ROYALS vs Tigers 🐯 game 1
Really good news
I was waiting!!!
@brooksmd Ur ahead quite a lot !! But I’ll take it!!!
Moss just a tick late on that swing.
@brooksmd so close
Gotta hold em
@globaljaybird I gave up on using the MLB app through either TIVO or Samsung Smart TV and got a ROKU and stream it from net. Works great.
Ahhhhhh you there yet?
we won
Was reading comments after story regarding who KC could use for trade bait and was surprised by number of supposedly fans who wanted to use Whit. Are there people really that stupid?
Did u c the story about the kids taping the man drowning?
Some of those same people also said we didn’t need Zo in 2015.
@brooksmd think he’s had a wrist problem. Love that guy
@brooksmd Be thrilled
to have an option like that. In these flippin mountains the only thing that works is a good hunting dog
& mine eats too well …
@globaljaybird but you have a nice lil pond
@Crimsonorblue22 Yeah. If it had been my kid he would’ve wished he was dead by the time I wore his a$$ out. #1 for not helping the guy and #2 for being stupid enough to post it online.
@Crimsonorblue22 Ain’t no pond.
@brooksmd I couldn’t have a kid like that, like those frat boys that left their friend. They have no souls. I can’t understand that.
@brooksmd If I’m GM he’s untouchable. We maybe even still paying Infante …
@globaljaybird 1 more year I think
@globaljaybird But now the writer of another article said “no longer can Whit be referred to as Zobrist-lite.”
Another series sweep would be nice, but would settle for winning the series.
@Crimsonorblue22 Half way through Ep 7.
@Crimsonorblue22 We were not raised that way & neither there were our children
. You are ingrained to do the right thing no matter what. If others in my childhood were not, I would not be here today.
@globaljaybird have you ever watched the show, what would you do?
@brooksmd Ya know, some of these “writers” are even recruited free from blogs like kubuckets.They freely can write what anyone is willing to read. Our board rats get a free pass to go "where no one has before " …
@Crimsonorblue22 Yes
@brooksmd I think I’ve only watched 2. Just no time. Royals! Did I tell u the boys, their girls, lil ones and me r going aug 5? 2 vehicles. We tried to get seats in shade.
@Crimsonorblue22 Gotta check in for da night guys. Will try to be up for da rebound. Like I said, gettin old ain’t for sissies.
@globaljaybird behave yourself!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Geez Bloodline getting weird.
@brooksmd don’t tell me
@brooksmd “Are there people really that stupid?”
To paraphrase a famous from quote the late Ramsey Bolton from Game of Thrones, "If you think people are smart, you haven’t been paying attention!
Game of Thrones, by the way, is the best television I have ever watched.