UH-OH - Sounds like trouble in Aggieville
@FarmerJayhawk It would be funny if Brown ended up at UNC, Ventables at TT and Leavitt at Louisville. Just because that would leave KSU scrabbling lol
Mack Brown coached at UNC before Texas so I’m guessing UNC would be hoping to get a repeat of his first tenure there which was very successful.
Texas Hawk 10 said:
Mack Brown coached at UNC before Texas so I’m guessing UNC would be hoping to get a repeat of his first tenure there which was very successful.
That’s certainly the idea. Also some donors who ponied up for Fedora’s buyout really want Mack to return, with the intention of hiring an all-star staff with a HCIW.
There are likely to be at least eight P5 openings this season, with some potential name jobs (Southern Cal?) open. Maryland will be open. There could be a couple of ACC jobs (Louisville, UNC) open. If KSU wants to act, they better act fast because things will heat up quickly this week.
The other thing to be aware of for KSU is that since Snyder effectively forced Prince out the last time around, and wields so much influence in that athletic department, some of the coaching candidates may not want to take that job if Snyder (or his son) is going to be around the program. Add to that the fact that the Texas Tech job is the better job in the Big 12 (particularly since KU just hired Les Miles), and K-State may be heading for some tough sledding.
@justanotherfan USC isn’t going to be available this year and Louisville and UNC are both open although UNC is likely hiring Mack Brown again tomorrow.
Seems to be some conflicting report out of kittyville. - - Several people saying that it’s done that some guy named Kileman from NDSU will be the next Coach - -well Tim Fitzgerald from Power Cat is saying that with the people who he is talking it’s Littrell -he was then asked if KSU will have a Coach by next week. – He said ya he feels really confident they will have Seth by then - -we shall see. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
This is pretty petty any way you look at it. No wonder why so many players left; the Snyders really did think they owned the program
JayHawkFanToo said:
This is pretty petty any way you look at it. No wonder why so many players left; the Snyders really did think they owned the program
I’ve heard rumors of similar things from inside that program for years. If Snyder does not (or did not) like you while you were within the program, labelled you a troublemaker or whatever, he would withhold your ring or delay your transfer request - petty stuff.
As the article indicates, its the type of stuff that is tough for the player to make noise about in the moment - it looks bad to transfer while tangled up in a dispute with your former school/coach.
Snyder and his family think they own Manhattan (to some extent, they do). I think Snyder’s large shadow is going to affect their coaching search more than they realize.
I agree. Any coach considering the position should have it as part of the contract that there will be no interference or influence from Snyder. I understand that it is difficult to cut all ties with a coach that did so much for the program but keeping him as an “ambassador” and maintaining ties with the program could end up being a bad decision moving forward.
@JayHawkFanToo I’ve questioned it myself on several occasions. Starting in 02 when they were beating KU by 60 and put back in there starters on Defense as soon as KU crossed mid field late in the fourth (they had already lost 3 games and weren’t trying to get BCS votes ether). I’ve never hoped for a player on any team to get hurt but I would’ve laughed if one of their starters got hurt then. Seemed pretty classless to me and I believe it was last year one transferring player went public about he was like a slave owner and was blocking him from transferring. I have a friend of a friends son that grew up a KSU fan and transferred up from Juco a couple of years back. He said Snyder played favorites like crazy, was a complete a**hole and transfered to Tabor for his senior year. He and his family are no longer KSU fans lol. The way he was holding the university hostage I questioned if he would actually retire. One thing to consider when hiring a new coach is that Synder is still in the athletic department and will probably interfere with the next guy if he doesn’t see the things that are going on as good (Ron Prince who went 7-6, 5–7, 5-7 and recruited several starters including Klein on the 2012 B12 title team after Snyder went 4-8 and 5-7 in final 2 seasons).
Behind the friendly, grandfatherly facade lies a ruthless individual that controlled and ruled the program with an iron fist and stayed long after he should have retired because KSU would not acquiesce to his demand that his son be named to succeed him. The new coach better have an ironclad clause in his contract that Snyder will not interfere. I am sure Snyder lurking behind the scenes will keep some potential coaches away.
The current hold up in signing a new coach is that Snyder wants, at a minimum, that his son be kept on staff, if not named the new coach. Most new head coaches want to bring in their own staff, so its tough to insist that the new coach retain the current special teams coach. But that’s just another way for Snyder to keep the new coach under his thumb.
Sean Snyder was kept on staff by Prince (we all see how that turned out). I am sure the current candidates are keeping that in mind.
Why does it matter what Snyder wants? Dude was fired, regardless of the story the public was given.
dylans said:
Why does it matter what Snyder wants? Dude was fired, regardless of the story the public was given.
Snyder is incredibly influential at KSU. He’s the most powerful man on that campus by a large margin. He has more “juice” than the president and AD combined.
Snyder has more influence at KSU than Bill Self does at KU, and its not particularly close. He basically has a say in anything he wants to have a say in. They teach a leadership class based on his 16 pillars or whatever he calls them.
I’m not sure there is a person at a D1 school with more power and influence at their university than Snyder has at KSU.
@justanotherfan but not enough to get his son hired.
justanotherfan said:
dylans said:
Why does it matter what Snyder wants? Dude was fired, regardless of the story the public was given.
Snyder is incredibly influential at KSU. He’s the most powerful man on that campus by a large margin. He has more “juice” than the president and AD combined.
Snyder has more influence at KSU than Bill Self does at KU, and its not particularly close. He basically has a say in anything he wants to have a say in. They teach a leadership class based on his 16 pillars or whatever he calls them.
I’m not sure there is a person at a D1 school with more power and influence at their university than Snyder has at KSU.
Had. His act has gotten ahem old. It’s sunset time. Hope it doesn’t Paterno him, but I do hope for KSU he disappears only to return for fund raisers as requested.
dylans said:
Why does it matter what Snyder wants? Dude was fired, regardless of the story the public was given.
Because it’s in his contract that he gets input on the next coaching hire.
@FarmerJayhawk what was that official title?
@FarmerJayhawk As in he has a say, or input that can be ignored? Seems like he’s run his course in Manhattan. I’d listen to what he has to say and do whatever I wanted, were I the AD. Or is Snyder the AD too?
Oh yeah, ambassador, does that mean he chooses the next coach?
If he really gets a big say in who the next coach is and what he does, they may as well kept him around another year or 2 because that is going to run off several coaches. Coaches want to run the ship without someone over their shoulder at every turn.
dylans said:
@FarmerJayhawk As in he has a say, or input that can be ignored? Seems like he’s run his course in Manhattan. I’d listen to what he has to say and do whatever I wanted, were I the AD. Or is Snyder the AD too?
I believe the language is “give appropriate input on hiring the next coach” or something really similar. I think it’s intentionally ambiguous. If he gets his way it’ll be Leavitt. Sean isn’t interested.
@FarmerJayhawk The lack of interest is similiar in the fan base out here regarding Sean. Actually it’s more of a please, no! Leavitt perks up ears. Littrel gets a blank stare.
What has really surprised me is that in virtually every list of “possible coaches” I’ve seen, Leavitt is NOT on the list! I had kinda understood that he was a shoo-in to replace Snyder. I don’t think he’s even been “interviewed” in Manhattan by the AD like several others have been. Guess the guy from NDSU who seemed to be the front runner for a while was not offered, at least not yet. Does sound like there is a “tug of war” going on in Manhattan between someone(s). Thought they would have decided by now…but the longer they wait I think the better for us!
The scoop that I got was Littrell was offered the job but they wouldn’t allow him to bring in his whole staff and couldn’t agree with North Texas on the buyout. So hard to tell fact from fiction on these deals til someones name is on the dotted line and announced.
@dylans Not to nitpick, but aren’t there lots of blank stares among that fanbase in general?
KSU has a new coach, Chris Klieman from North Dakota State.
@JayHawkFanToo Well he’s already undefeated as an assistant in Manhattan
Good hire imo.
@Kcmatt7 I actually think it is a great hire for KSU. He fits what they need very well. I also don’t think he will jump ship if he is successful for a few years like Littrell, Brown, Norvelle, etc… would have. He knows how to develop talent and find under the radar guys.
I also saw a quote from the Miege coach saying he is very impressed with him and has a relationship with him from NDSU recruiting some Miege players.
This is a good hire for KSU provided he can do his job without interference from Snyder. The biggest challenge for him is going to be recruiting. The step up from FCS to P5 is probably three steps up the recruiting ladder. It will be interesting to see how he does recruiting against Texas and Oklahoma.
justanotherfan said:
“It will be interesting to see how he does recruiting against Texas and Oklahoma.”
And Les Miles for the Kansas kids!
He has an outstanding record at NDSU but it is a big jump to a P5 program and time will tell how well he does at the higher level. Obviously KSU thinks highly of him and offered a very good contract. The question is how long before he gets tired of dealing with Snyder who thinks he owns the program. I guess what happens to Sean Snyder will be telling, if he stays or gets promoted we will see Snyder’s fingerprint all over; if he is let go then it will mark a new direction for the program, and an overdue end of the Snyder era.
JayHawkFanToo said:
He has an outstanding record at NDSU but it is a big jump to a P5 program and time will tell how well he does at the higher level. Obviously KSU thinks highly of him and offered a very good contract. The question is how long before he gets tired of dealing with Snyder who thinks he owns the program. I guess what happens to Sean Snyder will be telling, if he stays or gets promoted we will see Snyder’s fingerprint all over; if he is let go then it will mark a new direction for the program, and an overdue end of the Snyder era.
Was just getting ready to say the same thing - -and saw you just stated what I was thinking. - -Ya he did well at North Dakota St - - and yes he had a couple of upsets against P-5 schools. However while it’s nice to have that upset -HUGE difference from that and having to compete/battle against P-5 schools - -week in - - -week out. Day - -after - -day - - after - - day. - -and trying to match up with some of these jaugernauts - -is a totally whole different ball game there sparky.
He WAS NOT their # 1 pick – as a matter of fact they had several pull out - -It was basically down to this guy and Brown from Troy right? - -the biggest hang up was Synder - -the 1st choice wanted to bring his whole staff - -KSU nixed that, ha d another one from Memphis say - - -umm - -NOPE- - I THINK Ol Bill has turned this into a cluster - we will see - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
And yet – -we shall see – guess that’s why we play the game — as always ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
One thing to note, is that he inherited a well oiled machine at NDSU and has maintained it well but he hasn’t had to build anything let alone at the P5 level. NDSU has had good success against FBS competition but it ain’t like they have played a ton of good schools, only one ranked team on that list and several crappy programs kansas included.
NDSU has dominated its class and successfully punched well above it’s weight class against P5 competition. A solid program any way you look at it.
Just to add a bit of context to the chart, Klieman was head coach at NDSU since 2014. He only oversaw the wins over Iowa State and Iowa. Still pretty good, but that record isn’t entirely due to Klieman.
I was talking about the program, very solid.
JayHawkFanToo said:
I was talking about the program, very solid.
Programwise, NDSU has been better than Alabama, and for longer.
@JayHawkFanToo No one would question the greatness of the program. I’m just saying I think I’d rather have him in Manhattan than Littrell or Leavitt. Those guys built programs at the FBS level from scratch, I’m not saying KSU is in shambles but the cabinet isn’t full either. I personally think the Sunflower Showdown is better in all sports when we both have respectable teams but I don’t want KSU to have a ton of success.