Waco Tribune News
What else could he say? He is probably not going to win the conference. Time to focus on the next goal. A Final Four for Baylor would be a huge deal.
@KansasComet Ya, Baylor could actually hoist a F4 banner! No, wait…what if the Tournament committee put them in KU’s bracket? No Baylor banner that year…
ScotDrew-the-coach needs to figure out this KU thing, since taking it on the chin twice-a-season keeps putting a regular dent in their postseason seeding, doesnt it? I mean, it has to, right? Who knows what their luck would be if they got seeded slightly differently with the luck of the draw. But therein lies the answer: not good enough to find some way to beat KU, thus probably getting the seeding they deserve.
ScotDrew, on all his Baylor-color ties that he has varying degrees of success in getting tied into a knot, should also have 2 red+blue dots or asterisks sewn onto them, since every one of his seasons comes complete with those same 2 asterisks…
The double mark of the tunnel fraidy cat. A timid bear…
@KansasComet I think he should have said, “I’m taking my
And going
@wrwlumpy ouch! There you go big guy!
@elpoyo doesn’t speak for me or he would know that my greatest goal is simply to live long enough to find out he has quit posting here.
@KansasComet exactly. It’s fun to bash on him for all the obvious reasons but this quote is a fairly common strategy for coaching and teaching “next play”.
@REHawk This is his nice way of saying he will never win a B12 championship and the only way he can get away from KU and Bill Self.
@elpoyo That’s all i care about are the conference championships.
Poor Scottie
@elpoyo I’m ashamed to win the conference. I’ve always thought that a lower seed would be much better. I wish we were more like Villanova. I think a team should go to the NIT for 17 of the last 31 years before winning a National Championship. Talk to Self and tell him it would be much better to lose the Conference and give Mitch and Colby more playing time to make them good enough that we could win the National Championship next year. This thirty wins per year thing is getting mighty old. If he would just lose five of those games, maybe it would help us win the NC.
oh wow…so many messageboard tough guys here…what do i do? i’m so scared…better keep my comments to myself and bust out the pom poms! God forbid i say anything objective.
@elpoyo But you didn’t say anything objective, inciteful, or introspective. You only threw out an unqualified jab. In case you haven’t noticed the conference title is one of the goals that you try to achieve along the way to a national title. Yes you can win the NC without a conference title, but if you aren’t good enough to win your conference, what makes you good enough to win the National title? Last I checked there are over 300 disappointed teams at the end of the year with only one truly happy (NIT doesn’t count).
@elpoyo You’ve posted this usual drivel about winning the conference title so many times that’s all we’ve come to expect from you. It’s old. Try being more creative.
@brooksmd said:
Try being more creative.
A blank post would be a good start and certainly more creative.
@mayjay Funny because I almost added he could make a blank post and we would know what he was saying.
@wrwlumpy too funny
@elpoyo Your next post with an objective or even interesting comment will be your first. Good luck.
@KansasComet said:
What else could he say? He is probably not going to win the conference. Time to focus on the next goal. A Final Four for Baylor would be a huge deal.
Yeah this was my impression from what he said too. I thought it was a good answer. He knows he’s not winning it and he knows the media knows it. He’s not saying KU doesn’t have that same goal. Not sure why he’s catching flack for it.
I guess i’m the minority here when i believe there’s only one goal in bball…national championship and for a team such as KU’s stature, winning a national championship isn’t unrealistic.
As MJ, Phil Jackson, Kobe, Greg Popovich and other “winners” have said…having the best record, conference championships, etc. are all moral victories. There is only one prize- the ultimate prize - the championship. Every year we don’t win the championship is essentially a failure IMO.
I saw this post on this messageboard or on the Phog, but is clearly summarizes my point. Once the Trae young announcement was done, the poster posted “We will still win the BIG 12 without him”. No mention of national championship. All we care about is the BIG 12, the streak and how we are better thank KSU, ISU, WVU, Baylor. It as though winning the BIG 12 is the ultimate prize and the national championship will just be the cherry on top when it should be the other way around.
I don’t see the fire in the eyes of KU fans like i did before for winning national championships.
@elpoyo The “winning the Big 12 comment” was only regarding a recruit who chose a Big 12 competitor. Obviously, meaning it won’t make OU better than KU in their only measured head-to-head competition.
How you read that as giving up on subsequent goals, I don’t know. Here is a basic college basketball primer for you to keep with you whenever you are tempted to forget.
Coaches and fans all have the greater goal, a NC. You think you are the only one, but not true. Teams want to, in order, win each game, win any holiday tournaments they are in, have undefeated or almost undefeated nonconference records, win their conferences, and win conference tournaments as steps toward their goal of an NC.
Every team that accomplishes any of these has a better chance of succeeding in the tourney, Any team that does all of these has a huge chance of being a number 1 seed, and that can lead to a better path, either through having sites closer to home or playing lower seeds.
There isn’t a coach in America who doesn’t care about winning his conference as a step toward accomplishing the NC goal. But there are about 320 who say (after they don’t have a chance at the conference title) that their goal is now to succeed in their confernce tourney, and then the NCCAA tournament.
Did Drew say this before the season? Or only after getting swept? Which team do you think he would rather have, a Baylor that won the Big 12? Or a Baylor that had proven to fold under that pressure?
If you can find any post (other than sarcastic responses to you) from any Bucketeer saying they are completely willing to give up on a NC as long as we win the Big 12, I will give up this argument. Note: saying that you won’t kill yourself if we don’t get the NCAA title, or saying it is still a good or historic year, is not the same as not caring passionately.
Guess I’m wrong. I always thought winning as many games as possible helps build a winning attitude.
x 1000
@elpoyo said:
As MJ, Phil Jackson, Kobe, Greg Popovich and other “winners” have said…having the best record, conference championships, etc. are all moral victories. There is only one prize- the ultimate prize - the championship. Every year we don’t win the championship is essentially a failure IMO.
I actually agree, that at a program like Kansas, a National Championship should be the ultimate goal every season (how lucky are we that that’s a realistic expectation?) However, I found it interesting that all the “Winners” you cited are NBA players/coaches where a Best-of-Seven is employed to determine the champion. I believe this format takes the “upset” out of the equation and basically ensures that the “best teams” typically fend for a championship.
The glory of the NCAA tourney’s one-and-done format is that it fosters chaos and the “best team” doesn’t win every year. So many factors come into a quality tourney run (matchup, location, familiarity, luck), that winning the tourney is remarkably different than winning at the next level.
Since only one team (out of 68) can survive the madness and ultimately claim the crown, things like conference championships (and our incredible historic run at them) are a mark of consistent greatness that any program in the US would be grateful to own.
I want to win a National Championship just so the elpoyo dosen’t think that we here at KU Buckets are all smug, JoCo a$$holes. My ability as a fan to breath gets significantly more difficult during March Madness. All of us feel that way. If you can think of a better way for Coach to accomplish this then tell us. Until then, I will always enjoy each Conference Championship that we win.
@wrwlumpy said:
I want to win a National Championship just so the elpoyo dosen’t think that we here at KU Buckets are all smug, JoCo a$holes.
Thank you for letting me have one possible consolation prize–if, God forbid, we lose, knowing elpoyo’s world is entirely miserable and that he got no satisfaction out of anything from the season.
With that in reserve, let’s hope we don’t have to drag it out and use it!
Quote from the Ringer article today.
Looks like el poyo might be…chicken ?
@elpoyo In the NBA, a season without a championship is a failure. To win an NBA championship you have to win 16 games. And can play up to 28. That is over half of an entire College season. So yes, not winning the championship is a failure.
A championship in college is not how to measure the sport. Especially with the massive amounts of cheating that goes on due to the size of the sport and the number of teams. UCLA’s run has basically been debunked and proven to be a sham. UK having dominant teams under Rupp for most of the 50s was a huge scandal as well. Then you look at UNC and Louisville and what they did to land recruits, during time periods that they won championships.
That just isn’t the only way to measure success in CBB. Consistency through a whole season is important. Making it to the elite 8 every year should be something we do. But anything past that is gravy. Anything less than an elite 8 is a failure to me, I’ll admit that. But asking anymore than that is by no means a failed season.
@elpoyo Your arrogance begins with the assumption that we don’t want to win a national championship because we don’t spit on the consecutive conference championship like you. Then you attempt to minimize the achievement by calling it a “moral victory”. Baloney. It isn’t a “moral victory” for Popovich to get the number 1 seed, and home court advantage in the playoffs anymore than it is for us to get a number 1 seed in the NCAA tournament. Winning the conference tournament after the regular conference season is over is a “moral victory”, while winning the league is what gets us a number 1 seed. You come in here flapping your gums like a rooster with a rubberband around his nuts every 3 months with the same tired old crap. If you can’t derive any more pleasure than what you’ve shown with us being 24-3, maybe you should become a Kensucky Mildcat fan. They have thousands of guys just like you- you’d fit in well.
@wrwlumpy Nice stuff. Good catch.