seize Hillary’s emails for evidence of the diabolical Antifa plan to coax white supremacists in rioting.
Ding dong the witch is dead. Twitter banned Trump forever. Not sure the wisdom of it but hey, they can do what they please.
May the rest of the country heal as the Republican Party discards one ugly face and schemes on a new look for 2022
Will we heal? That’s kinda what I wanted @mayjay . These guys are everywhere and they believe everything trump tells them. It shocks me. I watched the Georgia election guy go over ever allegation/Conspiracy theory there is and he’s a republican, voted for trump. They claim to be Christian, but that’s not what I learn in church. How can a patriot desecrate our Capitol? Then there’s the confederate flag
somebody counted and said there were more trump flags than American flags. I’ll stop.
A lot of the American right is in a bad place right now, that much is obvious. Its embrace of grievance politics is gross. I miss the days when Mitt and Jeb! were the standard bearers.
@FarmerJayhawk how can that many people be so stupid? Reminds me of Jim baker.
@Crimsonorblue22 I wish I could tell you. There’s some deep introspection going on in a lot of places on the right. For a lot of us, we’re vindicated and it feels miserable.
Without grievance politics the Republicans lose to Hillary. And the courts would consequentially be more liberal. Maybe that was the natural progression of this country in 2016; but instead of evolving with the times, the right decided to hand the reins to an idiot despot ruler who would gladly burn everything down, after Mcconnell’s obstructionism forced the Republican party to avoid any compromise with the Democrats since 2014.
And despite every horrible thing Trump’s done, for 4 years the Republicans in Washington have stood lock step with Trump.
How can people celebrate Mitch McConnell when it’s his BS politics that has exacerbated the toxic partisan extremism we have in Washington today?
Our forefathers feared tyranny of the majority, something that conservatives seem fond to note, and yet, they don’t bat an eye when their Senate Majority Leader is all in on promoting a tyranny of the minority, stonewalling any attempts at real politics in Washington.
Is joe Biden safe? What will these people do? Will they fall apart?
@Crimsonorblue22 Sadly, anyone looking for a happy rainbow shining over the country after Hurricane Trump blows out of town is not paying enough attention.
I would like to say we will heal, but I actually fear we are in for a long period of political violence as the lunatic gun fringe keeps itself riled up and finds cover in the Cruz/Rubio/Hawley/Hannity pack.
These people–call them whatever you want, but they are comfortable with Nazis and Confederate flags in their midst–are fanatics and our system is just not set up for dissuading cult believers. I suspect we will have to experience a lot of clampdowns on the freedoms we are used to if there is to be any retreat from the social media being used to incite flash mob violence.
I have warned here before against efforts to control free speech, but maybe that, too, will be radically changed with laws similar to Europe’s.
The bad thing is that it will take a genuine concensus across a broad spectrum of political views to root out the militias and prevent more 2nd Amendment riots.
The good thing is I expect it to eventually happen, but the question on the other side of that is whether I will live long enough to see it because it may take generations. Or maybe climate change will moot it all.
@mayjay will it make any difference if he goes to jail, I think he has several cases lined up. I also think that’s why he’s been going off the deep end. Thought maybe that would cool off the trumpsters. Or make them worse?
@Crimsonorblue22 At this point, I’m all for sending him to jail, come what may. I don’t think it will cool off all of the Trumpsters, but I think the 2000 that stormed the capital are the craziest of the crazies. Most irrational Trump supporters aren’t crazy (yet?) but they need rails, like seeing there are consequences when you incite an attack on the Capitol.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Without grievance politics the Republicans lose to Hillary. And the courts would consequentially be more liberal. Maybe that was the natural progression of this country in 2016; but instead of evolving with the times, the right decided to hand the reins to an idiot despot ruler who would gladly burn everything down, after Mcconnell’s obstructionism forced the Republican party to avoid any compromise with the Democrats since 2014.
And despite every horrible thing Trump’s done, for 4 years the Republicans in Washington have stood lock step with Trump.
How can people celebrate Mitch McConnell when it’s his BS politics that has exacerbated the toxic partisan extremism we have in Washington today?
Our forefathers feared tyranny of the majority, something that conservatives seem fond to note, and yet, they don’t bat and eye when their Senate Majority Leader is all in on promoting a tyranny of the minority, stonewalling any attempts at real politics in Washington.
I’m not sure they do! I’ll probably go to my grave swearing up and down Jeb! beats Hillary. We’ll never know and nobody has evidence either way, but that’s my instinct. I will admit the GOP never dealt with the rising populist tide on the right in an adequate way. I’ll take some blame for that. I saw some troubling signs in the 12 and 14 cycles and kind of brushed them aside since they voted our way and assumed we could keep them at arms length forever. Then Trump came down the escalator and everything changed (to us on the normie right’s horror). The wave we caught to elect people like Lynn Jenkins, Pat Roberts, Kevin Yoder, Joni Ernst, Ben Sasse, et al. pre-16 ended up pulling us under. Now it’s up to us to bring the right back to shore, because this country is more healthy with a vibrant center-right. I still firmly believe in the fusionist project, though I’m on the libertarian side of things. And we’re working on it. Whether it’s through the GOP or not is TBD. I don’t expect any cheers from the left. In fact, I fully expect Lincoln Project and PodBro types to keep saying the fusionist right was always trash and they never believed any of it was different than Trumpism, however defined. Which is fine. That’s their deal.
McConnell took calculated risks. Harry Reid escalated in nuking the filibuster for sub-SCOTUS nominees and passing major legislation through budget reconciliation, moves I’m sure he regrets now. Legislative leaders need to be very careful in the genies they let out of the bottle. It’s a complicated business managing a small majority, as Schumer and Pelosi are about to find out.
I would be intrigued to see a third Senate caucus form. Since it’s 50/50, 10 Senators could control the chamber. Say, Romney, Manchin, Sinema, Collins, Coons, Murkowski, Sasse, Kelly, Portman, Tester if they voted as as bloc on legislation. Could split any way on nominations.
Where’s Q going to go?
@Crimsonorblue22 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Where’s Q going to go?
This segment is a must watch. I put my life in the hands of the cap police every day back when I was a staffer. Without that sense of security we couldn’t do our jobs. I’m both sad and absolutely livid this President incited a riot at the seat of our government.
@FarmerJayhawk he’s responsible for so many deaths. I hope he pays. He’s truly a monster.
@Crimsonorblue22 In a normal world, it would make a difference if he was jailed. But to the unhinged it will just prove how persecuted he is, and become another rallying point. Same with impeachment.
I think Biden should have DOJ list all the possible crimes and then pardon DJT in a speech specifically delineating his criminal activity. Similar to Ford for Nixon, but with specifics. Goal is to neuter his future influence.
Dems need to get a grip and prove they can govern effectively with positive outcomes for all on the political spectrum. Obsessing over Trump after he is out ain’t gonna create jobs, mitigate the pandemic, or repair roads.
McConnell may drive the impeachment, taking up the articles in the Senate 1 hour after inauguration.
@approxinfinity Lots of commentary that impeachment can proceed after he leaves office because if convicted, Senate is not limited to removal. They could bar him from future federal office and benefits. Would it not be cool if he is stripped of pension and library, etc?
Never happen, tho…
@mayjay Biden will be running the country. But
@Crimsonorblue22 Reminds me of Jim JONES.
Definitely over the, “They were both bad candidates” crowd. But her emails… (emphasis on HER). Dangerous rhetoric is called dangerous for a reason.