Who came up with the term "leftist" anyway?
You want to know why I’m full on against Libs/DNC? For eight years I got called a racist because I didn’t vote for Obama. There’s your answer. Oh and it wasn’t conservatives and Reps.
@DoubleDD https://civiqs.com/results/approve_president_trump?race=Black or African-American
Sample size for Rasmussen was too small? That poll is the outlier, with all others showing much lower support.
Who called you a racist for 8 years for not voting for Obama? Relatives? Coworkers?
approxinfinity said:
@DoubleDD https://civiqs.com/results/approve_president_trump?race=Black or African-American
Sample size for Rasmussen was too small? That poll is the outlier, with all others showing much lower support.
Who called you a racist for 8 years for not voting for Obama? Relatives? Coworkers?
LIbs and DEms. Still are just watch any media outlet besides Fox news.
@DoubleDD You are making zero sense right now.
Which libs and dems told you, Double DD Esquire, directly, “you are a racist”? Anyone? I know I didn’t.
Who on the big wide interwebs said, “if you didn’t vote for Obama, you’re a racist”? Let’s see:
4 results.
How about “anyone who didn’t vote for Obama is a racist”?
2 results.
So what exactly is Fox News telling you that other people are saying about you?
DoubleDD said:
I guess I don’t understand the point why I’m being forced fed this pic?
Man that must hurt?
Oh wait the Rasmussen is a fake polls? Lmao.
Sorry, I don’t understand your response.
I am not force-feeding anything. Feel free to turn your head and look away.
(The truth will set you free…?)
DoubleDD said:
You want to know why I’m full on against Libs/DNC? For eight years I got called a racist because I didn’t vote for Obama. There’s your answer. Oh and it wasn’t conservatives and Reps.
Assuming you are not a racist and that is not the reason you didn’t vote for Obama, you should not have been shamed for voting for another candidate. Reasonable folks should understand there are ample reasons to not vote for Obama that have nothing to do with his heritage.
I am sorry that happened to you.
Whoever did that was wrong. It is small-minded to pursuade through shame.
But, as I was told as a kid: “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
I hope you can be bigger than those folks and find a way to let the anger pass.
In all fairness, you do know that Google heavily bias searches, right? Try this… the exact same search on a different search engine.
@JayHawkFanToo mine was an exact match using quotes. Yours wasn’t. However, it appears theres an outstanding bug with duckduckgo that won’t let me exact match the search:
Regardless the question I have is where @DoubleDD was told he was a racist.
Funny, I didn’t vote for Obama and nobody called me that! I sure grew to like him and Michelle, take him in a minute over the present, whom I didn’t vote for!
Why in the world would you use quotes? When you do you are artificially restricting the search and defeating the purpose of the search engine. Try the same search in Google without the quotes and you get 4.33 million results. The primary reason to use quotes is to limit the search by looking for the exact wording but you did not even quote his generic wording. The search for the gist of what he posted yields millions of results.
@JayHawkFanToo Because I wanted to prove that nobody actually said those words. That was my point. See look. Here’s one for “Obama is not an American”. That has a lot of results because a lot of people said that.
Did anyone tell you you were racist for not voting for Obama? Has anyone you know been told that because they didn’t vote for Obama they were racist? How about a friend of a credible friend?
He did not quote anyone in particular but expressed what his experience was and you did not even quote him literally either so, why use quotation marks unless you purposely want a completely invalid result for an expression you made up?
I showed you that by just taking the unneeded quotes and searching for the substance of @DoubleDD post you get millions of results that fully validate his point regardless of search engine.
@JayHawkFanToo ok hotshot, which of these 4 top results remotely resemble someone calling someone else a racist for not voting for Obama?
Let me clarify… since I’m pretty sure you’re gonna run wild with the first one… Which of these ACTUALLY… is SOMEONE… calling SOMEONE ELSE… a RACIST?
The first one does not count, because it is SOMEONE… ASKING… everyone else… if they’re a racist for not voting for Obama.
Now look at the 4 results from my query in quotes. Which top 4 results are more pertinent to our discussion, with or without quotes? Or if you want to dig through 10 million results and tell me how many actually pertain that works too
Cute. You first post was a clear message that since only 4 results showed the issue must not be that great but your own latest search shows over 10 million results so it is obviously a big and real deal.g
You must know since it has been extensively reported that the Google search engine was tweaked to assign low priority to items not favorable to liberals and high priority to items that favored them…it really is not a secret just under reported by the MSM. I personally use DuckDuck go because unlike Google it dies no track your searches and it is politics neutral.
Try this…
@JayHawkFanToo lol man! This is too much!
Now… IF you actually were looking for what we’re looking for, which is… POSTS WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY CALL OTHER PEOPLE RACIST FOR NOT VOTING FOR OBAMA then why on earth would Google be filtering out results of people saying that, if what you say is true, that Google has a bias against conservative viewpoints?
Presumably, the mythical parts of the internet where PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY ACCUSING OTHERS OF BEING RACIST BECAUSE THEY DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA would be liberal troll holes, right? So why would this so called liberally biased search engine then filter out those results?
Well, because the results you show are all conservative troll holes, that’s why! Click on your top result there. Oh. Guess what, it’s conservative trolls telling us how liberals are calling people racist for not voting for Obama.
My challenge still stands. Show me the ACTUAL liberals calling conservatives racists for not voting for Obama. Not someone talking about it. Someone actually doing it.
@JayHawkFanToo sorry. Doesn’t count. Fox news covering a liberal talking head talking about what other people are saying. Again, where are the actual real life people saying “you’re racist if you didn’t vote for Obama”? Not people talking about people saying whatever as filtered through a spin machine.
I think the answer is that there aren’t many. Like very very few people actually saying that… Because that’d be nuts!
No one has told me to my face that if I did not vote for Obama I am a racist for two reasons. First, most people I know don’t know who I voted for and second, my circle of friends and acquientances know ne well and know that I am not a racist and are not the type that would make wild accusations. However, I have heard numerous times on the political shows all over MSM commentators/guest/analysts/celebrities state that people that did not vote for Obama have a hatred for him and are racist. Follow the links on the search and you will find lots of examples.
Now, the emphasis has changed and liberals accuse anyone that voted for Trump to be racist which is equally idiotic.
This is the typical…are you going to believe me or your own lying eyes/ears. In the end, you will believe what you want to believe and so will I, for every search you come up that you feel makes your point I can come up with one that makes mine. I guess we could call it a Mexican stand-off but we might be accused of cultural appropriation so this discussion seems pointless, wouldn’t you agree.
@JayHawkFanToo I think you’ve proven my point. Nobody is actually telling you you are racist. But you’re letting the media tell you what other people think. Very dangerous. The good news is… This thing you are afraid of doesnt exist! The world is a little better than you think! This is cause for celebration isn’t it? Just tune out the news and we’re there!
cheers buddy.
Try this then or Oprah and Oliver Stone in their own words. The context seems pretty clear.
Because no one told me does not prove it is not true. Obviously @DoubleDD says it happened to him and I take him at his word and there is plenty of annecdotal evidence that it is not as uncommon as you think. You need to open your mind and realize that other people have experiences different than yours.
@JayHawkFanToo the first source is another conservative spin site talking about a liberal talking head. I can’t find the original quote anywhere. Maybe they retracted it? If it was said it was a stupid thing to say. But again. Liberal talking head. Reported by conservative troll site. Common theme here. These guys aren’t real. If I took this spin media as fact no doubt I’d be angry too.
The Oprah one doesn’t exactly count. She’s talking about people opposed to the sitting President not voting against him (our original thing was voting, but ok), and that there is a racial element to some of the opposition to Obama as the sitting President. You know like people saying you’re not American if you don’t let Trump be President. But it’s not the whole interview, again it’s cut and filtered through Fox talking heads and immediately opinions are vomited out in a mother bird regurgitation frenzy.
I really don’t think she was talking about all people, only that there was some racially motivated resistance to Obama’s presidency. Would that not be an accurate statement?
@JayHawkFanToo because no one told you [that you’re a racist for not voting for Obama] doesn’t mean that [someone called you a racist for not voting for Obama] is not true. Got it!
I’ll wait to hear about @DoubleDD being called a racist if he wants to talk about it. I know other people have different experiences than me and would not mind discussing them but if he doesn’t want to that’s fine too.
I’m done. @approxinfinity I love the hell out of yea. yet you play this game of where is the evidence? This movement of libs and the DNC calling persons racist that didn’t vote for Obama was real? And now it’s if you voted for Trump your a racist. These are real situations. Not made up. All you have to do is watch the media. I’ll join in your cause but at least acknowledge what is the truth. Conservatives are being treated like the slaves of old. Just youtube Maxine Waters. It’s crazy? I’m done. I more than happy to have a civil conversation about the trying times or our day. Yet if you can’t at the very least acknowledge. the very basis and obvious truths. Then what is there to talk about?
Just for the record I always do my homework before I vote. Don’t care about parties. Could care less.
@DoubleDD all you have to do is not watch that media
@approxinfinity it’s bad for your blood pressure!
It would be safe to say, in view of the polls showing a large number of Republicans still believe that Obama is Kenyan and/or Muslim, that this belief has no evidentiary support and therefore might be motivated by racial animus. It would also be safe to say, based on other polls, that a large number of Democrats believe both Trump and many of his supporters to be racists.
Neither set of beliefs should be attributed to everyone in either group.
approxinfinity said:
@DoubleDD all you have to do is not watch that media
Sadly it’s a deeper than that. People of my kind are getting barred from restaurants and being undressed.
And she was the leader of the Lib/DNC movement. Tell me different? Was she not the elected leader of the Lib/DNC movement?
mayjay said:
It would be safe to say, in view of the polls showing a large number of Republicans still believe that Obama is Kenyan and/or Muslim, that this belief has no evidentiary support and therefore might be motivated by racial animus. It would also be safe to say, based on other polls, that a large number of Democrats believe both Trump and many of his supporters to be racists.
Neither set of beliefs should be attributed to everyone in either group.
I’m sorry Obama voters didn’t get called racists or get banned from public places or made fun of on every media outlet. You can bite me mayjay?
DoubleDD said:
mayjay said:
It would be safe to say, in view of the polls showing a large number of Republicans still believe that Obama is Kenyan and/or Muslim, that this belief has no evidentiary support and therefore might be motivated by racial animus. It would also be safe to say, based on other polls, that a large number of Democrats believe both Trump and many of his supporters to be racists.
Neither set of beliefs should be attributed to everyone in either group.
I’m sorry Obama voters didn’t get called racists or get banned from public places or made fun of on every media outlet. You can bite me mayjay?
You need to reread my post and rethink your post. And then apologize if you can figure out how wrong you are.
nah I did reread your post. The difference is one is getting called out, and the other never did? I mean check this out.
no Mayjay bite me
Told you I do my homework.
@DoubleDD you don’t get it? Why blame @mayjay? He doesn’t hate. Nothing vile has come out of his mouth.
It’s not about hating. I know he doesn’t hate he’s a great person, but he doesn’t understand what is going in this world and neither do you. Conservatives are being attacked just because they disagree.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@DoubleDD you don’t get it? Why blame @mayjay? He doesn’t hate. Nothing vile has come out of his mouth.
Sadly the Dems/libs started this war, and they will lose this war.
@DoubleDD you are wrong, sadly I guess
So you disagree with the black guy? Yea you Dems/libs call him a black guy, but us conservatives call him a American. Yet somehow we are the racist. Lmao
I guess
You’re so scared right now on how to respond? Why is it that? Because you have to research what the Dem/Lib party says is ok to say. lmao.
i’m still waiting?
OH and you voted for Obama you know you did. Didn’t want to be called a racist if you didn’t.
@DoubleDD you just said black guy, then said you conservatives called him American?
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@DoubleDD you just said black guy, then said you conservatives called him American?
Yep I knew you were a lib/Dem. Lmao
I knew it.
@DoubleDD I didn’t vote for obama. But I would today. I didn’t vote trump, no way! First time I didn’t vote republican for president, not for other offices though.
Yea you did. Just admit it.