Lightfoot Unleashed
@jaybate-1.0 scouts there
Here is some more Lightfoot hate from the Phog for your reading pleasure.
“Name a scholarship big in the Self era worse than Lightfoot. Short, no offensive game whatsoever, can’t defend, can’t rebound, horrific free throw shooter, bad shooter. Bragg has had a very disappointing year for sure, but anyone with eyes and a brain can see Mitch doesn’t belong here. He sucks and when he plays we are in trouble.”
@BShark just delete it ! I saw parts of the Kentucky game from last year and lt
Was sitting behind the bench. He loves KU! I hate that crap
He was the Gatorade player of the year in AZ. Give him time. At least he wouldn’t do the things Bragg is doing to tear down a team!
@BShark Hmmm, I can think of a couple people on here that could’ve said that.
@BShark not a classy thing to say at all, but it is baffling why Self has recruited bigs the way he has. Even a senior Lightfoot is not someone you want going against legit and athletic bigs.
@HawkChamp seriously? You don’t think he will improve? You only want oad’s? I get confused on here. Some want a few, others none. Some just bitch.
@Crimsonorblue22 he will improve but he does not have a high ceiling. You can have lower rated guys (but still in the top 100-150) that are athletic, have a long wingspan and good bball IQ. Lightfoot does hustle and probably has a good bball IQ, but he is not that athletic or long. People complain about us not having size -well, you aren’t getting that with Mitch. I just dont believe that this is the best we can do recruiting wise. What about Tyler Davis? What about Kavier Shepherd? Those guys have legit size and skill.
@Crimsonorblue22 and no, I don’t want mostly OADs, but I would like two or three per season along with a capable supporting cast that plays fundamental basketball, doesn’t turn the ball over and wont get outhustled.
@HawkChamp I think recruiting a Lightfoot every year is fine. We wouldn’t want a whole team of them. But, having recruited Lightfoot is not our problem this year…Doke getting hurt and Bragg not developing as expected are our issues…hard to predict both of those things happening.
@Hawk8086 Bragg was never a banger that could play the 5. He is soft mentally and has not decided to fight back. Even if Coleby is still a little slow I say play him. At least he tries.
@HawkChamp how’s shepherd doing?
@HawkChamp A lot of truth to what you say. Part of Bragg’s issue is that he is a 4 being forced to play the 5…Self has acknowledged that. I am surprised that Coleby has not received more chances. Of course, we don’t know how he has looked in practice.
You obviously don’t know much about Lightfoot. Read this article for starters and particularly the part about “elite athleticism” not by one but by several well know analysts…
@Hawk8086 I dont care what goes on in practice. Bragg has been terrible in games - last time I checked, our record indicates the results of games, not practices. Coleby is 6’9 and has girth. Of course, you just watch Self refuse to play him. I dont think he could play worse than Carlton.
@JayHawkFanToo I guess we’ll find out today. If he has “elite athleticism”, then he should do just fine against Bam and Willis and the rest.
You understand that he really is a SF that by attrition is playing PF and you expect him to match up with true Centers? SMH.
@Hawk8086 he has played some w/Lucas
@JayHawkFanToo I don’t expect him too. His body is not that of a small forward and I’m not sure he has the quickness to keep up with SF’s.
He is smaller that Perry Ellis who really was a SF and much like Lightfoot was pressed into playing PF. Again, read the scouting reports before you post incorrect information.
@JayHawkFanToo If you think he has the speed, that’s fine. I will wait for Bill to actually put him at that position to say he is a SF. Has Bill ever indicated he would play the 3?
What part of my previous post don’t you understand? KU has several players that can play the wing/SF; the only available players that can play PF are Lightfoot and maybe JJ…why do you think KU has been playing the 4-1 scheme instead of Coach Self’s preferred 3-2? again SMH…
@JayHawkFanToo ease up! I hate fighting
@JayHawkFanToo whoa bro, chill out there. I have watched every game - I am aware of our situation FYI. Again back to my question - has Bill indicated that Mitch can/will play the 3? Just curious.
I hate Tennessee’s warm up pants
@HawkChamp I think coaches would say that guys earn their playing time, in part, by what they do in practice. I agree that I would like to see what Coleby can do…we will probably get our chance.
@Crimsonorblue22 Agree. He has played some with Lucas. I think if he played a lot with Lucas we would see better results…but the way things have worked out…we won’t get that chance.
Coach Self has compared him to a more athletic Perry Ellis. Because of need, Perry played the 4 until his senior year when Coach Self belatedly acknowledged and he was allowed to play SF, step outside and hit the 3…guess what position Perry is playing in the D League? Do you realize that Lightfoot is the same height and only 3 pounds heavier than JJ who is listed as a guard? KU official roster does not differentiate between PGs and SGs and they are all listed as G; likewise, it does not differentiate between SF and PF and they are all listed as F.
Do you honestly think that Lightfoot has the build or skill set to play PF? I don’t think so; I believe he is more of a natural SF. Do you realize that if Lucas fouls out and Coleby is unable to play Lightfoot might be playing Center? Is he qualified to pay Center? Obviously not, but there does not seem to be other options, right?
@JayHawkFanToo he allowed Perry to step out and shoot jumpers all four years - recall the Big 12 tournament against ISU? IIRC, many were advocating for him playing the three because that is what he would play in the League.
he allowed Perry to step out and shoot jumpers all four years
Perry Ellis 3 Point attempts:
- Freshman - 2
- Sophomore - 8
- Junior - 18
- Senior. - 28
In his senior year he had the same number of 3 point attempts as in the previous 3 years…combined…
@JayHawkFanToo not so much threes as much as long twos.
@Crimsonorblue22 I am impressed !! Damn girl, why don’t ya just scotch hobble him…I didn’t know you had that much piss & vinegar-That’s my kinda girl stuff !!
@betterfireE Or a promise of how we WIN in APRIL !!