@Crimsonorblue22 thoughtful counterpoint here about calling Juan lucky.
You might be right about kjayhawks being down on Juan but gotta give people a chance to change imo.
@Crimsonorblue22 thoughtful counterpoint here about calling Juan lucky.
You might be right about kjayhawks being down on Juan but gotta give people a chance to change imo.
Getting this party started.
Got a soccer conflict today but sending y’all good vibes from sunny but crisp Virginia.
May our bucket be like butter and theirs be like saran wrap.
@SlimShaddy54 there are other good players who didnt like Self. People can have different opinions of Self and both be valid. Lets say that in addition to Self coaching those players well, fortune smiled on them and they found themselves in his system at the right place and time to thrive and have a big impact.
I just want a Jersey kid with swag who stays positive, engaged and vocal while rocking cool glasses from the sideline to get lucky and have a healthy season. From a swag perspective, Elmarko seems to have it.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I think Elmarko’s going to be my favorite Jayhawk next year. No pressure. Really really hope he gets back to 100%
Trump’s a piece of shit… but he’s OUR piece of shit.
@drgnslayr and if a slackjawed doofus like Scheyer can find success, you know the environment around him matters.