@JayHawkFanToo Any idea what time on Sun. I can’t find anything and we are coming back from spring break trip.
@Crimsonorblue22 The Kansas Sampler in Wichita had the grey big 12 champs shirt right after they won it. Idk if they still do though…
Is Self going to throw out the Uni’s we wore against TCU?
@chsguy2008 guess they r not online. Thx!
@JayHawkFanToo Humor…Hey, tell WVU to avoid that Bucknell Bummer. Oh, wait, I just realized I forgot the details of that loss. Not like the Syracuse or KY losses in the NC game, as those are burned in my mind. I guess it didnt matter much.
Oh, and who is that “Jacobson” doing our game along with Harlan/Miller/Bonner? Is it Ben Jacobson, of UNI? Since he has nothing else to do, and maybe didnt want to do the WSU game that starts 20min after KU’s game? (haha)
Here is the link to March Madness Live where you can stream all games.
Here is the link to all KU post season information. You should be able to get the latest info here.
firsf four fly to Dayton. Play. Fly next day. Play. Tough deal for them.
@Fightsongwriter said:
@JayHawkFanToo Any idea what time on Sun. I can’t find anything and we are coming back from spring break trip.
Here is the full tournament schedule with the times bracketed for future rounds. You won’t know which slot KU will be in, but by looking at who plays early Friday you should get some idea who plays early Sunday, etc. You can see that there is a single game in the first slot at noon, another at 2:30, then several time slots with more. It will be interesting to see who gets put in the two isolated game times.
Remember to look at the Sunday times as pairs of games in each venue. Since we play early evening on Friday, I would guess that we play mid to late afternoon Sunday, but that is just a guess. Maybe 2:30 would be a good guess, but that could be Duke
@HawkInMizery Nice gear my friend, I think I’ll stick to my autographed BIFM heart over hype shirt.
@kjayhawks that’s awesome!!!
@mayjay said:
Here is the full tournament schedule with the times bracketed for future rounds. You won’t know which slot KU will be in, but by looking at who plays early Friday you should get some idea who plays early Sunday, etc. You can see that there is a single game in the first slot at noon, another at 2:30, then several time slots with more. It will be interesting to see who gets put in the two isolated game times.
Remember to look at the Sunday times as pairs of games in each venue. Since we play early evening on Friday, I would guess that we play mid to late afternoon Sunday, but that is just a guess. Maybe 2:30 would be a good guess, but that could be Duke
Thanks for the link. TNT has 4 games Friday and 2 games Sunday, so I would imagine that we will wind up in the first TNT slot on Sunday, which is 6 P.M. EASTERN TIME (caps not for you, but for anyone who is time zone challenged). Or am I wrong in assuming that the same network covers the same pod both days?
@ParisHawk KU’s first game is at 5:50 central time on TNT Friday.
@dylans Thanks, but why are you telling me that? If I don’t know that KU plays Friday on TNT, then my post about playing Sunday on TNT makes no sense.
@ParisHawk Misread your post thought you said 6est on friday.
@ParisHawk I think that is a good guess on the TNT, because I suspect they will want the same announcers. But I never really trust them to be consistent.
@mayjay said:
@ParisHawk I think that is a good guess on the TNT, because I suspect they will want the same announcers. But I never really trust them to be consistent.
Same here, especially since one year I think I saw the same announcers in the same venue on two different channels. CBS may demand the top match-ups.
@dylans said:
@ParisHawk Misread your post thought you said 6est on friday.
No problem at all.
I believe the multi channel deal is for the Final Four only, when they have each team with its own announcers in different channels (TNT, TruTV) and one main broadcast on CBS with the offcial announcers.
WOW! Congrats on all the free loot!
And I’m thrilled for you being a rock’s throw from Sprint!
@JayHawkFanToo Why do they have games on channels that some of us can not get? (TruTV). Really sucks.
@Big-Clyde52 come on over
Announcers are assigned to locations, not channels. That means that Harlan, Miller, Bonner, and Jacobson will be working all 6 games Friday and Sunday in Tulsa. The only consistency with which network airs a game is that both games in a session at a venue will be on the same network. While Kevin Harlan, Reggie Miller, Matt Bonner, and Dana Jacobson will be the crew for all 6 games in Tulsa (4 on Friday, 2 on Sunday), Not all 6 games will be on the same channels. The Friday afternoon games in Tulsa (Baylor and SMU games) will be on TruTV, while the night games (KU and Miami/MSU) will be on TNT.
Because they are owned or have agreements with CBS. TNT is pretty standard on most basic cable packages; TruTV not so much. Of course if you don’t have cable your are SOL. However, there are good news. I believe all games will be streamed live, so as long as you have Internet access, and who doesn’t, you should be OK…now, if you don’t have Internet access your probably cannot read this post anyway and someone should tell you to find the nearest sports bar.
google live sports streams . make sure you have a good ad blocker, like ghostery.
I was able to login to the link I proved above with my cable provider info and now I can watch all the games in any device.
@drgnslayr Thanks!!! I came home from Power and Light when we lost to TCU and it was waiting on my porch. Nice little pick me up.
@HawkInMizery how was graduation?
@Crimsonorblue22 Well my graduation party was fun! I didn’t go to actual graduation. My classes were online and I would have had to go down to Atlanta to walk. I chose to book a trip to Miami for the end of the month instead to go scuba diving and parasailing!!! I’m so glad to be done though! Thanks for asking!
@HawkInMizery congrats and party well-deserved!
@Crimsonorblue22 Thank you!