2020 Recruiting
Jossell is Bill’s classic trap
“The jury’s still out to see what he can be,” Self said of Jossell, “and I’m not going to paint him out to be something that we don’t know he can be yet, but I do think if you’re fast and can shoot and you’re tough, the ceiling’s pretty high.”
From this recent article: https://www.dallasnews.com/high-school-sports/basketball/2020/02/18/from-no-offers-to-kansas-how-keller-central-guard-latrell-jossell-went-overlooked-for-so-long/?
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
@jayballer73 said in 2020 Recruiting:
Ahh you talking about that little teenie double arrow in blue ?
I made a very fancy high tech picture.
ya found that thanks. - -very nice illustration by the way lol. - - - arock chalk all day long baby
Donovan Williams went 1-15 from three with KU coaches (and probably lots of other coaches) in attendance.
@BShark Enaruna esq
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
Donovan Williams went 1-15 from three with KU coaches (and probably lots of other coaches) in attendance.
ouch, not a good way to get yourself a big offer
@BeddieKU23 said in 2020 Recruiting:
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
Donovan Williams went 1-15 from three with KU coaches (and probably lots of other coaches) in attendance.
ouch, not a good way to get yourself a big offer
Yeah, unsurprisingly I haven’t seen anything about an offer from KU or Oregon (believe they are also “showing interest”).
Probably didn’t get the greenlight after that kind of performance. Watching film on him he does chuck it. Seems like a high volume shot maker
@BeddieKU23 Hobo version of Jalen Wilson tbh.
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
@BeddieKU23 Hobo version of Jalen Wilson tbh.
Tattoo game is strong on that one
@Woodrow said in 2020 Recruiting:
Interesting he mentions transfers… I can’t really think of a good transfer candidate, but if I had too pick I would say Tristan.
I would say (now that I’ve rethought it) that the transfer, if at all, would come from Silvio - just my thinking. After what has transpired this year - the chair and his play - I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened to hear that Coach kind of nudged him in that direction.
As far as Silvio goes I just don’t see Self moving on from him. The amount of money and time the university has invested in him is pretty significant. Also, it’s clear Self has a soft spot for him. He also has a pretty serious GF at KU…
Now maybe he wants a change of scenery but I doubt that as well.
Williams coming for an unofficial the 24th. Not much to see here unless we offer, which seems unlikely. Hunter Sallis is a big time target in 21 though.
@FarmerJayhawk said in 2020 Recruiting:
Williams coming for an unofficial the 24th. Not much to see here unless we offer, which seems unlikely. Hunter Sallis is a big time target in 21 though.
I just don’t see it with this kid. Not a p5 level athlete. Looks like a late emergency add if needed. He apparently won’t decide until April so it seems like he is aiming high and hoping a big school gets desperate.
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
@FarmerJayhawk said in 2020 Recruiting:
Williams coming for an unofficial the 24th. Not much to see here unless we offer, which seems unlikely. Hunter Sallis is a big time target in 21 though.
I just don’t see it with this kid. Not a p5 level athlete. Looks like a late emergency add if needed. He apparently won’t decide until April so it seems like he is aiming high and hoping a big school gets desperate.
After committing to Nebraska he sure is aiming higher.
Can’t help but like the kid after reading Chasen’s article. Wish him well wherever he ends up.
I still would take him over Josy. 6’5, physically built who can shoot. If that’s the 13th guy you can’t really complain
Williams coming in for another unofficial. Sounds like he is recruiting KU.
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
Williams coming in for another unofficial. Sounds like he is recruiting KU.
Williams ? - Williams ? - -help me out buddy , is this the guy that some Coach’s went to see and he just sucked ? – Whoever it is sounds like he really wants to come here , ya think ? - -just saying just interesting I know people said they really don’t want him – I’m just curious , and this kid would be a 2020 recruit ? - -Dam I’m confused , thought we were full. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 we are full, and haven’t offered him. Sounds like a contingency plan in case someone leaves unexpectedly.
And yeah he went 1-15 from three with KU coaches watching.
Maybe he’ll walk on lol
@BShark atleast he made one.
This post is deleted!
If someone like Silvio leaves, don’t be surprised if we circle back to JT Thor. That’s an… ummm… interesting recruitment. Okie Lite is all but out.
Would teams want silvio
we’ve fought pretty hard for him
@FarmerJayhawk said in 2020 Recruiting:
If someone like Silvio leaves, don’t be surprised if we circle back to JT Thor. That’s an… ummm… interesting recruitment. Okie Lite is all but out.
See an article about Auburn making a push. Yeah interesting is a good word.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in 2020 Recruiting:
Would teams want silvio
we’ve fought pretty hard for him
I don’t think he leaves, but he may want to test the pro waters.
@FarmerJayhawk To be honest, I hope that he does transfer. Thought the same about Grimes, and that worked out pretty well for both parties.
@Marco Silvio might have more secrets than Grimes. Might want to keep him a Jayhawk or go pro overseas if he does leave.
@Marco said in 2020 Recruiting:
@FarmerJayhawk To be honest, I hope that he does transfer. Thought the same about Grimes, and that worked out pretty well for both parties.
As long as he has eligibility, I’d love to have him stick around. He’s a great kid and is close to getting his degree. That diploma is a big source of pride for a lot of guys.
Silvio and Q are not remotely on the same level in terms of relationship with Bill. If Silvio wants to stay, he will be staying.
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
Silvio and Q are not remotely on the same level in terms of relationship with Bill. If Silvio wants to stay, he will be staying.
I believe Silvio has a pretty serious gf that plays on the softball team too
@FarmerJayhawk “Well, he has a girlfriend on the softball team, so we obviously have to keep him here”? I don’t get it…
@Marco said in 2020 Recruiting:
@FarmerJayhawk “Well, he has a girlfriend on the softball team, so we obviously have to keep him here”? I don’t get it…
Not what I said. I’m saying he wants to stay and there’s no real reason to boot him because some jagoffs in the press think it’s “bad optics.”
@BShark Well, I guess what I’m saying then is that I hope that he doesn’t want to. Sorry, not buying into the “he’s a good kid” theory. He was getting ready to possibly kill a guy with a chair.
@FarmerJayhawk Okay. To me it’s not about optics, I could not care less. I think the guy is just bad, period - not only as a person, but as a player.
@Marco said in 2020 Recruiting:
@BShark Well, I guess what I’m saying then is that I hope that he doesn’t want to. Sorry, not buying into the “he’s a good kid” theory. He was getting ready to possibly kill a guy with a chair.
It’s not a theory. Ask anyone around campus or the program who’s been around Silvio and they all say how good a guy he is. If we’re all judged by our worst moments I guess we’re probably almost all bad people. Not my style but you do you.
@FarmerJayhawk Thanks for giving your permission for me to do me! And I give mine for you to be you… In moments of duress the true version of a person can and will show itself.
@Marco said in 2020 Recruiting:
@FarmerJayhawk Thanks for giving your permission for me to do me! And I give mine for you to be you… In moments of duress the true version of a person can and will show itself.
Correct. So we can all label a guy who realized his mistake of grabbing the stool and putting it down within about 2 seconds a bad guy for the rest of his life. Makes total sense.
@FarmerJayhawk In answer to your loaded politically-correct question, he should be kicked off the team. There has to be rules and repercussions. Sorry Silvio, I realize that you have a girlfriend on the softball team, but picking up a chair and getting ready to bash a guy in the head - after you started the altercation in the first place by standing over and taunting a fallen player - is a no-no.
@Marco said in 2020 Recruiting:
@FarmerJayhawk In answer to your loaded politically-correct question, he should be kicked off the team. There has to be rules and repercussions. Sorry Silvio, I realize that you have a girlfriend on the softball team, but picking up a chair and getting ready to bash a guy in the head - after you started the altercation in the first place by standing over and taunting a fallen player - is a no-no.
I never said that and you know it. Have a lovely day.
@FarmerJayhawk You too.
@Crimsonorblue22 Probably not (maybe Alcorn State), but we can hope @Crimsonorblue22, we can hope.
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
@BeddieKU23 Hobo version of Jalen Wilson tbh.
We’re going to get a hobo version of Jalen Wilson? Cool…
@FarmerJayhawk said in 2020 Recruiting:
If we’re all judged by our worst moments…
This is what defines people, how we respond in the worst most pressure packed moments. It’s easy to do right under good circumstances.
That being said Silvio dropped the stool of his own volition. McCormack was the one I thought was frightening in person. Silvio looked like a goofy ass kid imitating his wrassling heroes before he realized how dumb his actions were. I’m thankful he had that moment of realization or he would be gone already, but as is may be packing his bags.
@Marco maybe not we still haven’t bothered to ofer. We are currently ful.
@BShark said in 2020 Recruiting:
@Marco maybe not we still haven’t bothered to ofer. We are currently ful.
And likely won’t. A big is more likely.
@Marco https://twitter.com/silviodesousa5/status/1237061439996788737?s=21
I can’t believe what you are saying! Really sad!
@Crimsonorblue22 said in 2020 Recruiting:
@Marco https://twitter.com/silviodesousa5/status/1237061439996788737?s=21
I can’t believe what you are saying! Really sad!
@Crimsonorblue22 Thank you for posting that link. I had seen it earlier and was going to post it. Great minds . . .