A slow 6’7 guy who is streaky at best. I don’t see an NBA future at all.
Tharpe and Green were most likely asked not to come back because of the many issues during the season and the go pro was a way to save face. Svi has not had any issues and I would expect him to be an experienced and valuable rotation player if he comes back and I would take him over just about any incoming freshman. I just don’t believe Coach Self would suggest a player goes pro unless he has assurance he will be drafted.
The NBA combine is by invitation only and if you are not invited it means the NBA does not believe you have a realistic chance of being drafted. Players can work out for individual teams but without an invitation to the combine, the chances of being drafted are slim to none.
Relatedly, would love to hear from any players from KU that left early that went undrafted and ask them if they had any regrets about leaving early.
How could a year in the D-League possibly compare to another year at KU? I’m asking the question in a leading fashion, but the truth is I don’t know the answer.
That’s what I said?
@Blown I agree & I’ve been saying that for some time. – -I personally do not think he will score enough to really get drafted, BUT I’ve felt and stated that I do think he is gone, I still fully think ok, ya he will test the NBA. BUT like you I think he is going home. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Blown You are right on. These scholarships are a ONE year thing n Now I’m not trying to take SVI"S Scholarship if he wants to come back cool. My only QUESTION was, as a staff - - how do we handle this as far as recruiting - -kind of makes things touchy.
Do we recruit like he is not coming back? - -Do we put everything in a hold pattern tell he decides? - -Problem there is IF we take that approach then SVI decides not to come back - -we have waited all this time and now no options - he doesn’t have to announce until like May 24th. - -So what do we do? How do we recruit? We recruit like he ISN’T coming back and are aggressive after other recruits and someone commits THEN SVI announces he is coming back – -then what? - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Kcmatt7 Problem is EVERY player faces the possibility of having their scholarship taken away EVERY YEAR. - - Now does that happen at KU? - -Have never heard of it - -Will it happen? - - I seriously doubt it, I sure wouldn’t want that to happen BUT the cruel hard truth of the situation ANY player CAN have their scholarship taken. every and any year. - -They are good for one year. ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@JayHawkFanToo tharpe left to be closer to his daughter. Yeah, right?
Publicly, Bill already stated that he thinks testing the waters has been a huge improvement for college players to do without risking anything, but also to discover their road map to success the following year by hearing out their weaknesses from scouts and management. They also start making connections and are making impressions for the future.
I am happy for Svi to do this. It is a wise move. He knows it… Bill knows it (and probably advised him to do it)…
Sorry, I was probably answering a different post but I am having problems scrolling up without reloading the page.
Riiiiiiiiight…laughing emoji goes here.
@approxinfinity Thank you for the granted privilege. It worked above.
@wrwlumpy sweet!
@JayHawkFanToo said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
Riiiiiiiiight…laughing emoji goes here.
'mojis back, yo!
Don’t see emojis on Firefox only colons and letters.
@JayHawkFanToo said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
Sorry, I was probably answering a different post but I am having problems scrolling up without reloading the page.
Yeah this seems to be an issue with the update.
@JayHawkFanToo I’m on firefox. can you clear cache?
@JayHawkFanToo said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
Don’t see emojis on Firefox only colons and letters.
Same here I am using a browser based on an older, lighter version of firefox.
@BShark Dont think it should have anything to do with firefox or not on the emojis. There was a problem with the emoji extension and ssl and I’ve reindexed the location of the emoji images on the server. I think you have a local cache in your browser that might need to get cleared. Give that a shot?
Just did and reloaded the page and still no cigar…
@JayHawkFanToo ctrl-f5, no dice?
@approxinfinity said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
@JayHawkFanToo ctrl-f5, no dice?
Just refreshed, still nothing.
When you guys click on this does it load?
No lick. I did clear the cache from the option menu and did the reload both as you suggested and using F5 and also clicking on the reload page button at the top of the page.
And if so, when you right click on one of the missing icons and copy the location from there, does it match that? Is it https? and the path matches?
@JayHawkFanToo you did Ctrl+F5 too right / not just f5?
@approxinfinity said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
When you guys click on this does it load?
Oddly enough when I go to this page I get an UNTRUSTED CONNECTION splash page. That may be the issue for me.
@BShark hm. can you trust that connection?
@JayHawkFanToo try adding an exception?
When I submitted the post above it did not display the image but it did after I reloaded the page.
@JayHawkFanToo sweet! so i think you should be good from here on out then. its just a one time thing, or should be, on the emoticons.
@approxinfinity said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
@BShark hm. can you trust that connection?
Ha! Yeah I added an exception for KUBUCKETS.
Alright, well its not ideal, but I’m glad it worked.
@approxinfinity When my laptop explodes, I know who to blame.
Added the exemption and now emojis show…
lol. well, the thing here is, we added an ssl cert where there wasn’t one, and then its bitching because the ssl cert isnt 100% secure, or at least some browser seem to think it isn’t. I don’t know. but an issue with cert for emojiis not being encrypted is silly. Anyway, I’ll stop hijacking this thread
Virus emojis.
Is Cunliffe one of the reasons that Svi is testing the NBA?
I don’t believe so, its more likely Vick if that was the case.
Svi almost went through the process last year. If he comes back he starts unless Vick makes a jump that Svi can’t match.
I hope that Svi returns. Heck, he was among the rare number of our top 7 players who played dependably well while not getting in a bind with punitive actions off court recently. A rare clean cut and exciting contributor to Jayhawk Basketball. We need more of his ilk!
@REHawk Exactly. Great post and comments.
@hawkmoon2020 Thanks. My wife recently reprimanded me for speaking too loudly and inappropriately in public settings. Thinks I am a curmudgeon!
I think Svi will not be back at KU. If he doesn’t get in the L he will go to Europe, no guarantee for him regarding playing time next year. I wish him the best of luck in the draft.
@REHawk good thing you have a wife! I wonder what mr calvert’s wife thinks?
@Crimsonorblue22 said in SVI WILL TEST THE WATERS:
I wonder what mr calvert’s wife thinks?
She thinks @REHawk is a curmudgeon, too!
@REHawk We just have to make sure those young whippersnappers get off our yard.
@Crimsonorblue22 Mr. Calvert’s wife probably thinks, “Well, if my old man can’t squeeze a million or two from this Josh Jackson kicking frenzy, then I had better convince him to book non-stop flights on United. Surely he will eventually be force removed from his ticketed seating, and can fling his head wildly in hopes that he draws bruises and blood. Could be worth much more than a piddly couple of million.”
@REHawk That’s really funny!