👑 ROYALS vs 🐯 game 3
On the subject of catchers, http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/06/oklahoma-softball-pitcher-knocks-over-royals-catcher-while-warming-up-for-first-pitch
That was cool! Drew a good sport and showed her much respect!
I like drew. He seems to be a fun guy.
@Crimsonorblue22 Now they must remain fully focused & not have any injuries. We may have 8 straight but the Tribe has at least 5 in a row too. Time for some new guys to get their feet wet.
@Crimsonorblue22 Cam Gallagher, C, Omaha, ba .296, 5 hr, not a speedster like Salvy as he has no SB’s.
@Crimsonorblue22 Call Hud and ask him if Salvy an Drew went down during a game who is next.
@Crimsonorblue22 Goldberg & Montgomery are linkedin connections but Hud’s not on there-at least not under that name.
Whit wants a cookie-nah…
Soooo my friend called while the moose thing happened. Did he get thrown out?
@Crimsonorblue22 Nope but Rondon did. Maybe get a day off for pushin an ump. Hopefully Moose doesn’t get scalded a game or so for being so colorful. You didn’t’ need to be much of a lip reader to get his spiel when he started walking towards the mound. Clearly Moose has a lot more to loose than some part time relief pitcher. I know Maurer came in throwin BB’s at 99 mph !! I can dig that.
@Crimsonorblue22 No. The pitcher got tossed as soon as he hit Moose but he hung around to try an toss an ump down to get more suspension time.
@globaljaybird Who was the bald headed Royals dude that got in front of Moose to take on Rondon?
2brooksmd Still 2 back with a rest day on Thurs. Vargas vs Price in Fenway at 7:10 Friday. Will try to hang out some if I can. GN & keep the sunny side up. Pretty sure that was Duffy. I did a double take myself.
Thx! I knew moose didn’t. Rewinded to see again. Missed the lil ump getting thrown around. Guess he’s not a popular guy. Is this our first fight w/out ace? Miss the crazy fun dude! Duff was po’d
Danny Duffy on Rondon: “If he doesn’t want to compete in a situation that’s not sexy, they should just send his ass home."
@globaljaybird Good for standing up for teammate but asinine stunt by Duffy.
@globaljaybird Actually 1.5 back but I know you look at losses only.
@brooksmd I don’t think duff would have done anything.
@brooksmd Yeah that’s true, but Duffy has to use his head for more than a hat
rack. @Crimsonorblue22 . I also thought of Ace but more than just tonight. These young guys that were all crazy
kids together a few years ago are coming of age as men & many will soon go their own way in life. There’s no boo
hooing now & they’re still having a ball
️ winning . That’ll heal a lot of hurt. Just makes it sad to think this run may be coming to an end. Guess I’m getting soft in my old age. On the rebound. GN
@globaljaybird I hate to think about it. Will ruin it for me! Hope we can keep most of them.
@globaljaybird FA ruined the game. I hear these guys say they need to make sure their families are provided for. How many millions does it take? I’m doing just fine and I didn’t inherit millions of dollars. My kids will probably inherit more than I did when my wife an I are gone, but it sure as hell won’t be millions.
@brooksmd I like the game much better with FA! Enables teams to rebuild faster and enhances competition. Dynasties are shorter.
Of course, I lived through the last years of the KC A’s disaster.
And, frankly, I love it when they get paid a lot. Remember, many are earning under minimum wage in the minors. When someone hits it big, it keeps the attention of some who might give up. Even Whit was discouraged a couple years ago, but his parents kept him going. You need a steady supply of bb players to find the 1 to 5 % who can make it in the Show.
@globaljaybird Don’t think anyone wants to go sign with the Giants this year…
@mayjay You mean like Miami a few years ago when the owner, who I believe also owned Blockbuster Video, bought a WS winning team and then immediately dismantled it? That’s what FA brought. He who has the biggest and deepest pockets wins. The little guy runs around gathering crumbs with hopes of one day finding a diamond. Or he moves his team to a bigger market.
@brooksmd Didn’t Charley Finley do the same thing in the mid-70’s with the A’s after their 2 WS wins? Bad owners are not unique to the FA era. At least the Marlins fans have their good years to look back on.
One thing is certain, the large contracts and impending free agency has really made the summer trade deadline more interesting (that, along with wild cards). GMs trying to build, rebuild, dump salary, fill holes, and strengthen a playoff run can do so drastically during a season rather than just the winter meetings.
@brooksmd Actually, it happened twice for the Fish (“the Feesh” acc to Old Gator, if anyone remembers him from the NBC blog Hardball Talk). The Blockbuster owner was Wayne Huizenga, who started the franchise in 93, won the WS in 97, and dismantled it. Jeffrey Loria bought it before the 2002 season (after agreeing to sell the Expos so they could move), won the WS in 2003, and dismantled it while angering virtually everybody.
Acc to Wikipedia, polls show Loria as having a 6% approval rating among Marlibs fans. Probably about on par with Finley in KC in 1967, but they didn’t do surveys back then.
@mayjay Survey was a moot point for Finley. His pet mascot was Charley O the (rumored) mule. Most felt he was just a typical incognito misery jackass, quite comparable to Finley himself. I recall when the A’s were so bad & attendance so awful, “promotions” were watching Satchiel Page pitch at 50-60 yrs of age, who knew? And ss Dagaberto Campaneris playing all 9 positions on the diamond in one game, who hoo … Did he even shiv-a-git about winning? He tried but Charley Finley really counldn’t make a zit on PT Barnum’s backside. He was bush league all the way.
@Crimsonorblue22 Lotsa doubters hollering about this 8 game streak vs also ran/inferior opponents. About a month from now we should all know if we have a real legit shot at another pennant or its all been a pipe dream. In August we’re staring at the make-or-break stretch for the Kansas City Royals with a shot of 15 games in 16 days vs teams much better than the Tigers & White Sox. Those five three-game series are as follows: Home against Cleveland Home against Colorado At Cleveland Home against Tampa Bay At Minnesota
The Aug18th game vs Cleveland is KU night at Kauffman. That game will absolutely be a sellout.
@globaljaybird to me it feels like it’s the Astros and the Dodgers and everyone else. But I’d get some sweet satisfaction if my Nats could just advance to the NLCS and if you guys could knock off the Yankees that too would be a pretty awesome takeaway. I know your boys will be playing hard for a ring if given the chance. Maybe they could surprise an Astros squad that hasn’t been there before.