Texas Christian Horned Frogs 8:15 Saturday ESPN or ESPN2?
Mark David Chapman
Famous people from Fort Worth
The Country now knows Jaylen Fisher. He probably guarded Frank Mason better than most. The Johnny Winters of the Big 12.
@wrwlumpy great article! I’m impressed, how he’s handled it.
Anyone else tired of playing Texas teams?
@Crimsonorblue22 @wrwlumpy I always have liked him. I felt bad for him trying to defend against OU’s onslaught. He looked like he might not be the same after his injury. My biggest criticism of him in the past has been that he gives the ball up too early and doesn’t seem to look for his own shot enough. But I don’t know if he might be getting more confident this season because I only saw the OU game.
TCU presents a magnitude of issues for KU to deal with. At home, most likely sell-out crowd with a evening tip this is going to be a game we have to bring more energy to the table then them. Energy alone won’t win the game but it will fuel the necessary steps to win.
They are actually shooting the ball better from 3 then us now. Desmond Bane has improved a ton. Noi, a red-shirt freshman who comes off the bench would start at Kansas. Kenrich Williams is the best rebounder in the country. They have a ton of size which we don’t have. They rebound, which we don’t do. They play 9 guys in the rotation, we have 7. It’s a game we are outmatched for. Guys are going to have to step up to the fullest capability. Relying on Self “rallying the troops” here
I feel like the next two road games for us, TCU and WVU are must wins to make up for dropping one at home. This will be a tough gmae no question, Mitch Lightfoot maybe the key because the Vlad can stretch defense, that is a tough guard for Doke. Svi or Vick may get him at times too.
kjayhawks said:
I feel like the next two road games for us, TCU and WVU are must wins to make up for dropping one at home. This will be a tough gmae no question, Mitch Lightfoot maybe the key because the Vlad can stretch defense, that is a tough guard for Doke. Svi or Vick may get him at times too.
Both of their bigs step out and hit the 3 (Vlad & JD Miller). Kenrich Williams is more of a big SF at this point and he’s shooting close to 50% from 3 on the year. They also bring in Noi who’s around 6’7 and can really shoot it as well. Hamdy is their only big who really operates solely in the post.
Self is going to have to get creative defensively against this group. Doke is going to have to play to his size which is difficult with him hurt right now. I’m not feeling optimistic about the matchup
@BeddieKU23 very true, I was hoping the NCAA would clear a couple of guys today…lol. The trouble is if we put a guard on them, they’ll go inside, if Doke is on them, they’ll go outside. We may end up going with 5 guards like at the end of the tech game.
80-68, Frogs. Confidence is ebbing…
Oh, come on … 78-72 KU.
@kjayhawks “Minutes away …”
Well this ought to brighten your day just full of promise. - - Coach says it’s not as much about our rim protecting - -it’s about our guards giving up straight line drives. - talking about how they can’t stay in front of anybody.
For the season Ku opposition is shooting 39.4 % -Big 12 , Texas shot 43. % -& TT shot 43.3 % - - Coach said he thought there was at least 5-7 times straight line with no stoppage. - - -hoop math . com says KU is giving up 28 % of it’s shots at the rim.
Now put that into perspective - - - TCU gets 44.1 % of its shots AT THE RIM that ranks 22nd nationally and at a clip of 65.4 % - -so what does that tell us? - -Tells us it’s going to be a long night - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@HighEliteMajor It is a matter of minutes. Perhaps a coupla dozen, or a coupla thousand…
A colleague of my wife’s at work gave her a “Countdown” spreadsheet that shows a running total of how many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds she has left until retirement in March 2019. Cool to watch.
Maybe we could set up one that does the reverse–track how long it really takes until a ruling is made every time when Bill Self makes a prediction. Tracking days if he says it will be days, minutes when he says minutes, and so forth. You will like the name–A Complete BS Calendar, so to speak.
I am hoping KU gets its act together and pulls a win against TCU; a loss would place KU in a hole to start conference play.
@mayjay So, market and sell the “Complete BS Calendar” – one the Kansas coach (BS) would love, and those who shovel loads of it (BS) desire.
Or we could do something like a snowfall contest. We all predict the exact minute and day of the Preston decision, and the DeSousa decision. Maybe like the Price is Right, if you go over (or too far in the future) you automatically lose.
I’ll start. Preston - January 22, 11:00 am CST. DeSousa - January 17, 2:00 pm CST.
This is like picking a very deep scab. Actually like sticking a finger in a very deep and infected wound. Nothing good comes of it.
No way to predict this team. They make threes, they can win. They don’t, they won’t. Brodzianski is going to have a field day with Doke.
TCU is an underrated team IMHO. They have all of the pieces to potentially get to the Sweet 16 this year with the right draw and good health.
Also, Preston, eligible January 11, 2018. De Sousa, eligible January 9, 2018. Things can get better quickly.
Win or lose, I’m still a KU fan. I hope we’ll win. I think we’ll win. If not, I still love my Jayhawks.
@KUSTEVE Really? Even if they lose you’ll still be a KU fan? You won’t just abandon them? I really admire you. The rest of us are out of here if they lose.
@HighEliteMajor Since you seem to live in the land of perpetual offense, I’m glad I could oblige you. To say I love my favorite BB team…oh, the horrors…
@KUSTEVE Why act like that? Just kidding around.
@KUSTEVE You’re proudly a blue pill guy. That’s cool.
The red blue puke never dies. Love this team, High maj. 25+ threes per game.
Lol. Come on guys, settle down.
Who else besides me feels as less confident about picking up a win tonight at TCU ? - I can’t remember the last time I have felt so unsure of a win. I just can’t say in brutal honesty that I feel that confident about being able to pick up the win tonight with the way we have been playing.
Plus of course yet STILL another game without Billy or De Sousa which doesn’t help matters any. - GOD I hope I’m wrong but I just don’t have a good feeling. - OR maybe it was the Bisquits and Gravy I ate late last night instead of worry about the game lol - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Jayballer54 I don’t feel very confident. Going in to the season, I would have said this was one of the 4 toughest conference games we will play. A week ago, I would have said that losing this game shouldn’t hurt our chances of winning the conference. The home loss changes that dynamic a bit, I think. I am hopeful, though!
Thangs sure getting whack in a hurry when we’re fearing going to Ft. Worth and not expecting to win.
Positive spin on things for ya here… One of either WVU and OU is going to have a league loss today. Book it.
KU is gonna have a great night getting their second Rd win in the conference and things are going to look much more exciting ahead. Game day! Rock Chalk all!!
I’m not sure with this team we will ever feel completely confident. But we could do exactly what we did at Texas. This team can beat any team in the country in any environment. The floor is just lower and we see big swings.
In the past I’ve always felt loses helped coach Self refocus the team. Self’s loses usually follow with a victory and a feeling from me of “that is the team I thought we could be”. With this team I feel like there are too many issues to assume a bounce back.
I want to believe!
wissox said:
Thangs sure getting whack in a hurry when we’re fearing going to Ft. Worth and not expecting to win.
yup - sure are jim diggidy dogs - -dad blum pure cotton picken crazy of them there folks -just plum scared I say - scared - – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@cragarhawk That’s a bold prediction
@kjayhawks smh