Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.
It’s the end of the world as we know it. Not. Relax. Unless your a old white man with health issues, then worry. Smile.
@DoubleDD said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
It’s the end of the world as we know it. Not. Relax. Unless your a old white man with health issues, then worry. Smile.
Welp old man with health issues - -heart condition , exactly what they saying , respitory and heart - -SO YA you jhit it right on the nose thanks lmao. - -yep that’s why I reckon I have a right to worry. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Here’s why the mortality rate is so high in China.
And initial reports of 2% have been reduced as more infected people have been realized. The initial outbreak area has the highest mortality rate at an estimated 1.2%, but it’s less elsewhere.
And then there’s this -
It’s worse than we thought…
Conclusion- no one knows, it’s not good, but it’s not going to be the end of civilization either. Stay healthy.
Me too
Consider the symptoms of this bug. Pretty mild and not even at the top of the list in flus. Most likely, the death rate will continue to drop and may even drop below some of the known flus.
What is a real concern is it is definitely a different kind of bug. Likely to help our immune systems after we survive the initial big push. 80% probably won’t know they have it.
From what I see of it and what to be of concern is people can carry it a long time without symptoms and spread it. This is a big concern for the elderly, who face the ultimate risk.
The next big risk is toilet paper supply! Yikes! (smile)
If I were cynical I’d say it was some government testing spread of and response times to a delayed biological weapon.
Last weekend was a big eye opener for me at Costco. Some guy bought two and a half pallets of water. Water, rice, toilet paper… wow! Another guy probably bought 500 lbs of rice. Hope he likes rice.
Wonder how long it takes for the stock market to bounce back to where it was? Lots of cash being held by institutions, just waiting for the “all clear” sign. This hit definitely counted as a correction and I bet investors will look at this like a necessary shot of medicine anyways because corrections are a part of the investment pattern.
Let’s go win a trophy in April!
@drgnslayr said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
Consider the symptoms of this bug. Pretty mild and not even at the top of the list in flus. Most likely, the death rate will continue to drop and may even drop below some of the known flus.
What is a real concern is it is definitely a different kind of bug. Likely to help our immune systems after we survive the initial big push. 80% probably won’t know they have it.
From what I see of it and what to be of concern is people can carry it a long time without symptoms and spread it. This is a big concern for the elderly, who face the ultimate risk.
The next big risk is toilet paper supply! Yikes! (smile)
Lmao - out of toilet paper ? - - Time for the paper towels roflmao
0-fer team not traveling to avoid Coronavirus or another loss?
The plot thickens… UMKC won’t travel to Seattle either. (Kinda ok with that myself) hope things get reigned in soon.
I’m heading to Seattle tomorrow…
@dylans said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
0-fer team not traveling to avoid Coronavirus or another loss?
just got through reading this - - 1st team to cancel their games
@benshawks08 Be sure to touch your face often and never wash your hands. Soap is bad. Lol. Jk stay safe buddy! It’s supposed to be harder to catch than the flu, but you’re less likely to know you’ve been exposed.
I think the numbers have changed. Wanna say, 3.4 or 3.2? Globally, higher than the flu now
@Crimsonorblue22 yes. Much higher mortality rate. Also harder to catch. And I wonder about the numbers - if most people don’t know they have it or it presents light symptoms you would never know it was the dreaded Coronavirus as opposed to a common cold. My supposition is that only the really sick people get diagnosed correctly. Also flu mortality numbers are way under reported globally - China doesn’t count people who died of another things brought on by the flu as a flu death.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
As someone who lives in the Seattle area, I’m surprised how quickly the needle has gone from Prudence to Panic.
FYI, nearly all of the deaths in Washington state have been elderly patients with underlying conditions, most at a single suburban nursing home located nowhere near the Seattle U. campus. The actions by Chicago State and UMKC seem way over the top.
(Interesting to note that the Roos are leaving the WAC at the end of the season anyway.)
By the way, last week I had dim sum lunch at a Chinese restaurant in downtown Seattle. According to a lot of people on the Interweb, I SHOULD BE DEAD BY NOW !
@dylans said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
My supposition is that only the really sick people get diagnosed correctly.
Problem is, only symptomatic people are being tested. A number of now seriously ill people were allowed to spread because they didn’t get sick enough early on to warrant testing. Some dumb restrictions on testing have allowed lots of people to get exposed.
Just a thought: Is the team more likely to get sick tonite since Seniors are at elevated risk?
bad one
@mayjay good work!
@nwhawkfan Did you make a pilgrimage to the Cobain shrine?
@nwhawkfan said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
As someone who lives in the Seattle area, I’m surprised how quickly the needle has gone from Prudence to Panic.
FYI, nearly all of the deaths in Washington state have been elderly patients with underlying conditions, most at a single suburban nursing home located nowhere near the Seattle U. campus. The actions by Chicago State and UMKC seem way over the top.
(Interesting to note that the Roos are leaving the WAC at the end of the season anyway.)
By the way, last week I had dim sum lunch at a Chinese restaurant in downtown Seattle. According to a lot of people on the Interweb, I SHOULD BE DEAD BY NOW !
I love Seattle, or atleast used to, haven’t been there in awhile. Surely it can’t be as bad as the media portrays, or can it?
@Marco Have you been watching The Killing?
@approxinfinity haven’t seen it yet?
@Marco said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
@nwhawkfan said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
As someone who lives in the Seattle area, I’m surprised how quickly the needle has gone from Prudence to Panic.
FYI, nearly all of the deaths in Washington state have been elderly patients with underlying conditions, most at a single suburban nursing home located nowhere near the Seattle U. campus. The actions by Chicago State and UMKC seem way over the top.
(Interesting to note that the Roos are leaving the WAC at the end of the season anyway.)
By the way, last week I had dim sum lunch at a Chinese restaurant in downtown Seattle. According to a lot of people on the Interweb, I SHOULD BE DEAD BY NOW !
I love Seattle, or atleast used to, haven’t been there in awhile. Surely it can’t be as bad as the media portrays, or can it?
Not sure about Seattle but heard today the cases doubled in California today - - in one day , this stuff spreads really fast
It’s getting real in Santa Clara county now. Several schools are closed and they just announced that the Sharks won’t be playing home games indefinitely.
@bskeet said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
It’s getting real in Santa Clara county now. Several schools are closed and they just announced that the Sharks won’t be playing home games indefinitely.
it’s gonna get worse before it gets better. - -Hell they said that an anti virus would probably be available in a YEAR - -WTH , meanwhile back at the ranch, what ya gonna do ?
The way things are going hopefully it’ll burn itself out in a few months. Less and less people are getting infected in China, but we’re on the front end here.
Hard to trust what the Chinese say since they keep out foreigners in the quarantine structure.
They have setup a mass quarantine, something we are not even close to being able to do. We can’t even get test kits out where they need to be.
Once we get test kits out as they should be we are in for a big shock. Most likely, there will be a huge numbers of infections. The media will spin that into a frenzy, though the reality is that the death rate will lower maybe even below Type A and B influenza.
When that happens the real question is… why don’t we do something about flu A and B (the flu that is far more dangerous!)?
Are we just going to give in to fear to the point of destroying our way of life? Or will we look for sound ways to curb the spread of infection that won’t kill our economy, make us all isolated zombies, and destroy everything we ever built in this country?
@drgnslayr Fear mongerers in the media are enjoying this.
@Woodrow who are you believing there?
@Crimsonorblue22 well to be honest I have no idea what to believe when it comes to this. I will say I think 2-3% seems really high though. The major problem I see is that you can not believe anything China says so there is no telling how bad it is over there. I would almost guarantee that it is way worse over there but there is just no way to know…
@Woodrow sounds like the huge problem here is, there are not enough tests. Just listened to a sick RN who was told to “take a Number”. I don’t believe all flu cases are reported either. I have a friend whose wife has West Nile and that was never reported in Reno co. I’m not panicked, but aware and not going on a cruise!
@drgnslayr I logged back in after months just to say how surprised I am at your take on the Coronovirus.
“the reality is that the death rate will lower maybe even below Type A and B influenza.” Where do you get that?!? The flu kills at a 0.1%. France now has over 600 sick and 9 deaths: that is 1.5% already, and we know of those 600 not everyone will recover.
“why don’t we do something about flu A and B?” You mean like vaccines, that we develop and ask everybody to take every autumn?!?
If anyone wants some more objective takes on what is in store for the USA, and if you don’t trust China, try looking at what is happening in Europe. There is no way things will go better for you than in countries with universal health care. The people who are uninsured or underinsured and cannot afford treatment will infect more people than if they were taken care of.
@ParisHawk are mostly the elderly dying there? Tell us more, please. Seems to be highly contagious.
I’ll stand by what I said previously. The government dropped the ball on this from the get go. If a person doesn’t think that the intertwined markets were partly to blame for the world governments taking so long to do anything that person is being naive, at best.
@Crimsonorblue22 Details on deaths 8 and 9 are not yet public. Ages of the first 7 dead: 81, 60, 89, 92, 73, 63, 79.
What we are being told is mortality will be higher for the elderly and / or those with diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. Men are a bit more at risk than women. Children can have the virus and be contagious without symptoms. In infected areas children are not allowed to visit the elderly in retirement homes.
Sneeze / cough into your elbows. Don’t shake hands. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. Works for flu too.
I have concerns over all the people who don’t have health care in the US. It opens up all kinds of risks… I agree.
Maybe this virus will expose this enough here to get the politicians to figure out a solution for all those uninsured. I certainly hope so.
But if this doesn’t turn out to be more deadly then common flu, I’m betting the public will see how this was handled very negatively. And I’m mostly talking about the press and the hype.
Then comes the extremely deadly virus… and no one will listen. Once you lose the trust of the public, the threat becomes a lot more real.
Look at how there are single cases of the virus now in almost every state. I bet all those people didn’t have contact with each other. There are probably 1000s of people in between.
It may sound strange… but at this point we should hope adequate tests come out and they discover millions of people have it. That would indicate an extremely low death rate, far below flu A and B. The real danger is if all the tests come out and few others have it, because the death rate will be high.
Cancelling everything in life, tanking the economy and stock market, will have a huge human life cost, too.
Most of the people I know that have taken the flu vaccines became sick. There isn’t a lot of faith in those vaccines, and they are formulated on a guess of which flu will prosper in the flu season and they often admit they were wrong.
What I wish we would do is stay calm and look for higher standards we can keep in place permanently to reduce all kinds of flu. Type A and B are deadly and have never received enough attention for their harm. I hope coronavirus brings us to our senses to go after a safer world from all flus.
Most of the people I know, including family, always get the vaccine, I even got the pneumonia shot a few yrs back. I have a low resistance to pneumococcal infections. They guess wrong sometimes but it still lessens the side effects.
Good explainer from the la times.
@drgnslayr While not for government-run healthcare I agree that something is wrong with our system. I think it is a combination of the insurance companies, as well doctors and hospitals double-charging. Have a good friend who knows a well-known doctor, she said that he admitted as much while saying that it is common practice. They overcharge, and then the insurance companies have to pay more - an endless cycle.
I live in a relatively small burg (I have private insurance, but usually use the VA), and here they actually make seniors and everyone else pay 20 dollars before they even get in to see their doctor.
1 lady, under 50, confirmed in jo co
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
1 lady, under 50, confirmed in jo co
Yep 1st case here in Ks just another case though how many did she spread this too before she knew about it - -wll you can expect more. - -I read NY has now declared a state of Emergency lso
What this virus shows us is we can’t have people uninsured in this country. It creates a danger to all of us.
There are people who have had a coronavirus test and then billed several thousand dollars. You can’t put public health and safety in situations like that.
When healthcare was made universally available and affordable my premium doubled and reduced the level of service I had be receiving (no longer offered). I fully understand why everyone isn’t insured. When the insurance companies thought they had everyone forced into buying their product they raised prices. I don’t want the government involved in my healthcare at all, they mess everything up.
As far as the numbers go I have healthcare and am not likely to get counted if infected, I have to be pretty near death to go to the doctors office outside of routine maintenance. The number of infected and survived is far higher that we will ever know, but we will hear about every death.
This is a new virus, new is scary. Unfortunately there is no way to quarantine it now, a month ago yes. Now it’s spread to too many areas/people to be contained. Instances of new infection in areas hit first are going down indicating it’s burning itself out. We are in the front end here, but within a few months it’ll be over and we have the summer on our side - less forced inside time we trade domes for open top stadiums. With any luck it won’t get as bad here as it did overseas just do to timing (it won’t be due to preparedness).
@drgnslayr said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
What this virus shows us is we can’t have people uninsured in this country. It creates a danger to all of us.
There are people who have had a coronavirus test and then billed several thousand dollars. You can’t put public health and safety in situations like that.
Stories like that are why the government needs to stay the hell out of public health industry. Too many entities wanting a piece of the pie drives prices up for everyone.
I heard on tv this am the cdc is reimbursing everyone for their tests.
The California Insurance Commissioner ordered insurance companies to cover the cost of testing. Nationally, the president should be working with the states to do the same.
People need to understand that a death rate that is really high, like 30 to 60% for MERS and SARS, keeps the disease from rampaging very far–people get very sick, they are put in care, they die.
It drives me crazy when people focus on whether the death rate is higher or lower than flu. We know how flu spreads; decades of data demonstrates the flu’s infectiousness and incubation periods; there are vaccines that even if only 50% effective stiil protect fully half the recipients, and would be more effective if people would stop thinking intuition is better than science; there are antivirals to administer to reduce the severity even when contracted.
The COVID-19 virus is dangerous regardless of the overall fatality rate. The lethality is indeed highly skewed toward the elderly, but it is the lack of ability to identify it before showing symptoms that makes everything about it a game-changer from the flu. Best evidence (including from Europe, not just China) is that incubation could take up to 3 weeks, during which time little is known about how or when it can be spread to new people, all before becoming symptomatic.
For every person bravely saying that they don’t fear the virus and so they refuse to restrict their activities or change their habits, please remember the hundreds of people whom you may be in close contact with every week. You might not be afraid of getting infected, but consider this scenario: you catch it from an asymptomatic someone near you at Starbucks, who returned last week from California and whose kid caught it from a teacher who returned on Feb 21 from the Princess ship now off SF and taught for a week before getting symptoms. You spend the next week with no symptoms, and at some point you pass it on to a neighbor, who is a nurse at an assisted living facility, who manages to spread it to others there, including the food service workers who infect 50% of the residents. Public health officials go nuts as up to 25% of the infected residents die. And no one has a clue how it got there.
The point is that younger people have a responsibility to not disregard the huge danger to other people just because they may only get mildly ill. An infection rate of 2 to 3% still means literally hundreds of thousands or even millions of people will die if it spreads throughout the population.
Anyone who says we are close to a vaccine that can prevent the spread of this is lying. Anyone who says we are effectively controlling the spread is wrong. Anyone who says that it is no worse than the flu, and therefore should not be treated differently, is blind.
That does not mean society has to close down. It does mean we have to be very very careful. Remember that even with all we know about how norovirus gets spread (feces–sorry!) studies show between 1/3 to 1/2 of people using publicrestrooms don’t wash their hands. Being careful with hygiene can help, but not guarantee, to protect you from the idiots among us.
@mayjay I went a full decade without catching a cold…then I had kids. I guess the safest rout is getting those suckers adopted off. Lol
@mayjay said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
The California Insurance Commissioner ordered insurance companies to cover the cost of testing. Nationally, the president should be working with the states to do the same.
People need to understand that a death rate that is really high, like 30 to 60% for MERS and SARS, keeps the disease from rampaging very far–people get very sick, they are put in care, they die.
It drives me crazy when people focus on whether the death rate is higher or lower than flu. We know how flu spreads; decades of data demonstrates the flu’s infectiousness and incubation periods; there are vaccines that even if only 50% effective stiil protect fully half the recipients, and would be more effective if people would stop thinking intuition is better than science; there are antivirals to administer to reduce the severity even when contracted.
The COVID-19 virus is dangerous regardless of the overall fatality rate. The lethality is indeed highly skewed toward the elderly, but it is the lack of ability to identify it before showing symptoms that makes everything about it a game-changer from the flu. Best evidence (including from Europe, not just China) is that incubation could take up to 3 weeks, during which time little is known about how or when it can be spread to new people, all before becoming symptomatic.
For every person bravely saying that they don’t fear the virus and so they refuse to restrict their activities or change their habits, please remember the hundreds of people whom you may be in close contact with every week. You might not be afraid of getting infected, but consider this scenario: you catch it from an asymptomatic someone near you at Starbucks, who returned last week from California and whose kid caught it from a teacher who returned on Feb 21 from the Princess ship now off SF and taught for a week before getting symptoms. You spend the next week with no symptoms, and at some point you pass it on to a neighbor, who is a nurse at an assisted living facility, who manages to spread it to others there, including the food service workers who infect 50% of the residents. Public health officials go nuts as up to 25% of the infected residents die. And no one has a clue how it got there.
The point is that younger people have a responsibility to not disregard the huge danger to other people just because they may only get mildly ill. An infection rate of 2 to 3% still means literally hundreds of thousands or even millions of people will die if it spreads throughout the population.
Anyone who says we are close to a vaccine that can prevent the spread of this is lying. Anyone who says we are effectively controlling the spread is wrong. Anyone who says that it is no worse than the flu, and therefore should not be treated differently, is blind.
That does not mean society has to close down. It does mean we have to be very very careful. Remember that even with all we know about how norovirus gets spread (feces–sorry!) studies show between 1/3 to 1/2 of people using publicrestrooms don’t wash their hands. Being careful with hygiene can help, but not guarantee, to protect you from the idiots among us.
Well I am just in a position that I’m on medi-care. - -got a e-mail the other day saying that if a test was needed for me that it will be covered – nice to know