All Politicked Out? Election 2020
Rep. Kenzinger had a strong statement. Sen. Sasse as well.
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Rep. Kenzinger had a strong statement. Sen. Sasse as well.
Thanks for this. I will check it out. Glimmer of hope.
Some guys who voted not to impeach. Great
They also don’t directly denounce the President. Say his name.
More memes? Hell yeah.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
They also don’t directly denounce the President. Say his name.
Ask and ye shall receive.
@FarmerJayhawk very nice. Liked and commented.
I do think you’ll see R’s dump Trump like a bad habit as this thing is increasingly dire for him. Georgia looks gone, Nevada is gone, and then PA, AZ don’t matter. Though Biden will eventually win them both.
@FarmerJayhawk I’m skeptical. I think it’s going to be very hard to divorce themselves from 69 million votes. I doubt there are many direct public denouncements.
If they do, they’ll be likely to fall in line when he runs again in 2024 as it has been reported he would do, or when Don Jr or some equivalent guy pulls into town with a similar act.
@approxinfinity just saying, zero prominent Republicans are supporting Trump’s bizarre claims. He’s increasingly isolated and we’re only 48 hours out.
Georgia. What an amazing turnaround there for Democrats to get to 2 Senate runoffs. We’ll see how it plays out; that Jan 5th runoff will have both parties’ full attention.
Pennsylvania should be done by morning. Trump is toast.
The runoffs will be wild. I think Perdue definitely wins (Ossoff is just bad) but Loeffler has a wild one. She’s less popular and up against a better candidate in Rev. Warnock
More important maybe than Biden potentially taking Georgia is Perdue dropping below 50% to force a runoff. January 5th for the senate. I’m not too optimistic about getting both seats but at least there’s a chance.
So currently Perdue has 2,448,369 and Ossoff has 2,347,307 with Shane Hazel, the Libertarian, getting 113,613.
2016, the Senate race: Republican 2,135,806, Democrat: 1,599,726, Libertarian: 162,260
Do you think the numbers on the runoff will be as juiced without Trump on the ticket? Who does that favor? I can’t imagine how intense the get-out-the-vote movement will be for a Senate race.
If there is a silver lining here, either way, the American public will get the point hammered home without distraction that the Senate is the true seat of power in United States politics.
Spanberger, my House Rep lost her shit on her fellow democrats on a call today, telling them to never use the word socialist again and to distance themselves from the defund the police movement:
If you’ll recall, she was one of the House Democrats that called for impeachment, and I’m happy she won reelection.
I can’t see D’s being that motivated. They got their main objective. How much appetite among lower propensity voters (especially the youths) to turn out for a Senate primary in January?
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Spanberger, my House Rep lost her shit on her fellow democrats on a call today, telling them to never use the word socialist again and to distance themselves from the defund the police movement:
If you’ll recall, she was one of the House Democrats that called for impeachment, and I’m happy she won reelection.
She’s so, so right. A lot of the voters D’s really want, and lost ground with in 2020 vs. 2016, are more conservative than the liberal whites who run the party.
I don’t know man, BLM turned out the vote in Georgia. They’ve got momentum, they’re organized, and still mad as hell, especially if Trump keeps running his mouth. Time may deflate Trump supporters more than the Democrats.
Let’s go socialism. Defund the police. I’ll be donating money to the democratic cause in Georgia.
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Let’s go socialism. Defund the police. I’ll be donating money to the democratic cause in Georgia.
Please, please, please, Democrats run on this in every race.
I’m ready to put Pelosi out to pasture after this one.
As long as we get rid of Feinstein first.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
I don’t know man, BLM turned out the vote in Georgia. They’ve got momentum, they’re organized, and still mad as hell, especially if Trump keeps running his mouth. Time may deflate Trump supporters more than the Democrats.
For a Presidential, sure. How much do they have left in the tank? Are they going to come out for Jon freaking Ossoff? Maybe the whitest white dude ever to be white? The senior vote will be there for the GOP. The rural vote will be there. Will college kids vote? It’s tougher for me to find the 50% for D’s than R’s is all I’m saying.
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
As long as we get rid of Feinstein first.
Yes please. I think its time for the House leadership to come from the battlegrounds and not from the California Ivory Tower. Be more machiavellian about it. Put your capital near the warfront.
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
I don’t know man, BLM turned out the vote in Georgia. They’ve got momentum, they’re organized, and still mad as hell, especially if Trump keeps running his mouth. Time may deflate Trump supporters more than the Democrats.
For a Presidential, sure. How much do they have left in the tank? Are they going to come out for Jon freaking Ossoff? Maybe the whitest white dude ever to be white? The senior vote will be there for the GOP. The rural vote will be there. Will college kids vote? It’s tougher for me to find the 50% for D’s than R’s is all I’m saying.
Nobody ever accused them of being good at this. DiFi will survive. Even though she’s like 85, she’s a battle axe. She went through some ish in San Fran and won’t go lightly. Like last time when she buried the California Senate President. My hunch is Pelosi will too. She kept her entire caucus together after losing 60+ seats in 2010.
They can keep gettin’ dem checks. Just pass the torch. I nominate the freshmen democrats that called for impeachment when this country needed it:
All of them won reelection. Only 1 is in California. Freshman female reps with military backgrounds and integrity. Winners.
Lindsey Graham endorsing Trump today, little shiny slimeball that he is.
Rick Santorum now saying that he’s getting lots of “testimonial videos” from “friends” reporting widespread fraud. Is he referring to twitter trolls? This guy has lots of friends?
Former pols always have a lot of friends
@approxinfinity do they drop the libertarian?
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
I don’t know man, BLM turned out the vote in Georgia. They’ve got momentum, they’re organized, and still mad as hell, especially if Trump keeps running his mouth. Time may deflate Trump supporters more than the Democrats.
For a Presidential, sure. How much do they have left in the tank? Are they going to come out for Jon freaking Ossoff? Maybe the whitest white dude ever to be white? The senior vote will be there for the GOP. The rural vote will be there. Will college kids vote? It’s tougher for me to find the 50% for D’s than R’s is all I’m saying.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
I don’t know man, BLM turned out the vote in Georgia. They’ve got momentum, they’re organized, and still mad as hell, especially if Trump keeps running his mouth. Time may deflate Trump supporters more than the Democrats.
For a Presidential, sure. How much do they have left in the tank? Are they going to come out for Jon freaking Ossoff? Maybe the whitest white dude ever to be white? The senior vote will be there for the GOP. The rural vote will be there. Will college kids vote? It’s tougher for me to find the 50% for D’s than R’s is all I’m saying.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity do they drop the libertarian?
Yes. Only the top 2 move on in each race.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity do they drop the libertarian?
@FarmerJayhawk They need to play this on repeat down there of Perdue deliberately mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ name at a Trump Rally:
It’s pretty bad. Trump croney needs a beat down.
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@Crimsonorblue22 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity do they drop the libertarian?
@FarmerJayhawk They need to play this on repeat down there of Perdue deliberately mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ name at a Trump Rally:
F for all our friends in GA who have to get blasted by mail and ads for the next two months.
@FarmerJayhawk how many states do this? Kinda expensive! I hate that chick!
@Crimsonorblue22 said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@FarmerJayhawk how many states do this? Kinda expensive! I hate that chick!
I believe MS, Alabama, AR, Georgia, SC, Louisiana, and California. Could be more a couple I’m missing? Maine switched to an instant runoff this cycle (didn’t matter because Collins hit 50)
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- South Dakota - Only for congressional and gubernatorial elections
- Texas
- Vermont - Only for tie votes
(i’m just spitting out what this site said)
The sun rises on Georgia Blue…
DDHQ called PA. Biden at 273. Curtains.
Boy, it’s sure nice to see all these prominent Republicans breaking silence and condemning the Trump Administration.
Oh. Wait.
It’s early still, but if the trends continue then congratulations to Kamala Harris as the first woman and person of color to become vice president.
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
It’s early still, but if the trends continue then congratulations to Kamala Harris as the first woman and person of color to become vice president.
Not quite! Charles Curtis, a Kansan and Native American, was Hoover’s VP.
Well the first woman vice president anyway. Good for her.