All Or Bust?
@drgnslayr so if any of those pieces don’t come does that mean no? If grimes wants to play pt, and he says he does, why would rj or should I say his dad like that? I say he’s blowing smoke up our Phog!
. Grimes doesn’t want that crowded back ct, Ochai needs time, too. Someone’s going to have to put a cork in daddy! I’d be shocked if grimes comes back!
@drgnslayr I got the impression that if both Dotson and Grimes come back that might be a negative. You could interpret his words different ways and I think he was intentionally not clear on that.
I wouldn’t want him “coaching” behind my back. I saw him at the Baylor game, he was explaining everything Self did to rj. I thought it was positive at the time, changed my mind
I think the piece that counts is Dotson. Takes the pressure off RJ.
BeddieKU23 said:
I wish his dad wouldn’t speak. Let the kid make his decision. Stop playing helicopter daddy.
Hehe. That made me think of Rodney Carringtons helicopter joke. Lol definitely not good to play helicopter daddy!
Warning wildly explicit.
I will say this again. - - I really think some are making to much out of RJ and PG. - -Again he has stated that he DOESN’T have to have the ball in his hands at all times , just wanted to be surrounded by other good players. - - There are some that seem to just be freaking out about him wanting to play PG. Sure could be what he would LIKE to do - - but doesn’t HAVE to do.
If Devon is on point , RJ be at the 2, I have stated before – it’s going to be just like having TWO point guards on the floor at the same time , nothing wrong with that for sure, not meaning he will be playing as a point while handling the 2 spot - - just that we will have 2 vey good players handling the ball at the same time , and with 2 having their passing ability - just double that’s all.
I just don’t think RJ having to be the starting PG that has to have the ball in his hands is as much of an issue as some are trying to make it out to be. - -I would be willing to bet that Coach has even told him that he would be at the 2 with quality minutes. I’m just not seeing this as a make or break for him - -also like I have said when Devon is out - -then RJ slides right over and handles the point - could be wrong - -don’t think so though- I think we are in a win win here. - - - -besides this - -I just don’t see Quentin returning here - -I think he realizes with Hampton here that with him and competition with others for minutes - - just to crowded - - Hampton - - Ochai - - & Marcus – I think this really isn’t that much
I don’t think anyone has to slide over to be counted as a PG. At least, not in the Self system.
Our history of Frank/Devonte, Mario/Russell completes the sales pitch to RJ. RJ will get plenty of PG experience without being overwhelmed.
There is a lot of smoke suggesting R.J. is headed overseas. I wonder if Self is on the phone with Q trying to kiss and make up. Not saying he would come back , but we need another player in the back court…
Woodrow said:
There is a lot of smoke suggesting R.J. is headed overseas. I wonder if Self is on the phone with Q trying to kiss and make up. Not saying he would come back , but we need another player in the back court…
Dotson is my first choice. Even if he does come back, adding another body would be preferable. It won’t be Grimes, but maybe someone like Nah’Shon Hyland.
@BShark I don’t want to even think of this team without Dotson so I’m not.
they don’t definitely need another piece as well.
@BShark You know why Hyland hasn’t committed anywhere yet? Not like a guy in the 70s to wait.
@HighEliteMajor Might be wanting a big commit-able offer which could mean prep school for a year. I could see KU going for him more if it’s a whiff on RJ.
Wow… Aussie ball. First I heard of it I was thinking it was a dumb move. But after reading RJ’s comments, it seems like the right thing for him. Why should these OADs suffer through a year of academics and very little compensation? Looks like his folks will join him and it may end up being very worthwhile, even beyond the big payday!
RJ was honest in saying he never wanted to play D1. So, most likely, he isn’t really a loss to KU because he might have just been a spirit downer to the rest of our team.
Good luck, RJ!
His father wanted the payday too, lets not forget helicopter Rod here
drgnslayr said:
Wow… Aussie ball. First I heard of it I was thinking it was a dumb move. But after reading RJ’s comments, it seems like the right thing for him. Why should these OADs suffer through a year of academics and very little compensation? Looks like his folks will join him and it may end up being very worthwhile, even beyond the big payday!
RJ was honest in saying he never wanted to play D1. So, most likely, he isn’t really a loss to KU because he might have just been a spirit downer to the rest of our team.
Good luck, RJ!
I don’t think the word “suffer” really fits here.
I guess I’m not a very nice person! I heard this was signed 3 months ago. Leading people on, teasing fans, is not my idea of a good human being. I hope they at least told coach.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I guess I’m not a very nice person! I heard this was signed 3 months ago. Leading people on, teasing fans, is not my idea of a good human being. I hope they at least told coach.
I agree he used KU and a few other programs, mostly KU though. I’ll never mention his name again
Everyone on Twitter is telling KU fans to be nice.
good luck rj! 🥰 blah blah. Really? Not that I’d be rude, but kissing rear is not my thing!
kissing off, more likely!
@drgnslayr Noone is arguing whether it was a good idea or not- it’s the knowing about it for month(s), and leading everybody on. Deceitful, even. No reason to go even one second further once you sign the deal. " Your college “decision”???He used that as a ruse to announce his deal. I have no problems with feathering the nest, but I have no patience for people trying to run a con job. Low class, imo. Not as much on RJ, but on Daddy for showing his son how to conduct business like a punk.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I guess I’m not a very nice person! I heard this was signed 3 months ago. Leading people on, teasing fans, is not my idea of a good human being. I hope they at least told coach.
I’m not sure that they wee. - -I was reading someone like a week ago that the KU staff was feeling pretty good with their position for RJ
@jayballer73 I heard they signed a deal last month.
Woodrow said:
I don’t think the word “suffer” really fits here.
To people like you and me… “suffer” doesn’t fit here at all. To some of these kids who have lived strange lives with plenty of odd circumstances… they must feel it as suffering.
I thought RJ explained it well. He has educated parents, but he sees this opportunity he has and relates to the possibility of a limited time making big on it. I doubt there was another skill he currently has, or will quickly obtain, that will pay him 7-figures annually.
As far as us expending so much time and effort chasing him and then coming up empty… that’s what we get for going after the elites.
My plan is to stay below these top players. Build lessor guys up to the top level, or close. Some may say we do that now, but we don’t. Not even close.
@drgnslayr In terms of kids that go to P5 schools and especially blue blood schools in either FB or basketball they are 100% not suffering. They live better lives than 99% of the rest of the country. That was what I was referring too.
As far as getting strung along I agree. That is part of the game. it sucks 100% and IMO is a bad look on someone as a person overall but that is the way the RJ and his Dad wanted to play this.
Given how RJ and his Dad played this, I think KU dodged a big-time bullet.
Over the next few years you’re going to see the college basketball equivalent of Darwinism when it comes to recruiting. The successful schools will be the ones who can adapt to a changing landscape, what with the looming elimination of one-and-done. Some will do it be going after the second level guys. Even the blue bloods (the smart ones, anyway) will see that the big shiny name on the faceplate doesn’t mean as much these days to top HS players who have multiple options.
I still have reservations about a kid playing overseas for a year as opposed to one-and-one. I don’t see the competitive strength anywhere near that of high-level D1 conferences. Of course than can depend on the league too…not to mention the player.
Oops…pardon my typos. “…by going after:…”…“one-and-done.”
Maybe we dodged a bullet.
I can’t think of many situations, or any, where an OAD player wants to give his guts to D1 like the lower players. They have other things to think about… their priorities differ from the lower guys.
If we get Dotson back, I think we have a core group of players that are ready to give their guts and can make a run even if we have holes in the team.