Game 4 Italy
Holy smokes, same play but to Vick with a defender. Sweet Dunk.
Let’s Go Hawks!
Malik, Graham and Vick- ridiculous. Forgot we aren’t even playing our starting 4 an 5. who needs 'em? Those guys will average 52ish points a game between them, methinks.
No bearded dancer, but a legit stache on that dribbler.
Malik 17 of the first 35
@JayhawksandChill Has half the points now.
They say he is streaky- I just hope when he is off, he is a willing passer. But seriously glad to have him. Rock Star Pro Game!
@JayhawksandChill 25 now.
He is doing what I always hoped Selden would do.
Dribbling old man with a Stache is back for half-time. I miss the bearded dancer, but this ain’t bad
Ummm, pssssssssst -hey guys - - – ummm - -just a little FYI - -in case you haven’t noticed, – - ummm Malik can flat out ball, I don’t care if we are playing Saint sisters Mary of the blind - -25 pts in a half -actually this whole tourney - - -look the hell out.- - -Mercy, I know these guys offer little defense - -but still, let the wife, the kids, your dog, who the hell ever - -the kid can Ball lol. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Malik - 25 points in 15 minutes. Hello, Newman!
@jayballer54 Yeah Malik is alright at getting the ball through the cylinder.
66-35 at the half.
This halftime show is really something
Only question I have is what has happened to our boy Garrett in the last game and 1/2? -Seems like Coach has played him very little, did he upset coach? - - -To think we got 66 pts at half and Devonte hasn’t scored, as a matter of fact I think he has taken what ONE shot? - -umm, umm, umm, umm - -this 4 guard offense tellin you we might be Gansta - -only problem again might be when we match up with some serious height. – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
The other teams scouts are going to have to pick someone to guard EACH of our starting 5. There isn’t going to be a “one guy who has to be guarded” mentality.
Malik doesn’t seem like a great leaper
@jayballer54 I think Self is just making sure other players get some run. Esp Moore and KJ, since they won’t even be able to play in the regular exhibitions against the Kansas D2 schools.
Kind of getting ugly.
Now 30 for Malik. He seems to have good NBA (24 sec shot clock) rhythm. There’ll be time when he’s off, but he’s really gonna be fun to watch. Now 33 pts… Real hot so keep feeding the beast …
Looks like another very fun year ahead!
I thought Mitch fouled out
@DanR get 6
@BShark self said he wanted to play guys that were going to play next year the most. Doesn’t make sense. Although he had to change it up w/doke sick. Garrett was a possibility for game 2 mvp.
@jayballer54 Maybe he isn’t ready to turn Garrett loose quite yet. When Coach said Garrett had been the best player after he gathered 12 boards, he quickly changed that to “best rebounder”. He’s not playing him because he doesn’t want him to get such a strong foothold on minutes, it would force Bill to play him more than he is planning. That’s my conspiracy theory on it. Give Garrett half a year, and they won’t be able to keep him off the court.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@BShark self said he wanted to play guys that were going to play next year the most. Doesn’t make sense. Although he had to change it up w/doke sick. Garrett was a possibility for game 2 mvp.
Seems like Self is tinkering for sure.
@KUSTEVE 4 minutes yesterday?
@Crimsonorblue22 He needed his rest. His arms were tired from pulling down all those rimbalzis.
Lightft gonna be killed
@DanR There’s Mitch …
@Crimsonorblue22 Oh my, lets hope not… 2 more
Well, time for the janitors … grab da bucket …
@globaljaybird that guy throwing the nasty elbows!!!
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m on the squawk box & not the video stream …will wait to get it online free …
@globaljaybird got very dirty! Fans were yelling at that guy!
Lawson with the TD pass…wow!
A few Svi steps?
Crimsonorblue22 said:
A few Svi steps?
Bruce just shook uncontrollably.
Dirty guy got mvp for their team, boos from KU fans
Our team shares the ball well, feeds the hot hands and the new guys figuring that out the more they fit in!
Did I see 5 guards in at 1 time? We r gonna c 4/1 a lot. No choice
We got 4 dang good guards!
BShark said:
@jayballer54 I think Self is just making sure other players get some run. Esp Moore and KJ, since they won’t even be able to play in the regular exhibitions against the Kansas D2 schools.
I think when his time comes - - I think Moore is going to be just fine, were gonna need some players to step up for sure. - I think there is a legit chance we lose well we know we are losing Graham – SVI then pretty good odds - -Newman, possibly Doke, & Vick - -Vick looks even better yet this year should be interesting. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
To think we did this with our 2 big’s on the side lines. - -Who do you guard? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I missed the game, but read that Billy Preston didn’t play. Did they say why not?
@tundrahok precaution knee tweak
@DanR Good call, thanks.