Chat here about the big game
Self stealing minutes here
JJ and FM on bench
@DCHawker Coleby has started to pick up some minutes so if he becomes an 8-10 minute guy, that’s huge for KU.
Man, devonte is so loose with the ball
@Bwag I like that Self is going at least a few minutes with 2 bigs…
Graham playing a dumb game so far.
Haven’t seen that shot much.
First one to 90 wins tonight
Easy block out there!
Again, why are they not cover in shooters?
@DCHawker hope it helps over the long term of the game. Right now we lost a step. Offense definitely a different flow
We fall apart offensively when Frank goes out.
Only one shot total from Evans and Forte so far - but Evans already has 6 assists and Carroll is killing us…
All players that played for KU have scored.
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Frank frank!
Mason back in…lead back up
Josh is getting creamed
Wow, that was John Wall speed on that drive by Frank
@HawkChamp doesn’t frank need to get 7 assists?
@Crimsonorblue22 think I read that to bring avg up to an honest 5/game
I’m gonna miss seeing that Mason to Jackson lob play.
Was it on josh?
That’s joeys brackets?
Mason’s +/- tonight must be crazy so far. Something like +11 currently
Josh have 2 fouls?
BS chant after an obvious trip?
Evans and Forte with 0 points so far. Carroll with 10
Gotta brag just a little. This 52 year old, with heart disease, never been running before last month just completed a 10K today. I finished first among Jayhawk fans in the race who were 52 years old.
@Bwag said:
@Crimsonorblue22 think I read that to bring avg up to an honest 5/game
Sitting at 1 right now.
2 each for Graham/JJ
JJ trying to do too much, relax fella you’ll get yours.
@DCHawker who got that foul?
I swear does ESPN intentionally try to tick off fans? How many times have we seen this stupid split screen this year?
Bragg has got to finish through contact
@Crimsonorblue22 Svi has 2, one each for JJ, LL and CB
I so dislike this guy
Josh Jackson if you’re nasty.
What is wrong with frank?
Should be 2 assists, dunk it Bragg
️ Pencil neck.
@Bwag no
Great pass graham
What’s the fouls count? I can’t make it out
,great assist