RJ Hampton
FarmerJayhawk said:
It’s harder in the U.S. context. DoJ spent like a gazillion dollars looking at the effects of the “assault weapons” ban and found exactly nada in terms of effects on homicide rates and crime. Australia also doesn’t have a bill of rights so the government can do about whatever it wants.
But anyhoo. Australia is a lot of fun. Beaches are great.
Yeah sorry for getting on this bullshit. I almost went deeper too.
Probably wrong , but I thought I had seen some where his dad said over sea’s is not an option
FYI, Jerry Meyer will be on KLWN in about 10 minutes talking RJ.
FarmerJayhawk said:
FYI, Jerry Meyer will be on KLWN in about 10 minutes talking RJ.
1320 am right?
Maybe? This also works http://v6.player.abacast.net/855
@FarmerJayhawk I never could get that to work. I’ve tried before for RC Sports Talk. I’m on the newest FF so I really don’t get it either.
They might be on iHeart or something too.
It’s fine I’m old so I have some radios.
Heating up. He mentioned the overseas talk and money. Name dropped T Ferg route.
BShark said:
@FarmerJayhawk I never could get that to work. I’ve tried before for RC Sports Talk. I’m on the newest FF so I really don’t get it either.
me neither , & my radio hardly picks it up - -heard just a little talking about Over sea’s
@BShark Ah, Fear and Loathing in Lawrence Lol!
justanotherfan said:
BShark said:
Kcmatt7 said:
Ferguson got paid $500K to go play overseas. I’d imagine RJ is getting offered at least that, probably closer to $750k.
Ironically if he really wants to play he should pick KU instead of overseas. Lots of grown ass men in China and Australia.
Based on previous players who took this route these seem to be the likeliest two. Personally I’d take Australia over China for too many reasons to count.
If he goes overseas, Australia is the best bet. They speak English, so the cultural transition is easier than it is in some of the European leagues. Additionally, while the competition may not be as good, the teams are more well run than the second and third division teams in Europe. And unlike a lot of the European teams, they will play a kid that’s only going to be there for a year.
And the women, I’ve been there, are freaking
and love them some American. They like our accent the same way that American women do the English… I’m just saying…
@dylans But the women are not, shall we say, umm, (P.C. Marco, P.C.) shy…
@Kcmatt7 Yeah, Australia definitely has some of the healthiest and most educated waiters, waitresses and bartenders that the world has ever known.
So what did we get from Meyer interview? - -what did he have to say?
Hold onto your butts. This one could be over pretty soon.
FarmerJayhawk said:
Hold onto your butts. This one could be over pretty soon.
Today soon or Billy/Silvio soon? :p
Reads Dawkins not found guilty of Wire Fraud
Immediately wires RJ’s Dad a significant amount of money.
“I’m moving my commitment date up to May.”
Nothing going on with this recruitment.
BShark said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
Hold onto your butts. This one could be over pretty soon.
Today soon or Billy/Silvio soon? :p
Ha! Like could be next week soon.
*Only if he ends up at KU obvs.
Now, please, for the love of God, just make sure the Dodge Charger is in HIS name this time.
Boogie Ellis visiting Memphis now. Ovaaaaaa
BShark said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
Hold onto your butts. This one could be over pretty soon.
Today soon or Billy/Silvio soon? :p
For me - - I would love it to be for Silvio soon - -seems to be getting smokey lol - - just looking for the fire. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
BShark said:
Today soon or Billy/Silvio soon? :p
With Boogie at Memphis for a visit, I’d hate to think Precious is leaning toward KU because RJ might go to Memphis? Not the same positions? Or maybe I’m waiting for the other shoe to fall. Things look TOO good?
@Gorilla72 Precious and RJ are not the same position and likely do not factor into each other at all.
@Kcmatt7 - Isn’t Memphis running out of scholarships if they get Boogie and Precious/RJ?
Gorilla72 said:
@Kcmatt7 - Isn’t Memphis running out of scholarships if they get Boogie and Precious/RJ?
Memphis has 3 left as of now.
1 of them is for Lester
1 of them is for Boogie/RJ
1 of them is for Watford/Precious
Kcmatt7 said:
Gorilla72 said:
@Kcmatt7 - Isn’t Memphis running out of scholarships if they get Boogie and Precious/RJ?
Memphis has 3 left as of now.
1 of them is for Lester
1 of them is for Boogie/RJ
1 of them is for Watford/Precious
Could be that sounds more like Watford is going to commit to Memphis - could be the reason Corey and others changing their CB picks. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I wonder if precious is going to follow RJ like Hurt did with Tre Jones.
I mean one of them needs to pull the trigger already. It’s a friggen staring contest right now and one of them needs to blink.
I made a mistake. - First one today , I thought 247 CB showed Watford favoring Memphis - -but looked and he is pretty solid to LSU - but I know there was a lot of talk about Memphis too.
I think this thing is gonna get pretty hot - real soon with these players. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Boogie’s going to pop for Memphis early next week. RJ will then cut them, probably not publicly.
I believe we will receive a package-deal for next season and will all be living in the Precious Hamptons, Lol. But serious, I think they’re a package deal, and that we’re going to sign both. If Holyfield soon chooses someone other than KU the deal may be all but done.
@Marco they’re not a package deal in any way, shape, or form.
@FarmerJayhawk You don’t think that they want to play together? That’s what I mean, not actually paying them.
Marco said:
@FarmerJayhawk You don’t think that they want to play together? That’s what I mean, not actually paying them.
Not any more than anyone else. Both want to get to the pros ASAP. Anything beyond that is just meh.
Ron Paul.gif
Any rumors of RJ planning a visit to Tech? He got another prediction for Tech on rivals from a guy named B Soliz. The name means nothing to me but should be noted.
Nothing will surprise me this year.
I have yet to see anything about RJ visiting Tech. If they do get a visit, all bets are off imo.
rockchalkwyo said:
Any rumors of RJ planning a visit to Tech? He got another prediction for Tech on rivals from a guy named B Soliz. The name means nothing to me but should be noted.
Nothing will surprise me this year.
Am I seeing double - - triple quadruple lol. - - - -same post over and over and over lol - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Haha sorry guys horrible reception. My goodness
@jayballer73 you can say that again…lol.
Phew! Ok they’re all gone. If we get commitments the way those posts came threw we’ll be solid
rockchalkwyo said:
Haha sorry guys horrible reception. My goodness
It’s all good my friend - just had to rub these old eyes thought I had double vision - -but was wrong I was having quadruple vision - -just messing with you – your fine. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 you can say that again…lol.
Lol thought I had to lay down - -thought my head was spinning lmao. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
The platform probably should disable the button after the first click event. I wonder if they’ve fixed that in later versions of nodebb. We woudl know, if i wasnt an extreme procrastinator
Boogie to Memphis as expected.