Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@approxinfinity @jayballer73 I have some random ciders and beers folks left in my fridge from when people were still allowed to come over. Not much good though. Have to break into the whisky.
Hell I’ll just run across the street to my neighbor buddy’s and get some of that moonshine - - that will kill ALL my worries lmao
@jayballer73 6 feet man, 6 feet!
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@jayballer73 6 feet man, 6 feet!
roflmao - - -that’s crazy that made me laugh really hard. – HEY desperate - Desperate lol lmao - you a nutt
Yeah, I heard moonshine kills the coronavirus!
(Note: All fiction. No malice.)
Luckily my bottle shop started delivery service so the brewskies are still around at my place!
@bskeet Tito’s vodka had to put out a statement telling people their vodka didn’t!
@benshawks08 aren’t these the states protesting today or yesterday?
@Crimsonorblue22 Yes. That is clearly the connection (along with democratic governors). But I still don’t get how yesterday it’s up to the governors to decide how and when to open their states and today it’s “liberate michigan” or whatever. Unless he means something else, which is what I’m trying to understand. I’m not trying to make a point, just trying to understand. There are so many things I don’t understand and never will, this might just have to get added to the list.
Just his states, he’s trying to prove it. SOS!
He’s not backing the governors. Again, SOS
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
Um… no. https://twitter.com/williegeist/status/1251485550533578752?s=21
I couldn’t agree, Moore!
Stephen Moore on child labor: “I’m a radical on this; I’d get rid of a lot of these child labor laws. I want people starting to work at 11, 12"
Stephen Moore on climate change: “the biggest scam of the last two decades.”
Stephen Moore on women: “Is there no area in life where men can take vacation from women? What’s next? Women invited to bachelor parties? Women in combat? (Oh yeah, they’ve done that already.)"
We’ve got a real winner!
@bskeet said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
Yeah, I heard moonshine kills the coronavirus!
(Note: All fiction. No malice.)
hell not for sure, after a couple of chugs I’m feel dead lol - -white lightning lmao - that stuff will knock your you know what in the dirt lol
@approxinfinity I’d like Stephen to bear a child!
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@approxinfinity I’d like Stephen to bear a child!
Please do not encourage the passing on of any more idiocy genes!
Here’s another article (behind paywall, but just to reiterate my point). If you have kidney issues, please consider that coronavirus can contribute to kidney failure and be extra cautious
You guys that live in Kc, I hear tmrw they are going to protest to open their businesses, wondered what you think. I know cases are still going up, deaths too, still no tests. I guess the judge ruled the churches can go to church tmrw.
just can’t understand that when there is an option. My pastor would never do anything to harm us!
@Crimsonorblue22 the amount of people that don’t even go to church complaining about it is astronomical.
@kjayhawks well they probably don’t won’t them to infect them. Pretty crappy that we are all following the rules to keep our families and friends safe and they could stream their services. Not the God I know!
It’s amazing how short our attention spans are. We are lemmings.
Bishop Glenn held a church service on March 22 despite warnings about social distancing. During the sermon, he preached about not being afraid of death, telling the congregation, “I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus,” according to CBS affiliate WTVR
@Crimsonorblue22 Yep that’s what our church is doing, not that complicated in 2020 to stream live via Facebook or YouTube.
@approxinfinity makes people that aren’t Christians think that all of us that are, are like that.
Mortality rates on this disease are still way high. Almost certainly inflated by lack of tests, so people counted are badly sick…
However, the expected mortality rate is 2% on the disease, but currently in the states, its:
8% in NY - 19.4k dead / 242.5k cases
5.4% nationwide - 41.4 kdead / 746.4 cases
4.4% nationwide without NY - 22k / 503.8 cases
Showing how important it is that our healthcare system does not get overwhelmed like NY, but also, alarmingly high. Lets watch this number and see it go down as testing becomes more prevalent.
But this should be a wake up call to anyone thinking that we’re even close to opening everything back up. We need
- that mortality rate closer to the ballpark of the flu if possible, .1%, or 54x less deaths per cases than present.
- Readily available testing everywhere. This is not optional.
- Social distancing policies in place. eased, but still in place. This includes manditory N95 masks readily available to everyone to always be worn in public
- Contact tracing in place for all active cases
Dam , this was not a good day for new cases in Kansas - - positive cases rose by 137 cases & we had 8 pass away yesterday. - Total deaths now at 100 & total number of cases at 1,986. - hang tough my friends , there has GOT TO BE an end to this soon. STAY STRONG AND BELEIVE
And Kansas is still dead last in testing/100,000. Not ideal.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
And Kansas is still dead last in testing/100,000. Not ideal.
guess they supposedly got more test kits over the weekend
I think the tricky thing is that people have to remember that whatever is happening today is a reflection of behaviors from 2 weeks ago.
That kind of latency is extraordinary in a world where cause and effect are often much tighter. Makes it hard to factor into our assessments.
@FarmerJayhawk we got tests. They were for the meat packing plants
Ok, fact or opinion? Is trump actually taking hudroxochlorine (I know I spelled that wrong…)?
If so, why?
If not, why lie about it?
@benshawks08 I say lie! With his health problems, placque, no dr would prescribe it w/out being worried about his license. After listening to numerous Drs, I haven’t heard any that would prescribe it to anyone w/cardiac problems.
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
Ok, fact or opinion? Is trump actually taking hudroxochlorine (I know I spelled that wrong…)?
If so, why?
If not, why lie about it?
The memo from his doc is about as vague as could be, and never said he was actually taking it or in what form. Everyone in MAGA land is so invested in hcq and it’s very bizarre.
Well, I for one believe, as always, that we should be able to hope we can trust in the credibilty of the leader of the free world.
@mayjay well I for one, as always, wish in one hand and hope we can trust in the credibilty of the leader of the free world in the other, and see which one fills up first.
I for one, lol, after being lied to so many times, have trust issues. I also believe in science and trusted Dr’s.
@Crimsonorblue22 Well, I for one totally agree with Crim. When I was little, my parents didn’t tolerate lying and name calling - two trademark habits of his in which he seems to take pride and his supporters relish.
I think I said that wrong.
Well I, for one, hope we can trust in the credibility of the leader of the free world in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which one fills up first.
@approxinfinity And then you will end up with 2 full hands of excellent fertilizer, ironically meaning you are hoarding the substance rather than toilet paper like everyone else!
@bcjayhawk said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
“When I was little, my parents didn’t tolerate lying and name calling…”
I told my stepsons, after several rounds of their dismayingly miserable failures at deception, that honesty was the best policy for people who are as bad as they were at lying. Example: older son sneaking out bedroom window after leaving pillows in his bed under the blankets to look like he was asleep. Weak strategy: “How did you know I was gone?”
“Well, Joe, you locked the door and wouldn’t answer, so I kicked it down.”
“Yeah, I wondered if that was a good move.”
“Joe, me lad, th’ life of crime is nae fer ya.”
@mayjay That’s a cute story. I bet you’re a great dad, step or not. I was raised by a step dad that I adored.
A lot of you guys point fingers at the President and say he didn’t handle the Wuhan virus situation properly. Well so far the virus has a less than 1% mortality rate. I’ll tell you what has a 100% mortality rate, abortion. Abortion has a 100% mortality rate and we have the absolute capacity to eliminate it. Sad that we won’t. Sad. Where is the science in keeping it?
@Hawk69 you’re going way off the rails with that one.
@Hawk69 start a new thread if you want that to be the topic. See who engages. The two things have nothing to do with each other and that comment has no place on a COVID thread.
@BShark that is complete BS and has been refuted since. Please disregard that article.
@approxinfinity said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@BShark that is complete BS and has been refuted since. Please disregard that article.
Link? I’m not surprised though. So much misinformation.
@BShark I don’t have a link atm, can dig one up later. Family in health department.
Didn’t know exactly where to post this BUT seeing as how it related to COVID thought well. - - - - The State of Kansas has now recorded it’s 1st positive case of the Corona Virus from a High School Football Athlete. - - Positive despite them using all the preventive measures. - - Temp checking , Social distancing , Disinfecting equipment , frequent washing of hands , using sanitizer.
Once it was found out positive the boy and ALL of his teammates were put in quarintee. - -The athlete is from Lost Springs Centre High in Marion County - - - little town , they play 8 man division 2 in football and 1 A in Basketball. - -This is not a good sign , could very easily turn into a cluster , and just solidifies even more the thought that the football Season could in the end end up being Cancelled - - disrupted or what ever - - same goes for the College ranks.
Also the number of Hospitalizations in Sedgwick Co has double with positive new cases and spiking
Also just today a few hours ago here in Topeka KNI a State Agency for the aging and disability reported 12 new cases of the Virus - -well they said AT LEAST 12 - -these are all signs that this thing is STILL really prevalent not going anywhere for awhile. - -WHO still predicting that 2nd wave come Sept. , which I don’t doubt for a minute and still wouldn’t surprise me when it’s all said and done that Public Schools will be doing on line. – KU already sending students to stay home after Thanksgiving and rest of fall break - -Public Schools I’m sure will follow suit. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 As a teacher the beginning of the school year seems destined to be an absolute mess. No one has any idea what to do. Feels like everyone is waiting around for something to happen or someone to tell them what to do. A good portion of my colleagues are part of the at-risk population so I don’t know how we ask them to step into buildings with 1600 students who have been all over the place all summer.
A fair number of my students live with grandparents in their homes, parents with other ailments that put them in the at risk population. How do those kids go sit in a classroom with 25 other students?
I know here our “online learning” was a mess from April-June so we better hope there is a better plan floating around somewhere. I’m doing all I can to prepare for the many alternatives I’ve been presented but none of them seem very good. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t know the answers either.
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@jayballer73 As a teacher the beginning of the school year seems destined to be an absolute mess. No one has any idea what to do. Feels like everyone is waiting around for something to happen or someone to tell them what to do. A good portion of my colleagues are part of the at-risk population so I don’t know how we ask them to step into buildings with 1600 students who have been all over the place all summer.
A fair number of my students live with grandparents in their homes, parents with other ailments that put them in the at risk population. How do those kids go sit in a classroom with 25 other students?
I know here our “online learning” was a mess from April-June so we better hope there is a better plan floating around somewhere. I’m doing all I can to prepare for the many alternatives I’ve been presented but none of them seem very good. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t know the answers either.
I feel for ya , sad to say it’s probably going to continue to be a mess for at least awhile. New reports just coming out from a sports side. - - The NFL is talking seriously now if it hasn’t been done - -they are talking about they are now talking bout shutting down conditioning drills totally, where they can’t even workout with ONE other player - -no conditioning no nothing - - here we go again. - - The MLB also taking about shutting down everything to the virus - -the NBA not sure what they are going to do. - -Now like they said - - here is the good news IT’S JUN 22nd - official training suppose to start like in Aug - -but it just doesn’t sound good.
Like they said remember how from the sports side how this all started and caused a chain reaction ? - - ONE Player - -what name was it ? Rudy Gayle right from Seattle? - -what I’m trying to get at is - -just seems like this is wrapping up again - -lot’s of new cases, I can just see it coming