KU vs Children of the Corn Game Thread
Announcer has never been in AFH?
We seem slow, rough week
Pretty bad to start on D. Last couple trips have been better.
NU guards getting to the rack way to easy
@Crimsonorblue22 But at least Simons is someone we can listen to. Doesn’t show as much favoritism as the peckerwoods like Fran…
@globaljaybird who is the guy that’s never been here?
P & R !!
@Crimsonorblue22 never heard of him
lucas is playing well so far.
Landen came to play. Way to go.
@DanR season hi?
@Crimsonorblue22 hi, yourself!
LL has returned!!!
@DanR cracked me up
Svi for D.
Josh should have had a couple of loose balls
Head shot is A OK
@Crimsonorblue22 Instead he has a couple of turnovers.
Shoulda been an 1 for Svi
Svi driving it like Mason.
Nice lt
Mitch takes it instead
@Crimsonorblue22 lightfoot has his own emoticon? Nice!
They call him lightfoot because he is strong but light of foot.
Will Mitch hit his first FT, 0-7 thus far. AFH please go nuts if he does lol
@DoubleDD and he lisps? OK-- you corrected it.
yay, mitch hit a freebie!
They call him DoubleDD because he butchers the English language but is not afraid to use the edit button…
@DanR Yes!!!
You gotta find the shooters Vick. Then compounds it with a foul on the other end.
@Crimsonorblue22 Been watchinghim close & he’s trying to deny his man plus box
out properly set picks solid, so is encouraging. Granted Neb is not top caliber opponent, but so far is OK. Freshman don’t get much leeway with HCBS
The bigs are scoring today, Doke, Lucas, and Lightfoot. RCJH
It appears NU has picked their poison? Blood in the paint. .
DG nice?
If Lightfoot ever has a kid he should name him Buzz.
I strongly dislike this douchbag I don’t know!
What a bunch of d-bags with this poll
For real.
Still can’t believe Northern Iowa beat us.
@wissox stop!
pretty sure that’s a travel in north america
Svi taking over this game.
@wissox gonna have to flag you!
Euro step my butt- that’s a walk
How about Svi, vick better pick it up or he wont be starting