Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5
You probably think the militia kid was ok to kill and injure one last night?
@Crimsonorblue22 why are they telling him to drop the knife?? Why does it look like he is holding a knife?? Why is several news outlets saying he had a knife?? All evidence released points to him having a knife. I haven’t looked into that story so I have no comment. I’ve spoke my opinion on the matter, you don’t have to agree but I’ll leave you with this quote “opinions don’t change facts but facts change opinions of logical thinking people”. Have a good night.
Edit: if it is proved that he indeed didn’t have a knife I would agree
with you.
@kjayhawks Chasing this guy around his car and shooting him in the back is absolutely inexcusable. I don’t know how one can watch the video you posted and justify what they did in any capacity. Whether he was white or black. Doesn’t matter. Totally inexcusable. I’ve never seen a video of a cop do that to a white person. Maybe it exists? If it does, that would be awful and inexcusable as well. But the fact is that this was yet another black guy getting brutally attacked by law enforcement.
Situation was awful, but honestly it’s crazy how in many of these situations, the individual has a prior extensive criminal background and how many of them get escalated when they resist arrest. Doesn’t make it right but let’s also stop acting like the guys are angels or have no fault of their own in the situation. Senseless excessive force has to stop but defunding police is not the answer. Improving education requirements/schooling of officers, Transparent investigations, and counseling/mental health opportunities. We know ptsd is a major thing for the military but we don’t think about ptsd effecting cops who face dangerous situations daily. Hopefully as a country we can progress beyond racism, especially the police force violence. With all that being said, hopefully the public can be educated on respecting officers and following their directions to avoid these encounters.
@jayhawks2010 i’d be down with police officers having to get a blackbelt in a martial art. That would teach them discipline, respect and confidence in non-deadly means of restraint as a primary tactic.
With all that being said, hopefully the public can be educated on respecting officers and following their directions to avoid these encounters.
I think the public is getting a crash course education on respecting officers right now from videos like this. I have no respect for this. You have to earn respect. It’s a two way street.
In a situation like this, I think the officer should have restrained the person sooner, and should not have had guns drawn.
I think our love for guns in this country contributes massively to the problem, because use of deadly force is one click away from the outset of every encounter.
It seems like solutions can be found in tactics to make this situation not escalate.
Getting training on better ways to avoid having to use excessive force is very important. Yes, the police throughout the country have lost respect as a whole and proper steps need to be taken to fix the issues. Still though majority of cops are great at their job and do it the right way. If the guy had followed the cops instructions, didn’t resist arrest, stopped after being tased, it wouldn’t have escalated to this.
Under no circumstances is it acceptable for an officer of the law to shoot a man down for attempting to enter his car, so whats the point in qualifying it?
I get it. Empathy for the officers. It’s a tough job. The officers are supposed to be able to handle belligerent people without shooting them. That IS the job.
And if you build up a culture of fear and mistrust, can you be surprised that someone acts irrationally when confronted by police?
@approxinfinity said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
In a situation like this, I think the officer should have restrained the person sooner, and should not have had guns drawn.
I think our love for guns in this country contributes massively to the problem, because use of deadly force is one click away from the outset of every encounter.
It seems like solutions can be found in tactics to make this situation not escalate.
The job attracts people who are likely not trainable in deescalation. Just my opinion.
@jayhawks2010 I have the same thing about training on here several times. Like I said we have hold both sides accountable. Cops being trigger happy is a problem but so is resisting arrest and fighting police with or without a weapon. He was likely resisting because he knew he had a warrant. Same way with the guy in Georgia, they knew they was going to jail so they fought.
@kjayhawks so if i go to a bar and someone whom I’m pretty sure took my wallet, whom I also think may have a knife tries to pull away when I grab him by the back of his shirt, if I shoot him in the back 7 times… I shouldn’t, but if I do, it’s his fault too that I shot him, because he tried to pull away from me, right?
@approxinfinity not apples to apples because you comparing a assumption to fact and your aren’t a police officer. Multiple times I have stated this was excessive force. If you play stupid games you are gonna win stupid prizes. I’m just keep saying accountability has to held on both sides for progress my friend. You don’t have to agree, that’s just my take. We know what we are doing isn’t working for sure.
@approxinfinity said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
… after Blake shooting. League cancelled all playoff games tonight in response.
I support this
How organized is BLM at this point? Obviously this senseless violence by police keeps happening and it seems like BLM needs to make some clear demands even while reserving a “you know it when you see it approach” in reaction.
Is it possible?
what they DON’T need to do is riot and burn inoncent citizens business. - -Vandalize - - loot beat up. That serves no purpose - I/we got real issues with that
@kjayhawks you’re assuming he was going to draw a knife and that the police made the same assumption.
Assumption = assumption.
As for my not being a police officer, well that title means different things to different people. They certainly weren’t “officers of the peace” in this situation. They looked more like dangerous predators in a certain light. You’re assuming that everyone should respect the badge. Would you respect it if you saw your dad get shot point blank in the back 7 times?
@approxinfinity said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
Under no circumstances is it acceptable for an officer of the law to shoot a man down for attempting to enter his car, so whats the point in qualifying it?
I get it. Empathy for the officers. It’s a tough job. The officers are supposed to be able to handle belligerent people without shooting them. That IS the job.
And if you build up a culture of fear and mistrust, can you be surprised that someone acts irrationally when confronted by police?
Actually a lot more to it then him just trying to enter his car bud. Sure there are some bad cops. - -there are SOME BAD people too. These police that people want to be quick to judge - -it’s not the entire force , these guys put thee lives on the line every single day not knowing if they have seen THEIR wives , children for the last time. They have no idea if they are going to make it through a shift before some idiot attacks THEM. - -So who are these guys putting their lives on the line for everyday? - - YOU Me, people need to be able to see the other side of the story like has been mentioned always two sides so the next time someone is hollering where the hell the police are at when they are getting mugged , a woman raped , vandalized - whatever the case - -people need to remember oh ya we downsized the forced - -we took away their defense – I’m NOT SAYING this was right just tired of people trying to make the Police look like ass all the time My Brother is a Police officer, how many times do people tell Police THANKS when they help them out of situations ? - - VERY VERY SELDOM I’m telling you from experience. - -whether want to believe or not many many times police put up with ALOT OF SHIT - - A LOT before taking action. These guys are in a no win situation. - -Damed if they do - - Damed if they don’t
@jayhawkblue73 ok, I get that police deal with some bad stuff and it hardens them and they’re trying to protect themselves, and people don’t always see the good that police do. Same with any job in that respect. You dont know what any random person does at their work. But if they showed up on your street and shot someone, that would be your impression of them. And people tend to talk about people shooting people. We know that.
How crazy does the tape look? Take away the uniforms and who looks like the aggressor on the tape? It isn’t about the times the cops do the right thing, its about the times the cops do the wrong thing. That’s what we need to solve. These guys in the video might have done all the right things, talking to kids, helping old ladies cross roads, whatever, and then shot Blake and we would still be solving for why they shot Blake.
@approxinfinity said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
@jayhawkblue73 ok, I get that police deal with some bad stuff and it hardens them and they’re trying to protect themselves, and people don’t always see the good that police do. Same with any job in that respect. You dont know what any random person does at their work. But if they showed up on your street and shot someone, that would be your impression of them. And people tend to talk about people shooting people. We know that.
How crazy does the tape look? Take away the uniforms and who looks like the aggressor on the tape? It isn’t about the times the cops do the right thing, its about the times the cops do the wrong thing. That’s what we need to solve. These guys in the video might have done all the right things, talking to kids, helping old ladies cross roads, whatever, and then shot Blake and we would still be solving for why they shot Blake.
why was he resisitng ? - - -Why was he resisting ? - - if he done nothing wrong in the 1st place why did he resist? - - it’s just like when these guys get in a car pursuit or foot chase - - they get caught , 1st words out of their mouths is what did I do ? - I didn’t do anythingv- - - well if you didn’t do anything wrong - -why you take off running , or speeding off in the car?
Do you understand how many police officers get shot in a routine traffic stop? - -routine traffic stop for speeding or whatever and end up getting shot. - Why do you think they went to Dash cams - - body cams? So when THAT happenes o you see people rioting , vandalizing ? -seizing control of a Major city and holding that section hostage for 70 Plus days beating up innocent bystanders or others setting fire and other wonderful little things? - NO no you don’t. - things that make you go hmm , just pathetic
@jayhawkblue73 How many police officers do get shot during routine traffic stops?
@benshawks08 said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
@jayhawkblue73 How many police officers do get shot during routine traffic stops?
A lot more then you ever knw. - - My Brother talks about it a lot. Police pulling someone over on an inner state, some low traveled hwhy , a stop late at night. Been told of many encounters. by my brother. These police put their lives on the line every day - - it sucks not knowing if I’ve seen my brother for the last time when he starts his shift - -well is he going home after work OR will the family be getting a call - - a knock on the door saying he has been shot in the line of duty.
I’m so sick and tired of people always playing the victims role give me a break. you haven’t done anything - -SOMETHING wrong your not going to have to worry about it.
People need to realize that in reality there are TWICE as many white men that get shot or abuse by oficers as blacks TWICE AS MANY but yet is there mass riots - looting - -vandalizing and assaults of innocent people when that happens? - -Why is that ?
I as a family member of a Police officer am tired - -really tired of this shit. - I’ve got a brother out there putting his life on the line fr you and me EVERY DAY/NIGHT doing his job. Now they wanting to take things away from them that they have to work with. fo self protection - they wanting to take away a lot of the non lethal - -pepper spray smoke and such - -I don’t know about others buy umm I kind of LOVE my brother just a little bit - - kind of nice to know that he can do his job and still be able to come home at the end of his shift. Police that get shot as soon as they step up to driver side door - -half their face blown off - gunned down, we don’t wee people rioting on that do we ?
When I was an officer myself don’t know how many times dispatch asking me if I was by myself on a routine stop. - -If I say yes they would tell me go to secured channel and them be informed the indivual I had stopped had been in prison for murder , criminal threats on and on and on. All I can tell people if you have such a problem with LEO then go apply always looking for bodies - pisses me off big time
48 officers died in “felonious” acts in 2019. 6 were traffic stops.
53 million police interactions with the public in 2015.
Our cops kill about 20 people per state. European security forces kill a tenth of that. Canadians cops kill a tenth of what our cops do per capita.
The U.S. has a problem.
@jayhawkblue73 Twice as many white men killed by police but how many more white men exist in the country? My brother is a cop too so I get where you are coming from emotionally. Cops have a hard job and a lot of the actual policy behind the defund the police movement is to make cops jobs easier by not forcing them to deal with every problem in our society.
@jayhawkblue73 so my problem is not with the police it’s with the policies and procedures around hiring, training and policing. I think it’s important to separate that and realize nobody is talking crap about your brother. Surely he can tell you stories where he felt the force could have had better procedures that would have prevented escalation of a situation.
Find me another government job where you can cuss out the people you serve with no repercussions.
If the police want people to respect them they should also have to treat everyone with respect.
Police officers have the highest rate of domestic violence by occupation.
This is what I mean when I say the job attracts a certain type of person.
My view on the Jacob Blake shooting is that both sides deserve blame. As a police officer, when someone is not following orders the way Blake was and is trying to get into his vehicle, officers have no idea what Blake’s intentions are at that point. Officers have no way of knowing if Blake was going to get in his car and drive off peacefully or reach under his seat and pull a gun out and open fire or anything in between.
In my eyes, the first and second shots are pretty easily justifiable because Blake was already resisting and non-cooperative with an officer’s orders and officers had no way of knowing why Blake was trying to get into his car. After those first couple of shots, it crosses the line from justifiable discharge of a weapon into excessive force and attempted murder because there’s no reason it should’ve taken 7 shots at point blank range to subdue Blake.
This is what I tell my black and Hispanic students about situations and interactions with police that they may encounter. Complying with an officer’s request may not guarantee your safety unfortunately, but compliance gives you the highest probability of being able to see your family and friends again.
@benshawks08 said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
@jayhawkblue73 Twice as many white men killed by police but how many more white men exist in the country? My brother is a cop too so I get where you are coming from emotionally. Cops have a hard job and a lot of the actual policy behind the defund the police movement is to make cops jobs easier by not forcing them to deal with every problem in our society.
one being killed is to many
@jayhawkblue73 You brought up the stat… Just pointing out that the racial inequity is not in total numbers but in per capita/percentages, etc. I would agree the solution is not for cops to just start killing more white people to even it out.
I wouldn’t want to be a cop, but it is a choice.
@jayhawkblue73 percentage wise much more blacks are killed by police. People that make up 13% of population shouldn’t be close to the people that make up 72% of it (white). Definitely doesn’t mean that some of them aren’t justified but definitely an alarming number.
This, unfortunately, is not unusual rhetoric from police officials in positions of power.
There are some that say the right things, Art Acevedo of Houston (formally austin) comes to mind but until those words are backed by substantial systemic change I’m not even sure what good they do.
It does behoove us to note that the literature around race and officer involved shootings is… ummm… complicated. Depending on how you specify a model and analyze the data you’ll come up with substantially different results. Even in very high level journals, different papers find different conclusions.
@BShark hmmmm
@BShark This to me is exactly what Kendi is talking About when he says denial equals racism.
@benshawks08 said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
@BShark This to me is exactly what Kendi is talking About when he says denial equals racism.
And why he wants an unelected board of people like him to police thoughts and actions of all Americans and answer all open questions based on their own opinions, not facts and evidence.
@BShark an article from over three years ago that discusses stuff that happened under Obama and his AG.
The erosion of rights will happen regardless of dem or rep president. They voting rights act was gutted thanks to his scotus nominees but he was just doing as told.
@BShark said in Wow. Bucks Boycott Game 5:
The erosion of rights will happen regardless of dem or rep president. They voting rights act was gutted thanks to his scotus nominees but he was just doing as told.
If only there was some body that could pass something, idk, called a law maybe, that could replace the 50 year old formula in the VRA the Court struck down.
Almost like they want to suppress votes. Might even be the goal of those long lines.
I’m sure the largely Democratic Senate was very pro-voter suppression. Point being it’s Congress’s job to update legislation to maintain constitutionality.