What's Your Pick? Option One or Option Two.
@approxinfinity On second thought, I think you’re right. You raise an interesting point. In reading the California bill, I see no restriction on 1) the amount of money, 2) limiting to certain providers purchasing the likeness, or 3) a quid pro quo (e.g., Adidas paying a kid for his “likeness” but requiring him to attend KU.
So, David Booth, a booster, will pay an athlete $100,000 for his likeness?
Or Adidas will pay an athlete $100,000 to use his name?
One restriction is related to conflicts with university contracts, so an athlete at Kansas couldn’t take Nike money.
Can we be grandfathered in?
@mayjay Of course, it won’t. There will be rules. Folks always want more. An example – “Legal” money gets taxed. No one wants to pay taxes. If it’s $20,000, it won’t be enough. It’s human nature. The old adage, “give him an inch, he’ll take a mile” was borne from such propositions. It will never end.
Option 1, but a two season ban would be really tough to swallow.
I want the option where Bill stays.
@BShark punt
Help me here… I am “slow” … why again is Bill leaving seem to some a foregone conclusion?
Is All this rhetoric from the school and Self just a smokescreen? ( example - recent USA Today article excerpt ““We’re going to fight them (the NCAA),” Self told reporters on Wednesday at Kansas’ media day for the 2019-20 season. “We’re aligned as a university, an athletic department and certainly our basketball program. We haven’t had a chance to tell our stories on what these allegations say that could have transpired. I put the emphasis on allegations.”)
BShark said:
I want the option where Bill stays.
You’ll definitely get that. An extension for Bill is in the works. They’ll get serious about it after the dust settles.
@Bosthawk you are not slow!
FarmerJayhawk said:
BShark said:
I want the option where Bill stays.
You’ll definitely get that. An extension for Bill is in the works. They’ll get serious about it after the dust settles.
You may know that is true. I just don’t see it. The NCAA is coming at us. We can fight. But I don’t see this ending well. I think Bill will go to the NBA. My prediction is this is his last year.
NBA doesn’t seem likely. Probably ends up in a foreign league if he has to leave college imo.
Farmer has legit connections tho so I like hearing that.
@BShark foreign league
I think he stays! He said when this first came out he wanted to coach longer, I think he wants to get this program back in good graces. Maybe not everybody here agrees, but it feels to me like KU is backing him.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@BShark foreign league
I think he stays! He said when this first came out he wanted to coach longer, I think he wants to get this program back in good graces. Maybe not everybody here agrees, but it feels to me like KU is backing him.
I agree with you.
I am saying in a situation where he is forced out ie banned from the NCAA, I could see another league well before the NBA. Not sure he is an NBA guy.
Who’s the king? Who profits if we go on probation? Who becomes the king if the king is gone? Just a theory.
@BShark I don’t think he will go to the nba, I just don’t think he would go coach in a foreign league, new gbaby. Gma won’t want to leave!
I like option 2. Sorry, a little late to the discussion. I’m skeptical we’ll win this year anyways, vacating a FF is no big deal to me, keeping the streak alive is important to me because I don’t want some team like Duke to break the streak record.
I’m feeling more miffed than usual at the NCAA right now. A kid from OSU transfers to UW last season just before the season began, so he missed an entire season. He was a Thad Matta recruit and decided to stick around, but then transferred. He stayed enrolled at OSU however since he was half way through his semester. The making sure they ruin the lives of youngsters organization said Potter has to sit out this semester of play too. So he’ll have missed 3 semesters of his college career. He’s not a superstar, he won’t lead UW to the final four or anything like that, probably won’t even start for the Badgers. Just a kid blessed enough to get a free education and is using it well to have a successful career doing something else. Screw the NCAA.
Making a player sit 3 semesters is a new one for them. They tried to do 4 full for Silvio. Next is a complete 4 year ban for kids. It’s not that far off
This is what happened to Frankamp, too. Stayed a few weeks at KU in the fall of 2014, and had to sit out until the end of the 2015 semester.
It is not new–if you accept aid and enroll and attend class for something like 2 weeks, that semester counts. A waiver is often sought where there are compelling reasons for leaving after staying for a couple weeks. Changing your mind is not often one of them.
I think the issue is really that if you start a semester and go several weeks there, you probably cannot effectively enroll until the 2nd semester at the new school. So, sitting out 2 semesters means missing the first semester next year.
I do not see this as an unfair application of the rule.
@mayjay I respectfully disagree. He did the honorable thing by manning up and trying out the new coach, but whatever caused him to change his mind about him was enough to want to transfer.
@wissox And why should that entitle him to skip only one semester? Remember, I think the rule itself is unfair, but this situation isn’t an unfair application.
@mayjay He didn’t skip a semester, he sat out an entire season of basketball because he decided to transfer. What is the point of making him sit out an extra 10 games?
Option 1 for me, I am Ok with a ban for 2 seasons for another NC.
@wissox He stayed enrolled at OSU in the fall semester, by your initial post. These things are determined by semesters, not the date bb season actually begins, not by weeks, months, or calendar years. The same rule applies to everybody. By your logic, he could stay at OSU sitting out bb for an entire school year, and then immediately play at his transfer school the next semester.
Sorry, you leave during a semester, that semester counts as enrollment in the original school. Same rule for everybody.
He actually should haave kept playing until 1st semester was over. The first sit out is on him. NCAA has the second and third, but they aren’t responsible for all 3.
@wissox It’s the same situation as when Connor Frankamp left KU. Frankamp began his sophomore year at KU during the fall semester. He chose to leave KU for Wichita St. during the fall semester. Because he began the semester at KU, that counted as a semester of eligibility even though he left before the basketball season started. He still had to sit out a spring and fall semester to meet the NCAA’s transfer requirements.
None of the above. #NukeTheNCAA
(glass half full)
I think the NCAA drags this out forever, until everyone forgets most of it, then we get a symbolic face slapping and move on. You know, like UNC and other blue bloods.
I’ll take option 3.
We vacate every win from 2017-2018 including the final 4 banner and the B12 championship. (Which is still tied for best ever.)
Then we win the whole flipping thing this year and sign Bill for a lift time contract.
@rockchalkwyo I think a lift time contract would help Bill in recruiting a lot! He has been looking a little saggy over the years, and what recruit wants to see the jowls, anyway? It would be appropriate for KU to take up the slack…literally.
Sorry, I just love when a typo provides a whole new unintended meaning to an internet post. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments! And when a typo of mine is food for jokes, let me have it. We need more laughter in this forum.
@mayjay err! Life not lift. Come on rockchalkwyo proff read
@rockchalkwyo @mayjay err! Life not lift. Come on rockchalkwyo proff read
Wood ewe guise kwit thee speling stuf?
@nuleafjhawk Two mutch funn!
@mayjay ELL OWE ELL!
Let’s just get the raping over with.
@Marco my name’s Bill Self and I’m here to say, didn’t pay kids, no how, no way
Ohhh… raPing. nm
@approxinfinity you r pretty good!